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A Clarion Call: Defending Canadian Values
©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_3981" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Canada in Distress[/caption]
There are many 'circumstances' which must be considered, so many fragile feelings which can be hurt by blinking. Scolding and insults are hurled back in discussions simply for asking questions. Or demanding answers.

Choices: Defending Canadian Values
Genuine and meaningful choices concerning defending Canadian values are few. There are only two—Two choices that must be considered by citizens of Canada, past, present, illegals, refugees, economic opportunists, freeloaders, or otherwise incoming. One stands defending Canadian values, or not.
We Stand on Guard for Thee? Which shall it be? Tough choice isn't it?
There are many 'circumstances' which must be considered, so many fragile feelings which can be hurt by blinking. Scolding and insults are hurled back in discussions simply for asking questions. Or demanding answers. Oh, yay. The indignity of a sweating, tongue-tied, ill-spoken politician, social manipulator, or "traitorous liberal" parrot asked to answer a question. Asked Politely. We stand on guard for thee and all that. Why sure, we believe that and will buy a spare swamp in Florida too. Right.
Warm and Fuzzy Platitudes: Not Genuine Canadian Values
Bleating warm and fuzzy political platitudes are not genuine Canadian values. They will not help the 'we don't stand on guard for thee because Justin said not to .... crowd.
Well, er... we can't say that, we don't want to upset anyone, it might hurt their feelings.
We are all too aware of the trendy, popular offerings; 'tolerance of,' 'inclusiveness' and 'understanding of cultures ' social rules for other assorted, over-used to the point of meaningless trash rhetoric about racism and hate speech now so often spouted by politically-correct politicians and their minions. Parroted by less than honest, whining social manipulators and MP's who prefer their demagogic leader's Islamic and UN agenda be followed slavishly no matter how insulting, illogical, hate-inducing, socially damaging, treasonous, or dangerous it may be to Canadians and Canada; Let's all play Truth, dare, and consequences. The new play. Act II...
From bad to worse, those same empty platitudes are repeated endlessly by apathetic, mesmerized voters who clearly do not understand why "Islamophobia and Bill M103 " is a manufactured farce, or bother to think for themselves—and still haven't connected the dots between votes inspired by gushy ga-ga giggles, hormones and outrageous stupidity. ( To the logical, it IS no surprise that voting for the arrogance of "skin deep attraction" and slick talking dramatic narcissistic egos always has been, and always will be, a wasted, misplaced vote for little but drama... But we digress...this, too, shall pass...when the curtain drops. )
Subsequently, nasty rhetoric and rebukes emanate from the collective dysfunctional and disagreeable 'majority'; a recalcitrant, Liberal 'we must be right or else' childish mentality. Even when reasonable, alternative points of view are offered by neutral observers with no other intent than to open minds.
Is it offensive to clarify, and encourage thinking that may prevent the destruction of Canada in the future? I think not. Not here at IncomingBytes. Grow some spine. Speak up. Here at IncomingBytes.com we will continue to practice Freedom of Speech regardless of "governance", ideology, or personal whims of dictators.
Be on notice that defending GENUINE Canadian values is not a Liberal 'game'; it is not a high-school drama or some lunatic's social experiment. To treat it as such is dereliction of duty. The very future of Canada depends upon choices carefully made now.
We Stand on Guard for Thee. Even for YOU.
We stand on guard for thee, in defense of GENUINE Canadian values for all. — Yes, even for YOU the most stubborn, the completely misinformed, the incredibly gullible; and YOU too, as disagreeable as you are. —For YOU, who have chosen Canada for a new home even if Canadian laws, customs, dress, tradition and religion are not to your 'liking', and —For YOU, #Justin Trudeau, who are so willing to sell out Canada, mislead, and betray Canadians with your Sunni ways (wasn't that dramatic? You thought nobody noticed) —For YOU especially, a misguided, unhappy elitist child with no self-respect— who has apparently never been taught what the core identity of Canada has become. Something you will learn; that the True North— Strong and Free—is, above all, Canadian FIRST.
So it shall remain...The True North will remain Canadian first, and strong and free.
Calling all Canadians; it is time to MAKE A CHOICE and stand in defense of genuine Canadian values. Either you believe in defending genuine Canadian values or not. Which is it?
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Is that Incoming I hear?
