A-Z Challenge: X is for Xeriscape

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Xeriscape landscaping by Grace Design Associates

Xeriscape landscaping by Grace Design Associates

X is for Xeriscape.   It is interesting to note that upon occasion people honestly have neither the time, temperament, or inclination to babysit lawns, grow grass, feed and weed flowers, and trim, prune and water every Saturday without fail. Why? They're definitely xeriscape people. Special people with special needs. Once upon a time, ( in the land of Nod and almost long ago enough to be a Grimm fairy tale)  I had the good fortune to spy a front yard with bright green grass.  The driveway itself was normal asphalt gray, matching all of the other driveways on the street.   Hardly noticeable, it was, but  the lucky homeowner never had to cut the grass again. The lawn area was  paved with asphalt, and painted dark green. Green as grass.   I'm betting he had to paint it at midnight when nobody was looking,  perhaps every few years, but essentially it  is  maintenance-free, and no doubt, will never need water. That approach might be a bit extreme, don't you think?  It worked for him. He even had a gnome or two on it.  Perhaps that's what counts.  The concept. I was never there on Saturdays, so I don't know if he ran around with the lawnmower making it 'look good' and normal or not. Perhaps grass-coloured indoor-outdoor shag carpet would have looked closer to  natural. Then you'd have to vacuum it. No matter. An extreme and unusual Xeriscape.  A pioneer in the art of not-grass-almost xeriscaping. The fact is, you, too can have your own Xeriscape.  Landscaping without grass or flowers. Turn your lawn into an essentially  maintenance-free  moonscape space.   A real one. Install stone, pebbles,  crushed rock pathways, timbers,   old wagon-wheels, split-rail fencing and anything you prefer for your theme, even a few short gnomes---arranged suitably. to  avoid working Saturday afternoons  Prevent the necessity of struggling to produce green grass, live areas that demand attention, cutting, fertilizer, and fixing.  This strategy is particularly clever  if you're perpetually short of  water in hot, dry areas. Xeriscapes may not be as extreme as and designs vary widely as asphalt, and plain stone, but  typically may  also have a few clumps of grasses suitable for arid desert areas,   some dry-land bushes that acclimatize to dry conditions, and even cactii  and succulents suited for the local climate. Xeriscapes are ideal in the hottest, desert-type geographical areas where only a few cactii and succulents might survive otherwise. Stones, pebbles, sand and cactii go well together in Xeriscapes.  Try it, you'll like it!  Xeriscapes can be beautiful, improve the curb appeal and value of your property.  You won't even have to cut the grass. That's why X is for Xeriscape. Is that Incoming I hear? Photo Credit:  Courtesy of Grace Design Associates, Santa Barbara, CA +FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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4 Responses to A-Z Challenge: X is for Xeriscape

  1. Glory Lennon says:

    Boy, if a plants doesn’t hold its own without my constant hand holding. bye-bye, plant! I need stuff that can take care of themselves! When I did A-Z last year Xeriscape was what I did for X, too! 🙂

  2. Haha, Glory, you are so right on. How smart. It saves so much work! We plant perennials. They better survive, or else…”:) Hm..I may have done that last year too, maybe it was the back yard instead of the front……”:)

  3. a subject near to my deeper self..although we have moved to a wetter climate, i still behave as a xeriscapist..escaping the desert, and taking its strongest attributes with me.
    as fresh water supplies dwindle on the entire planet, it is wise to teach ourselves how to economize this most precious resource.
    first pay attention to each plant’s need and only use what will survive droughts or wintry conditions–then shelter the root system with much mulch. when heat and sun arrive full force, the plant will be self supporting. a small dose of individual watering may be needed on august mornings.
    good bye sprinklers, so long horticultural slavery. plant a berry bush as an accent, a fruit tree as mainstay, a raised bed of kales and rocks, enjoy the yard-decor.

  4. Nadine, I think the Xeriscapist approach is by far the smartest at this point, with the climate changing and heating. I do the same things, I mulch my ENTIRE garden now thickly with old hay, conserving the moisture and feeding the plants natural fertilizer. We essentially mulch and spot water everything, including berry bushes. We also use bed-style intensive planting, with just enough spacing to enable heavy mulching. The ‘lawn’ gets cut long, and ONLY as often as barely required. Water is indeed the most precious resource–we must learn collectively not to abuse it. Thank you, and happy gardening! Our snow is finally melting down a bit. “:) Happy writing too!

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