Misinformation and Political Euphemisms are Lies of Convenience.


Misinformation and Political Euphemisms are Lies of Convenience

©2022 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee

Time is broken  Creation and  ©photo by r. a. kukkee

Misinformation and political euphemisms are lies of convenience.

  When will civilization declare "enough already"?   Increasingly, democratic nations have  come to accept dishonesty, misinformation and political euphemism, lies of convenience as 'truth'. The fact is, misinformation and political euphemisms are lies of convenience.


Why should populations of honest human beings, civilized democracies —tolerate  disinformation and lies of convenience from politicians and others who seek only their own gains?  The surreptitious injection of their personal agendas into daily social  life,  business, and government policy.  By use of deceptive coverup, corruption, misleading 'intent'.  All can be achieved by the use of creative euphemisms. Which are, bottom line,  half truths at best,  or convenient lies.   

Has Genuine, Honest Democracy Expired and Run Out of Time?

  'Is time broken? ' Cracked and just damaged? Is history repeating itself?  Has humanity gone mad?  Or have societal norms  and humanity itself become   jaded, convoluted,  and distracted?  And become so self-destructive  that euphemisms, abuse of power, corruption, and dishonesty are the new status quo?  Has honest democracy expired and run out of time?      

The Question Must Be Asked

  If misinformation and political euphemisms are lies of convenience  and accepted as truth,  the question must be asked "what does old-fashioned truth  become?"  Quaint? Out of  fashion? Inappropriate?  Irrelevant?  Unnecessary, even silly?  A paradise lost in the sands of time?   The essential fact is that disinformation and political  euphemisms have increasingly come into fashion and have too easily and equally been accepted by 'woke', unthinking populations.  People who have forgotten what total honesty is about.    Acceptance  of half-truths,  political euphemisms —and even the total  disregard of corruption, blatant criminality,  abuse of power, and arrogant self-entitlement —has  become 'acceptable'.   At this time we can offer no palpable suggestions for an immediate fix. How sad for humanity,  how sad for civilization itself.   What do you think?


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About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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