Posted in Civilization, Commentary, Major Issues, Politics
Tagged citizenship, defense of Canadian values, ethics, immigration, politics, We stand on guard for thee
The Sun is Setting on Justin Trudeau
The Sun is Setting on Justin Trudeau
"The sun is setting on Justin Trudeau." You have to be impressed. The Prime Minister of Canada has done it again. As usual, Justin continues to make inexcusable blunders, gaffes, one after the other. Endlessly. Making excuses. Justifying actions and errors with lies, tossing in thoughtless insults. Arrogantly offering 'alternative experiences' as 'valid' explanations for mindless, off-script comments, illegal actions. Political statements laced with wildly inaccurate half-truths, taqiyya lies of convenience, deception, and poisoned delusion. On and on. Approved and supported by The "#LiberalTeamofwhat?" in action. Get this...
Trudeau Was Caught In Scandalous NO-NO. —a.k.a. The Very Big SNC LAVALIN "Affair".
Perhaps most damning, it had to happen sometime. Trudeau was clearly exposed using political pressure, his position, and sketchy influence to
prance andskate his way around the Canadian Constitution Rule of Law —on thin ice.He was called out and rightly so —by the (then) Attorney-General of Canada —his own female Liberal MP Cabinet minister, MP Jody Wilson-Reybould. The first Indigenous Attorney-General of Canada. A woman with ethics. And a second woman. Dr. Jane Philpott. There we go...the fake feminist Trudeau in action...
Jody Wilson-Reybould and Dr. Jane Philpott Expelled from the Liberal Party April 2nd, 2019.
Trudeau smugly thumbed his nose at, and blamed the now ex-Attorney-General of Canada, Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Reybould and MP Dr. Jane Philpott, two of his most highly qualified ministers — for precipitating action on the DIRT under the rug in the Prime Ministerial Office. More laughable, Trudeau whined and charged that in doing so, they
(those evil untrustworthy women)" created distrust and caused a rift in the dishonest Liberal"team of What(??) "Party of CanadaCanadians now know and understand that The Prime Minister of Canada was clearly pressuring and interfering with, and improperly injecting himself and his staff into the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of the Attorney-General of Canada — in the * SNC Lavalin scandal.
*Bottom line explanation, Trudeau's office was reportedly attempting to pressure JWR into offering SMC Lavalin a "deferred prosecution agreement" which would conveniently avoid a criminal TRIAL — including an agreement that the company simply would pay a "slap your pinkies fine" instead and carry on
with the business of being a corporate Liberal donor in Trudeau's riding. Imagine that....Would ordinary Canadians ever be allowed to
prance nakedskate around the Rule of Law like that? No. Do the crime, do the time, dude, " 'Fess up. Go to jail, do not collect $200" —Unless you're rich and one of Trudeau's "friends" in high places (Trudeau's riding) and political donors, (Liberal) that is....*To simplify the SNC Lavalin 'affair' — Trudeau's office was caught with dirty political fingers at the highest level —dabbling improperly and interfering in matters of law into which politicians —even the Prime Minister of Canada himself— have absolutely no business sticking their
long, lying, politicalnoses. Period. International bribery by Canadians is not to be condoned. Ever.The Big NO-NO Exposed
A big no-no. It seems Justin, his friendly socialist whisperer Gerald Butts, and head honcho M. Wernick, of the Privy Council, (a.k.a. chief public servant)—in a round of phone calls and emails — had collectively been placing continuous, undue and illegal pressure on the (then) Attorney-General Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Reybould to reverse an existing decision. To force her to defer prosecution of SNC Lavalin for corruption — a serious charge involving bribery to get government business in LIBYA, of all places.
How convenient. With a Deferred Prosecution Agreement, SNC Lavalin, a major Liberal donor in Trudeau's riding, could then avoid a criminal TRIAL, avoid conviction, thereby remaining 'approved' for very large and lucrative engineering contracts in Canada.
Even more convenient, and unbelievable, when the incredibly improper "improprieties" were exposed, a "Justice Committee," pre-loaded with a biased Liberal majority, was quickly formed to
hide'investigate' the matter.The biased "committee" heard a highly-stifled, Trudeau-approved version of events from Wilson-Reybould, some assorted and Trudeau-approved selected 'testimony' from Gerald Butts, and "who really knows" from the head of the Privy Council M. Wernick. The Liberals subsequently and quickly shut down the investigation.
The opposition screamed COVERUP! because it was a COVERUP! (--and far too uncomfortable for the sweating Trudeau and SNC Lavalin, the large Liberal donor. In Trudeau's riding yet. Imagine that, but I digress ) Let us not even start on the Trudeau fabricated excuses of 'protecting jobs' yada-yada.... all b.s. which Lavalin executives denied and, oh-oh!...
then oops....promptlybacktracked. Nice job there... but since loss of jobs just does not qualify as an excuse for political interference in matters of justice, you get the idea...It became evident that Wilson-Reybould, clearly and calmly, displaying integrity and legal ethics, had warned the PMO about the on-going problem with political interference in matters of prosecution and the Rule of Law, and had refused to change her decision.
