Let's Comment on Everything: April 2023
Let's comment on everything possible. Even the outrageous. How about that incredibly brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine? At times, even to the average reader, practiced, studious observer or analyst, it must seem the world has now gone mad. Civilization on the cusp of total destruction. Three seconds to midnight, the total annihilation of humanity. Shall we comment on everything in reach just to be safe? Three seconds to go. Or is it only two? Why not?International news is sad. Illogical. Angry, terrifying, and specifically, endless. Just as there is no time limit on politics, there is no limit to resources spent upon warfare. There is no explanation of war, and upon occasion, no justification. "A declaration of war is the ultimate admission of human failure to reason and logic" comes to mind. That being said and worth remembering, Our response can only be commentary. Hopeful commentary. Our best bet is hope. Please do feel free to comment if you are so inclined. It is our fondest wish here at Incomingbytes.com that faith, reason and logic continue to inspire thought, reason, and other wonderful things."A declaration of war is the ultimate admission of human failure to reason and logic"
Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Russian 'Unbelievable Casualties.
Russian casualties are now considered to be hundreds of thousands, but the true human cost will never be admitted by the egotistical bully Putin or the Kremlin. Russian destruction of Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, power, water, apartment buildings, private homes — has left many Ukrainian casualties, Ukrainian elders, families, children, babies— homeless, helpless, and freezing in the dark. In basements or rudimentary shelters. Or evacuated, migrated, possibly to never return. Thousands of Ukrainian troops have been killed, thousands of civilians including children are considered to be "collateral damage" by the invading Russians.A Foolish Miscalculation
A very foolish and vicious miscalculation by Vladimir Putin has backfired. The bitter war has taken too long. the war is ongoing over a year later and has just resulted in Ukrainians being tougher and more determined than ever. To live long enough to eject all Russian troops entirely from ALL Ukrainian territory. From the newly seized and illegally 'annexed (2022) Ukraine territory. Russia, stubbornly, will not leave The Crimea, which Russia illegally invaded and 'annexed' in 2014, but Ukrainian President Zelensky and Ukrainians insist that Russia must leave ALL Ukrainian territory. No cease-fire or negotiated peace is possible in this stalemate.Here at Incomingbytes.com #WeStandWithUkraine.
The slick, delusional, stubborn and unstable dictator Putin stubbornly insists he is 'denazifying' Ukraine with his delusional 'special military operation'. Incredibly, the delusions of Putin may now have already cost more than 250,000 genuine Russian lives. In Putin's dreams, Ukrainian citizens and ethnic Russians alike are "worthless peasant lives' Putin considers absolutely disposable. We disagree. All lives are valuable. Here at #Incomingbytes.com we stand with Ukraine for the principles of democracy and integrity of sovereign territory.An Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin the War Criminal.
Putin's disgraceful 'special military operation' includes the use of deadly force provided by brutal, murderous Wagner mercenaries . Mercenaries who have brazenly committed hundreds of war crimes, including torture, summary execution, the rape of prisoners, men, women and children alike. Also the theft or kidnapping of children. The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin for overseeing the illegal deportation of thousands of children from Ukraine to Russia. How about the early and murderous occupation of Bucha that cost the lives of 500+ Ukrainian civilian lives? How about the vicious targeting and bombing of civilian apartment buildings, villages, and homes? What about Russian missiles targeting Ukrainian power infrastructure, water, heat and electricity— required by civilians to survive during the winter? Rocket attacks and bombing of civilians are Crimes against Humanity. *In our point of view, recruitment of prisoners by the state or mercenary armies should be a banned, illegal practice globally. Russian prisoners, whether they be pickpockets, common thieves, rapists, murderers or corrupt politicians have bartered the balance of their " sentences" pending 'freedom' to fight as Wagner mercenaries on the Ukraine front lines.Freedom: "If they Complete Their 'Term''.
