How do Humans Acquire Wisdom?

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Question Everything to use YOUR Genius

Question Everything to use YOUR Genius

  The process of divination for wisdom, and the quest to define the true nature of wisdom itself have seemingly eluded human beings since the search was initiated by the famed philosophers and great thinkers of the past. The creation of religion with the introduction of the concept of good and evil to mankind clearly contributed substantially to the perceived need for wisdom, if only to enable differentiation between the two, but also to facilitate the construct of societal order and civilization itself.

Centuries later, the search for the ultimate definition of good and evil and its benefit to mankind remains an eternal question without resolution. In spite of much collective effort by humanity, the quest for absolute wisdom within global civilization also exists as incomplete and undefined to this day.

Perfect knowledge may be perceived as the ultimate solution to the dilemma regardless of the reality that most humans simply do not bother to search for wisdom, to make any specific effort to collect knowledge, or to actually use it. It appears to be easier not to bother to think when questions are seemingly irrelevant or inapplicable, and solutions are difficult, fleeting and distant. One must clearly choose to seek wisdom and be wise enough to put forth the necessary effort to do so. One must clearly dedicate thought and an open mind to the process.

How does a human acquire wisdom? To acquire wisdom in some aspects is a paradox; the application of the most simple logic is often the best wisdom, yet initiating a detailed, concentrated and protracted thought process at times appears to be far from simple. Concentration is required. Elimination of extraneous, irrelevant detail is necessary. Regardless, the open mind is clearly the tool required, and the inventive, the specific, and intense thought process is the method that must be initiated and effected for the analysis of detailed thought which will result in the accomplishment called acquisition of wisdom.

  Wisdom in the purest form is the application of absolute concentration of logic in thought. Wisdom of the highest order is therefore derived from constructive derivative logic after intense, unhindered analysis of all applicable experience and knowledge. Data inferred and interpolated, and the acknowledgment and resulting analysis of all possibilities and probable outcomes, not only becomes interactive wisdom, but are applicable to the expansion of contemporary imagination and forecast potential or even further possibilities.

In some respects, achieving wisdom universally may truly be a difficult objective, considering the majority of any given population is actually encouraged not to contemplate anything other than how to survive by working, obtaining daily needs, the endless fascination with materialism, money, entertainment, and other artificially contrived socially acceptable issues.

Keeping in perspective that extraneous data, detail, and unrelated parallel issues and hypotheses do cloud an elemental question rather than contributing clarity, thinking beings are ever subject to distraction with information overload and detail by default; it is merely easier to be curious and lured elsewhere in the mind. That occurrence happens to such degree that with little effort, even the most fascinating, the purest, most essential aspects of any thought process can be quickly forgotten and unanswered. Concentration is required and focus is essential.

Common causes of failure to acquire wisdom are disinterest or apathy, blatant lack of thought, or if a thought process is actually incurred, the ignoring of the foundational requirements of the process in the rush to achieve an indeterminate end. Other mitigating factors exist in society; perhaps a believable school of thought has precluded any alternative solution, causing the process itself to be unknowingly relegated to a status of less significance. Perhaps those same schools of thought encourage individuals to consider the specific problem as already solved and unworthy of further effort.

Faulty perception is a significant detractor of the process of acquiring wisdom if thought is not applied beyond the status quo and the immediately apparent. Awareness of the distilled, pure essence of any problem regardless of the opinions of others is therefore not only a great beginning, but essential to the process.

Human beings use little of our existing brain power for it's true purpose to learn, therefore the filter of proactive reasoning must be initiated. The synapses of the brain, literally billions of them, can be taught and trained to process, eliminate or ignore information overload or to incorporate it seamlessly into existing thought processes. Protracted, extended and difficult thought increases the use of synapses and reportedly, simultaneously encourages the formation of more synapses within the brain. To exercise the brain is truly the acquisition of wisdom in practice. Innate potential and extended probabilities become immediately more applicable with unflagging effort; the result is pure logic, unclouded vision, enhanced thinking process and distillation of the essence of wisdom.

Remember the mantra of the wise; an open mind, effort, thought, concentration, determination, humility, and above all, an infinite desire to learn; for that is how humans acquire wisdom.

Is that Incoming I hear?

Tags:  #roots,   #wisdom,  #acquiring wisdom,  #humanity,  #how humans acquire wisdom,  #brain,  #perception

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