Tag Archives: Islam

Identification of Canadians and the Quebec Ban

©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee   [caption id="attachment_555" align="alignnone" width="406"]Full-face coverings including the burqua Women wearing Burkas  -Who ARE You?[/caption]      

Identification of Canadians and Quebec's  Bill 62:  Who Are You?

The Province of Quebec recently passed Bill 62, the ban of full-face covering —for anyone giving or receiving public services.  The controversial ban is criticized  by the 'politically-correct'  as being specifically aimed at Muslim women.  Wrong.   It is not. It is aimed  inclusively  at  all persons in Quebec,  any and all individuals, any citizen, foreign, immigrant, visitor, asylum seeker, fake refugee  or otherwise—any 'person'  receiving or giving services  who  arrogantly insists upon hiding  (his/her/its/gender-neutral, modified, transformed, whatever, your choice) their natural face.  You got it, anyone in Quebec who hides  their faces and identity from other Canadians is now required to conform to a common-sense law.


Who ARE You?  Identification of Canadians... a valid Question of Security


"Who are you?" remains a valid question of security for people world-wide. Around the globe.  Identification of  Quebeckers, in fact any and all Canadians or others  with covered faces in public places  —is a security issue.

Don't like it?  Get used to it.  Join the modern world.  France and other countries including Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands have done the same.   Worth noting, some Muslim countries also recognize that security is paramount and must come firstChad, and even Egypt are doing the same. With good reason.  Terrorists use deception and hide their faces, gender, and intent. Full-face coverings are NOT  an "Islamic" religious requirement contrary to the loudly-expressed opinions of perhaps well-intentioned—but   ill-informed protesters.


Identification of Canadians and the Stigma of Hidden Faces

Here in Canada we are an 'open-faced society' and always have been. Hidden faces have traditionally and correctly borne  the stigma of suspicion and evil. The indeterminate stranger approaches presenting unknown and  potential danger.   Lack of trust is invariably created, regardless of what  lurks behind masks and other forms of face coverings.


Hidden faces have been and will continue to be  associated with persons having something to hide,   criminality,  untrustworthy, evil  intent. Shady individuals, attackers, break and enter artists and car thieves alike do not want their faces revealed before or after being caught.  Terrorists with murder on their minds do not wish to be identified. ISIS 'fighters' and extremists of every kind practice secrecy of  the worst kind.  Hidden intent.  Terrorism.  The past 20 years has demonstrated an automatic correlation between hidden faces and masks, including  "burquas and hijabs".  We cannot help that.  How unfortunate.  But to deny the association between 'hidden faces' of any type and human lack of trust  is to be naive,  uninformed, and foolish.


Benefits of Open Faces and Identification of Canadians

Yes. Benefits. Open faces offer more than simple  visual confirmation of  identification.  Uncovered faces  increase trust between people in daily contact, on passing,  standing  face-to-face, silently, speaking directly to one another or not.  Open faces improve communication via  the inherent  understanding of  natural and unmistakable  language of facial expression.    Faces signal intent, friendship, status, happiness, sadness,  good or evil  —although such an interchange may be subtle, missed entirely,  understood or not.


Why are there Objections to Reasonable and logical Identification of Canadians? Why is this even an issue?

Open, honest and uncovered faces improve tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance above all.   Worth repeating, uncovered faces  offer inclusion, acceptance, and even potential friendship to strangers. Open faces reduce concerns for personal  safety— by honestly addressing, reducing or completely eliminating  suspicion. 

Canadians naturally object to covered faces for all of the above reasons. Canadians are, by our very identity, history  and  nature, friendly, open-faced, inclusive and tolerant of those who dress 'strangely' and those who may be  'different'. We want to know who specifically stands before us for any purpose.


On the Other Hand...

Want to be looked upon with suspicion by all? Try it. Cover your face fully. Hide your face from any and all observers and passers-by. Lurk in public places,  courts of law, lineups at bus stops, at the mall, in lineups at the show, ceremonies,  events, schools,  the supermarket,  the welfare office, or your neighbourhood community center. Try entering an airport wearing a balaclava—and see what happens.  Expect to be confronted and identified.

While you're at it, protest  Canadian social life, Canadian traditions,  and whine loudly.  Scream racism!    Hide your face so nobody can determine who you are, what you are  protesting and  whining loudly for, or screaming dissent.

How about let's sneak about like it's Hallowe'en. Close enough.  Pretend you're practicing  "it's a woman's choice' ,  imagine you are a different gender and supporting "women's issues."  Pretend that you're a 'feminist',  as certain out-of-touch,  ill-informed, confused and incompetent politicians posing as 'leaders'  seem to be prone to encourage. Does a  full-face covering make your voiced opinion any braver, any  more valid?  No.  In fact, the opposite;  the hidden face  demonstrates cowardice.

