© 2007 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
"The future solution to extremist swings from ultra-conservatism to the flaunting of flesh and back --in female dress code --appears to be for common-sense women everywhere to unilaterally claim, protect, -and even fiercely HOLD, the middle ground of fashion. Refuse to be dictated to by glittering CEO's of fashion or dogmatic threats of hell, regardless of origin." Conservative Dress: The Basic Issues are not Fun or Simple. You may believe that choice of dress for women should be a simple thing. You may believe that in our enlightened times, women already express themselves as they see fit, and dress themselves as they wish to be seen. Dress appropriately. Make a choice. Fashion is fun. Surprise. It is not fun. It is far from simple. It does not happen. Societal pressure to conform to conservative dress or otherwise for women is, in part, imposed by peer pressure and artificial limitations, but substantially more so by artificial social mores and societal hypocrisy. The current trend and influence of rising religious dogma is also exerting influence, but not nearly as much as that of fashion an international human disease driven by the fabric of big business, greed and money. If one cannot grasp the concept of societal hypocrisy in fashion, check out the gender gap; it is easily enough observed. Complain about pervasive sex in society as you may, then open any popular magazine, or watch any commercial, popular television show or motion picture in North America today. Invariably, the women in "entertainment" display cleavage and long legs in all walks of life, -while males are buttoned up to the neck, choking in neckties, and are undoubtedly zipped up tightly. The fact of the matter is, commercially, sex and exploitation of the female body sells product. The degree to which clothing has been considered to be conservative has changed repeatedly over the centuries and continues to do so. "Revealing of the flesh" and "dressing conservatively" as it pertains to draping the female form varies and changes worldwide, from country to country, culture to culture, and from year to year. From the extremes of Victorian prudery and the Burqua to purposeful exposure, societal attitude continues to display substantial lack of parallel in comparison of dress code of males to that of females. The naked fact and reality is that current treatment of the female body is driven and dictated by sexualization of individual body parts which are exchanged at the whim of style. Breasts are in, ankles are out, but legs are in vogue; the endless molding of contemporary societal attitude satisfies the lust of hypocrites and achieves the financial goals of the powerful. The real problem confronting women's dress code today is the artificial objectification and sexualization of female body parts, which is nothing less than blatant artificial insemination of the collective societal mind. Anything can be planted, made acceptable and even desirable -if the right seed is planted . The fashion industry clearly knows that lust grows where the body shows. With specific encouragement, beguiled men respond precisely as the industry expects, and brainwashed women become clones in unison as the industry predicts and profits -at directing one of the most lucrative games in the world. Fashion tweaks vanity.Vanity breeds conformity. Every woman wants to look good and feel desirable. The female body is indisputably an incredibly beautiful creation that -without the silicon enhancements of late, fashionable or otherwise, does not need to be, and clearly should not be, objectified, sexualized or sensualized for the titillation of the masses. Civility would suggest that the existence of any body part should not be magnified, modified, or glorified merely for the wealth of the fashion industry, or used as targets of implied shame. To do either is to provide cannon fodder for the self-righteous -those being the individuals that feign impropriety, insult and express indignation at nudity, complain bitterly about pervasive societal sex, but somehow seem to participate willingly. In nature, breasts exist to feed babies, but the industry insists they are merely for the endless titillation of lusting hedonists.The brassiere was invented to objectify and make the female breast erotic, conveniently making money in the process.Every woman has to have one or more, hopefully dozens of brassieres, or she is not " dressed appropriately or fashionably". Young girls only eight or ten years old are given "training bras"- not because they have breasts to fill them, but to train them psychologically and early, to buy into "fashionable" bras, filling instead the cash registers of the fashion and garment industries. Bare-breasted women have walked around freely in Africa, Polynesia, and other parts of the world for centuries and absolutely nothing is thought about it, other than by bra manufacturers and gawky beach-wasting foreigners who perhaps indignantly pretend to cover their eyes in embarrassment and stare as if the female breast was a new, threatening, alien creation. Historically in some cultures it was the style to cover one breast, but expose the other or perhaps peek-a-boo a nipple. For the simple and jolly-minded, it might have been too easy to assume there was one nipple provided for the baby and one for the lust of men, but in fact it was the lusting of the fashion dictators, - and women were pressured to breast-feed only in private. Breasts became objectified and the playground of the fashion industry instead of being what