A taped *conversation between Wilson-Reybould and Michael Wernick was subsequently labeled "improper" by "Team Liberal Hypocrites " who expressed themselves as being "uncomfortable" that JWR had "recorded a conversation." How dastardly, they shreiked... A *conversation that in fact had clearly confirmed improprieties that Trudeau denied. No matter.
Get this, folks, Justin lies, denies being advised by Wernick of that accurate "*discussion". Imagine that. (Why sure, we'll all believe that B.S.)
JWR had been subsequently removed from the position by Trudeau, and demoted to Indian Affairs upon refusal to change her decision. Imagine that 'timely decision'.
Trudeau lied, justifying that demotion by blaming it as necessary because of the resignation of another MP, Scott Brison.
Well, hello. Wasn't that creative, let's blame Scott, blame someone else....always?JWR refused, understandably turning down the cheesy, dishonest,
and obviously Trudeauesqueshifty two-step cabinet shuffleappointment, initially to **Indigenous Affairs then to Veterans' Affairs. ( *Being an Indigenous woman , she is also in disagreement with the overbearing, highly-questionable Indian Act of 1876, which in spite of amendments and many Liberal tears and promises of reconciliation, handily controls and limited all infrastructure, the infamous residential schools, health, social aspects, education, language, and economic opportunity, defining and dictating in its entirety the nature of contemporary aboriginal life in Canada )The Punishment
Jody Wilson-Reybould was CLEARLY and handily punished and demoted, chided, scolded, denigrated for being ETHICAL — and later expelled from the Liberal Party by the blatantly dishonest Trudeau and his curiously childish, uninformed, incredibly gullible, but equally dishonest Liberal caucus.
In overview, Justin,
the FAKE sworn feminist, clearly had absolutely NO hesitation inagitating, influencing, conningordering (whipping) the frightened snowflake Liberal caucus into tossing these two highly-qualified elected women under the bus —and out of the Liberal Party. That is what dictators DO.Understanding the sneaky, dishonest collection of "Works of Trudeau" , Canadians can easily conclude he conveniently conned and ordered the frightened Liberal party into once again, doing more of his dirty work. Why? To avoid facing responsibility, to protect his own sleazy agenda — and ensure his success. The sunny, Sunni, new, Trudeau way. After all it's still "2015" in his delusion. Why destroy his personal brand when he can easily lay the blame for the 'betrayal of trust" on the whole Liberal "team"....as he describes it?
The LiberalTeamOfWHAT (?)
The #LiberalTeamOfWhat? comes to mind. What exactly has this "team" become? The Liberal team of Dishonest, the Liberal Liars, the Ignorant incompetent, the bleating sheep, slaves, or hypocritical? Liberals should be ashamed not only of Trudeau but of themselves.
So...Imagine that. Where could it go from there? Not one, but TWO competent, honest, and smart WOMEN—elected representatives, who, for the record, were, and remain more honest, far better informed, far smarter, far more astute than Trudeau will ever be... Both with careers much brighter and longer than Justin should now ever hope to have. Both are out. Both are now sitting as independents.
Officially, Jody Wilson-Reybould and Dr. Jane Philpott have been expelled from the Liberal party as of this date. Why? Because the "team Trudeau" collectively could NOT INSIST OR ACCEPT that the dishonest Trudeau " made a serious legal mistake (yes, let's generously call it a "mistake") --and the Liberal Party, individually and collectively, most shamefully, have absolutely no intention of being truthful with Canadians.
Enough said (?) NO.
Because Trudeau is a COWARD, dishonest, and unable to accept responsibility for personal actions, corruption, sleazy agenda, dereliction of duty, government incompetence, we say no. Because Trudeau endlessly expresses disrespect for seniors, original immigrants, veterans, women, Indigenous peoples, "old stock Canadians', white people, and his improper political interference in matters of law— We say NO.
Trudeau compounded the error, conning and whipping
frightened Liberals everywhere into calling JWR's taped conversation a crime, unethical. (Justin continues to poison more sheep to do his dirty work.)The justifiably-taped conversation which was intended to advise and prevent Trudeau from committing a crime —is now called a crime? Dishonesty reigns... The pot is calling the kettle black. That predictable fabrication and accusations of "destruction of trust" have been publicized and exploited by Trudeau —to twist fact, cover his tracks, and justify his viciously kicking two women—from the Liberal party.