One may use the excuse  that a burqua, Lone Ranger mask,  niquab, rubber Grinch-face,  wooden voodoo mask, head-scarf,  extreme-weather face-cover-hoodie, ski-mask, hollowed-out pumpkin-head, rubber duck costume,  toque,  or northern balaclava — is somehow  justified by  a "religious requirement" and a 'religion'.   It is not. They are not. None of the above face coverings qualify for exemption or eliminate, dismiss, or trump the logical and reasonable quest for security for ALL Canadians. 

Walk into a bank or jewelry store or bank—or  any other civilized workplace with a full-face covering  and try withdrawing money or inciting a  nasty public demonstration— and discover why full face covering are a bad idea.  

This is Canada. It is time for politicians of all stripes to remind themselves why the essential   tradition of  open-faced  identification of Canadians IS the essence of Canada.  



Is that Incoming I hear?

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Islamophobia: Hate manufactured for Political Gain

    ©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee  

How Do Governments  Legislate Against Fear and Hate?


Canadians know  that to hate something, there has to be something  tangible TO hate.  The trendy, contemporary Liberal solution is that if it does not exist, stir it up or create it.   Yes. Worth repeating. Create it. 

How do governments create hate to further their agenda?   By improperly legislating against fear and hate. Infringe upon the Freedom of Speech.

That  is precisely what the Government of Canada is doing, most distressingly,  this very year,  2017, on the 150th birthday of Canada.  Our  "Liberal" government,  led by the increasingly despised P.M. Justin Trudeau, is laying groundwork for  'legislation  against Islamophobia,' hate manufactured for political gain.'


Islamophobia: Hate manufactured for Political Gain

Seriously, who in their right mind —would do that?  Clearly, no one driven by honesty and  common sense would think of, much less intentionally follow a path that ultimately results in disunity, divisiveness,  hate and anger— in a normally-peaceful country.    Yet, it is happening right before our eyes in the House of Commons —here in Canada— a country with a proud 150 year-old heritage and a natural cultural core of diversity and unique identity.


How is that even Possible?

How is that even possible? By carefully planned deception. Outright lies.  Islamophobia, hate manufactured for political gain —in itself, an ugly, non-democratic concept —has been imported into, stirred up and precipitated in the  House of Commons by the introduction of Liberal motion  M103.

A motion  condemning and making it illegal to criticize Islam, and by inference, Muslims, their despised archaic culture, the brutality of Sharia law,  and —perhaps even the Prime Minister himself.  Oh, where you not told?  Reportedly, Justin Trudeau abandoned Christianity in 2009 and converted to Islam. 

Imagine that.  And all of the implications thereof.  The conflicts of interest. And wow, apparently somebody has been too cowardly to tell Canadians of his new-found passion, a religion which demands submissions, sanctions brutality  and cultural practices foreign to the vast majority of Canadians.   

  Are we to understand and "accept" that 150 years of  Canadian culture —even Canada itself— is to be Trudeau's  sacrificial lamb to appease his ego and global puppetmaster?

Is it any Wonder?

Is it any wonder that a great number of  Canadians feel betrayed and are mad as hell?  Canada, already painfully multicultural, the home of diversity, an example to the world —of multiculturalism, a population of immigrants.  Generous. Inclusive. Charitable. Understanding.  

Canadians who, for the record, already suffer discrimination from intolerant Muslims demanding that Canadian laws, tradition, and dress  be changed to their liking.  Canadians now duped to disturbing levels  by  this  less than honest Prime Minister  and his questionable agenda.   A society now torn unnecessarily by childish, devious political games played to satisfy one demagogue with delusions of global grandeur, and a  very large, narcissistic and dishonest ego.  How sad for Canada. 

Bottom Line?

Canadian politicians sorely need to do better—STOP  spewing poison rhetoric about "Islamophobia" which is not even a word,  and STOP  sewing seeds of division—or resign and  allow more competent, fair-minded people to provide honest governance. To prevent Canada from fragmenting into nasty little 'no-go' enclaves of bitter-minded, distrustful people.   As parts of Europe have already done with the invasion of migrants, parading as "refugees".

The fact IS, this devious and incompetent Liberal government has abandoned its responsibility to Canadians,  forgotten its SOLE mandate of governance,  and  is endlessly abusing power it NEVER should have been allowed in the first place. 

Although in denial,  his confused brain blitzed with drama, selfies, foreign influence and his globalist agenda, Justin Trudeau has just VERY clearly demonstrated that COMPLETE ELECTORAL REFORM in Canada is now more critically NECESSARY  than ever. 

Wake up, Canada.



  Is that Incoming I hear?

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