Destiny: Coincidence, Fate, or Dreamland State?

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Have You Determined Your Destiny, or Are You Dreaming?

How do you know when you have finally arrived at the portion of your life you consider your destiny? If you have been so fortunate, was it achieved via a random, but exquisite progression of coincidental events, or did that glorious fate predestined at birth just crystallize magically, requiring no input from you as an individual? Did you dream your destiny and make it a reality? Is destiny coincidence or fate?

By all odds, logic, and scientific reason, based upon the concept of coincidence alone, mankind perhaps would not even exist, much less survive and thrive so brazenly in the midst of this unsettled, constantly changing universe. Although one may eagerly suggest that everything happening in the time-space continuum is part of a huge collection of coincidental events, what are the probabilities of that being fact? The odds against a theory of a singular, linear or exponential progression of coincidence causing the destiny of mankind by itself is phenomenal, perhaps incalculable.

"It is possible therefore, that fate and destiny are not to be equated, but only related."
      Although it is popular to do so, there is little or no compelling evidence or reason for humans to arrogantly proclaim understanding of the endless coincidental, linear and perfect scientific events that would be required to place humanity on the earth as functional, sentient beings. Coincidence as a definition or cause of destiny simply cannot be substantiated.

Let us similarly examine fate. To achieve the same destiny using the concept of predetermined fate alone is unrealistic and improbable for the simple observation that human beings have apparently exercised some degree of control over their own lives throughout recorded history. Even minimal arbitrary and spontaneous control of events by individual actions and choices made would constantly challenge a "pre-defined" destiny.

Demonstrably, decisions made by individual humans alter not only instantaneous moments, but future events, and create a multiplicity of future alternatives and possibilities. Actions progress to alter one final outcome, but also all future outcomes, and do so whether a singular instantaneous change was made by significant conscious design, or by the simplest personal reflex action.

It is therefore difficult to imagine any specific, defined fate as being scribed in stone as an indelible and unalterable future, when our actions, dreams, and goals change the status quo constantly, virtually during every moment, offering alteration of the future and the universe

Some individuals reaching for an interpolated understanding of destiny may suggest fate is determined by a subconscious arrangement of reality.

In that hypothesis, one arbitrarily decides what is real and creates suitable individual personal realities. In a process similar to dreaming, you decide who you are subconsciously, decide where you shall go, and what you shall ultimately be. You may also decide which other individuals you shall use or choose to interact with, what will transpire, how you will reach out to each new circumstance, and thereby provide a template for your individual life.

The hypothesis presumes that in doing so, one may subconsciously describe, specify , and construct the ever-important goal in life' or destiny. Such constructions may be further complicated by including belief in universal intelligent design, religion, and other factors.

It is likely the idea of a singular subconscious arrangement is also flawed, for the majority of possibilities one may perceive subconsciously or otherwise are easily and instantly affected by the actions of millions of other human beings and events. Even the tiniest incidental detail or event may alter primary goals and the outcome can be a substantial variation, perhaps falling far short of the intended goal or "perceived destiny", or even a total failure.

Logically, it seems one might specifically plan to ignore incidental or exterior factors, apply the remedy of wisdom to deleterious or undesirable change that does occur, and attempt to turn negative events to positive. Clearly one may continuously apply faith, realign plans and take action to facilitate any goal, and simply call the result destiny however it turns out, falling short of perfection as it might.

Perhaps that shortfall itself might be offered as the best evidence, and ultimately the best definition of the condition known as fate, simply because shortfalls inevitably reside outside of the control of the individual seeking the perfection of destiny. It is possible therefore, that fate and destiny are not to be equated, but only related.

However imperfect and unsettling a "lesser" destiny may ultimately prove to be, it may be a fact that a soul that chooses to settle for a specific lesser destiny, has indeed, met his fate, or at the least, a fate of his own making. Arguably, in observation, even destiny itself may eternally be imperfect, for any outcome, short of Godly perfection that can only be imagined by the human mind, remains an imperfect destiny.

It must then be concluded that in contemporary usage, specific, desirable goals to be conceived, targeted and planned are often erroneously referred to as destiny. Even the planned achievement of fate, "a lesser destiny", is also unrealistic, for coincidence must always play a part in that achievement. There is inevitably other input that must be acknowledged in the matrix, for individuals are surely not alone in mind or the universe.

To analyze destiny as being either coincidence or fate may be academic, all three of those elements must be defined separately in spite of the fact they are eternally and inseparably entwined. It might be a more reasonable expectation, —and even more realistic —to accept that even with substantial coincidence, destiny is not achieved until the imperfection of a less perfect outcome is perceived in wisdom as the inevitable, refined in a dreamland state, and there allowed both the finality and label of Destiny.


Is that Incoming I hear?

©2008, 2014  Raymond Alexander Kukkee  all rights reserved


2 Responses to Destiny: Coincidence, Fate, or Dreamland State?

  1. Destiny is just such an interesting phenomenon.. I try not to over-think when some things occur but…. Well written piece here, Raymond.

    • Perhaps the destiny of some of us is to over-analyze fate while living in a dreamland state, Christyb? Perhaps destiny is only what one individually makes it? Are other people merely ‘collateral dream accessories”? “:)

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