The Liberals accusing JWR of unethical behaviour —is a travesty of justice. How convenient, now contrived, a mere distraction to distract from Justin Trudeau's dishonesty—and the ongoing agenda of the poisoned, dishonest PMO. Butts, the Trudeau-whisperer, and Wernick the conniver —both resigned. Imagine why? ... yes, let us simply imagine WHY.
Liberals Continue to Choose Evil over Honesty
In observation, the Liberals have now demonstrated themselves to be a "team" of spineless, dishonest hypocrites— which clearly approves of political interference with the Canadian Rule of Law.
Liberals choose to support corruption and the childish, treasonous, dishonest, and 'team' including the incredibly incompetent 'lying leader'. Liberals continue to choose evil over honesty.
Canadians can justifiably no longer trust the 'lying leader' OR the Lying #LiberalTeamOfWhat?
Guess what, that wasn't ALL...
"The sun is setting on Justin Trudeau.."
Even more telling was Trudeau's visit to a Liberal fundraiser which happened to attract some protesters from Grassy Narrows, an Indian reservation where tragic mercury contamination from an old paper mill has been known for decades. Mercury-contaminated soil and water has been ignored, causing endless health issues, illness and deaths— in the native population.
While those protesters were being quickly "removed" by Trudeau's security goons, the Liberals in attendance were —LAUGHING— as Justin repeatedly shouted to the protesters being forcefully removed:
"Thank you for your DONATION"
Can you imagine that?
Trudeau's crass, thoughtless
comment revealed and demonstrated his fake "concern" and "genuine interest in reconciliation" nicely — his lack of concern for the well-being, the very lives of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Human beings. Real children. Real families. Real people.Yes. The Prime Minister of Canada addressed the disgraceful, inexcusably tragic situation facing the people of Grassy Narrows with ignorant,
arrogant comments which were accompanied by Liberal laughter. How disconcerting. How unbelievable.Yes. Believe. it. or NOT.
"The sun is setting on Justin Trudeau" was subsequently observed and politely stated by Union of B.C. Chiefs Grand Chief Stewart Phillip in an interview with Global TV correspondent Mercedes Stephenson. Chief Philip thinks
" the prime minister is now showing his true colours on indigenous relations' and that it is "very disturbing and very disappointing."
Right. That says it ALL. The sun IS setting on Justin Trudeau in the rest of Canada too. Canadians are fed up with Trudeau's dishonesty; nothing he says OR does can be believed OR trusted. Ever.
Let's Repeat That! Words from the Prime Minister of Canada yet. Unbelievable.
"Thank you for your donation".
Wow. Worth REPEATING. The BC Union of Chiefs Grand Chief Stewart Phillip summed it up nicely in an interview with Mercedes Stephenson ( Global News, West Block Mar. 31/19):
"The sun is setting on Justin Trudeau". "The Prime Minister is now showing his true colours on indigenous relations.....it is very disturbing and very disappointing."
* In observation, we at IncomingBytes suggest that Trudeau had protesters removed from his "fund raiser" ($1500.00/ plate
Lying Liberal Rubber Chicken)because he cannot face the embarrassment, truth, lack of integrity or the factual necessity of addressing and remediating historical wrongs, chronic neglect, and the incredible case of the Grassy Narrows mercury contamination that has had deadly, tragic consequences for decades. It is making real human beings sick, and killing them.No cleanup of Grassy Narrows mercury contamination is scheduled or expected. Imagine that.
—With decades-old mercury poisoning of Grassy Narrows, outrageous poverty and timeless, unresolved 20-year boil water orders on other indigenous communities, it is becoming surprisingly easier to believe that Trudeau considers Indigenous peoples irrelevant, less than human, disposable, and not worth bothering with. Apparently these human beings are considered to be unworthy of clean water and a safe environment.
For the record, real Canadians believe that Justin's ignorance and racist attitude to Indigenous peoples of Canada was inexcusable, shameful, and a disgrace.
His blathering "apology" the next day was absolutely unbelievable and meaningless, coming from the confused, forked-tongued actor. Understandably, First Nations people simply can no longer trust or believe Trudeau. Neither can other Canadians.
"The sun is setting on Justin Trudeau."
Sorry, the truth must be told.
All Canadians in Canada deserve MUCH better.
Is that a surprise? After all, it is 2019....
Is that Incoming I hear?