IF they survive Wagner's brutality, and backup execution by their own troops if fleeing, surrendering, or retreating. Forced into battle with Ukraine. Which, by any standard, is far better armed, better trained, better supported, and better planned . Deserters are arbitrarily executed, shot in the back if retreating, with no surrender allowed. *In our point of view, forced recruitment of prisoners should be illegal. Reportedly, 300,000 civilians and perhaps more 'citizens' have been arbitrarily conscripted. Poorly, virtually -untrained, mostly ethnic minority "Russians" from the far reaches of Russia were 'signed up'. To donate their lives to the Motherland' with no choice. Tossed into Putin's badly planned, badly-trained, badly-equipped, poorly-led Russian meat-grinder WAR of GENOCIDE against Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of Russians cleverly left the country, leaving in a hurry to flee — to Finland, Poland, Germany. Any escape to any country that would allow them to avoid conscription in PUTIN'S WAR. Yes, it is a WAR by any standard, and it is PUTIN'S WAR. A GENOCIDAL ATTEMPT to wipe Ukraine and her people off of the map. An attempt to grab all territories and countries that were or may have been USSR 'states' prior to it's collapse. Or areas Putin considers "historically-Russian' lands". Or not. That might be more appropriately called 'hysterically'—considered to be Russian lands— in the delusional mind of Putin.The Target: Lands and Resources
Ukraine is a rich source of agricultural products, steel, metals, salt, and minerals of all kinds. Plunder has included museum treasures, and relics, artwork, agricultural tractors and farm machinery, livestock, washing machines, televisions, computers. and food supplies. And, by the way... thousands of children—considered suitable for kidnapping and relocation to Russian 'families' for forced re-education. Stolen children. What does that infer? You decide.Ukrainian Military Personnel are Better Trained.
Ukrainian military personnel are—decidedly better trained, more resourceful, —and far better equipped and assisted by NATO with training, heavy weapons, artillery of all descriptions and ammunition as well as 'intelligence'.NATO and Western Aid
Western aid from NATO, the USA, and Europe continues to flow to Ukraine. Aid, consisting of Howitzers, armored vehicles, tanks, weapons of all kinds, ammunition, medical supplies, etc/ are delivered, if sporadically. Mostly from NATO countries but also from non- members of NATO, despite Putin's dire warnings of escalation.
A Battle Tank, only one of many... (Photo: 2022, CNN)
Not-so-subtle, repetitive and ugly hints of Nuclear Retaliation.
Putin's machinations and predictable bluster including threats of potential nuclear response or retaliation with smaller tactical nuclear weapons —occur regularly. Even WW III. A nuclear Armageddon. An eventful, deadly global event, a war no country can win. Therefore, should the existential battle in any tortured mind be an excuse for mutual destruction? Let us pause there and consider that Putin's arrogant 'special military operation' has already failed. His obscenely long, arrogant, gold-trimmed palatial table may soon be more useful hacked into short, convenient pieces of firewood. Which he may well require to stay warm in a Siberian cave.Just Consider.
Just consider. Putin's 'special military operation' is not only a failure but a painful reality of delusions in the mind of an unnamed Kremlin madman who would be King. At any cost. Period. You decide. Please comment below.#
Is that Incoming I hear?
A Few Administrative Tweaks for Life
A deadline approaches for administrative tweaks for life © photo r.a.kukkee
A Few Administrative Tweaks for Life
It has to happen sometime. It always does eventually. Change is not unique, it does not apply only to individuals. New realities apply to everything. Sooner or later occasions arrive that demand change. Let's call them 'a few administrative tweaks for life'. Yes, they occur even on "Leap years". Surprise! This is a 'Leap year'. How about that? Tweaking the old status quo; setting a new direction again. Worthy of note, it is incredibly important to try; there are many tweaks required to smooth speed bumps. Breathe deeply. Relax!Issues: Everyone Has Them. Nothing New There.
Whether it is time, age, new jobs, or occupations, health, unexpected events, new obligations, societal or other. Have you ever discovered a new issue that can be repaired easily with a few essential tweaks for life? Do you recognize oncoming situations and deal with them head on? Do you always see roadblocks? Total wreckage ahead?Fear: Are There Mountains too High to Climb?
Does fear postpone, alter, or entirely preclude action? Are there mountains pretending to be too high to climb? How about impossible, raging rivers to be crossed? Inexplicable, unfathomable life events that realistically may alter forever, or cost lives with unpredictable losses? How about unexpected windfalls? Are they always life-changing? Can they be happy, sad, disastrous or just confusing? Life is for learning. Once in a while undefinable problems surface, even good ones —and may remain unrecognized, much less categorized. Read that twice. Administrative tweaks for life are a good thing.Patient Acceptance Of Virtually Any Reality Can Occur.
Best of all, some are exotic, unspeakable reality. And equally important to realize, unique realities in life include events which may not be repairable. Impossible tasks do exist. Surely for those, classic administrative tweaks for life may never offer a realistic solution. Therefore, consider creative, wishful thinking. 'Outside of the box' may be encouraged, even essential. More than likely, delusion may be a realistic description to offer. Patient acceptance of virtually any reality and the irreparable can occur, and does.Most Important to Remember
Finally, what is the most important to remember? Nobody, significantly not even the most clever, can halt the reality of time. Not even using clever administrative tweaks for life —over a lifetime.
Is that incoming I hear?