they are-a food supply for babies. For some reason, the most important and natural process in the world became almost taboo and unacceptable to fashion. The politically correct and the fashion industry must be made to share blame equally. Legs have also been sexualized and objectified. Long-legged, popular, and intensely beautiful made-up models, their legs unbelievably thin and reaching all the way to the outskirts of Regina are used to display "fashion". The "mini". Less cloth, more profit. Women, spray-painted, manufactured, totally unrealistic samples of womankind are endlessly promoted as "normal" body types in the annual hemline shift . Women are hidden in the suffocating, hot, deep south, at times down to the ankle at the insistence of control freaks that fill their cash registers, but take advantage knowingly as hemlines are headed either direction. Up or down, it does not matter as long as women are also decorated with expensive silk. Silk from China raised ancient eyebrows first because it was possible to see the female body in it's entirety if it was swathed in filmy, beautiful silk -yet silk was embraced and imported quickly and vigorously promoted by merchants of fashion who used the sexualization of legs for profit. Similar conservative dress' regimes have been applied to arms, wrists, ankles, feet, and even the eyes. The veiled, painted eye is the promise of the unknown; the allure of unrequited, mystical sex. Lips covered with the "fashionable enhancement " of colour can be truly and exotically beautiful, but cosmetic companies push the envelope to extremism. The garish, flaming red lipstick of common prostitutes is promoted as "beautiful" to encourage women to buy product. The not-very-subtle message to women is, " if you can't act like a prostitute because of your religion, Daddy's position in life, your church, or your up-tight upbringing at finishing school, at least you can look like one and still get your man". It is impossible for the cosmetic industry not to be aware of the crude description "cake hole", a term that is coarsely and ignorantly used to describe the garish red lip-stick- caked mouths of sex trade workers. One must seriously question if an ugly descriptive phrase such as that is coined by women-hating men that wish to exert power and control women; individuals expecting instant gratification and fellatio by the brightly painted, outrageously red mouths they have seen -in fashion magazines. Open any fashion magazine and see for yourself. In fashion advertising, sex is the seed that is planted in the mind. The sex of advertising blatantly and unashamedly sells almost everything except morality, reason, or conservative dress. Contemporary exploitation of women of all ages by the fashion industry is a disgrace. The fashion industry does not blatantly state so, but infers that if a woman is not "in fashion" she is the unworthy, ugly duckling of females. The fact that the "incredibly thin, manufactured, painted, manicured, perfectly coiffed, and fashionably-dressed" woman is unrealistic, improbable, and outrageously expensive -is ignored. Women are encouraged to be thin and lose weight to the point of anorexia -and exist as starving, jutting female bone structures that support confused, hollow, empty eyes seeking approval, often at the expense of their very lives. Fashion is truly sick.Welcome to INCOMING BYTES
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(1) Bra, really? Thank God, I don’t need one — but it’s good for large breasts, makes it more comfortable for “gifted” ladies to carry their gifts around…
(2) Unfortunately, for those having to raise kids, esp. girls, eradicating those false messages that the media & society shower them with from a very tender age takes up time & energy that could be so much more constructively used!
(3) What I see as most tragic (indeed!), is that obsession and anxiety of girls & women about their appearance, leading them to distort their nature with implants — everywhere: from boobs to lips to “anti-ageing” injections to sucking fat through medical procedures. Our culture is contradicting itself: wanting to teach self-confidence (a must-have for succeeding in life), while allowing the media to bombard women with insecurity about their image…
Hi Helene, apparently you are the bravest girl around, at this date, over a thousand people have read this article, and you’re the only person that has been brave enough to comment. Kudos to you!
I couldn’t agree more. The industry FEEDS on the vanity and insecurity of women–and brainwashes them from childhood. The ‘fashion’ industry dictates what shall be ‘in style’ but clearly lacks ethics, they are insulting and abusive in the attempt to turn ever-increasing profit. Genuine concern for women’s health is non-existent in the fashion industry. “Surgical correction” is “mandatory”. Bigger busts are “necessary”. Dignity is non-existent; and unfortunately–overall, there are few, if any boundaries of decency remaining in fashion. The promotion of ‘products’ from chemical-loaded deodorants, skin-killing makeup to ‘hair management’ and outrageously overpriced “skin creams” offers no concern or acceptance of responsibility for the proliferation chemically-induced cancers and other health problems. Unbelievable isn’t it. The ‘fashion industry’ is out of control–women seriously need to think for themselves and decide what’s suitable and best for THEM. The culture is indeed contradictory and destroying itself.
Helene, thanks again, thank you so much for commenting “:) ~R
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