"Is society ready to accept the possibility, even the reality of total genius, or do we have to keep "stupid" people in society as pawns to be used at our will?Perhaps you wish to be the next Einstein. Congratulations! You are open-minded enough to challenge the status quo. Being the next Einstein is a noteworthy goal or project for anyone that thinks. Hopefully, with enough effort, you could achieve that status. Always remember that virtually nothing is impossible given the right conditions. Most people can improve their ability to think, but apathy and wishful thinking will not help reach that objective; it takes effort. You can improve your ability to think, but first you must clearly understand and accept that it takes effort to learn. You must learn HOW to learn. One must learn how to think and use all of the information that is available at any instantaneous moment or given time, and how it interacts with all of the possibilities that exist. The contemporary understanding of the human brain and humanity itself is that human beings use only a fraction of the true capacity of their brain. Average use is variable, anywhere from 10% to 40%. No matter. You can learn to use more of your brain successfully. What are you doing with your brain capacity today? You have a choice, either you can allow it to collect dust, exclude all thought with the iPod pounding in your ears, or you can consciously improve it by putting your mind to work. Initiate some thought processes that are difficult. Follow them through. You are smarter than you think. Albert Einstein, the eminent scientist and thinker, apparently used a lot more of his brain than the average person ever does. What exactly did Albert Einstein have figured out that everyone else had missed? He was a genius. Why is that even possible? What makes a person a genius? People of genius category are rare. Does that curious fact intimate that the majority of people are not using the other 90% of their brain for anything? Is it because they do not realize that potential exists? Are ordinary human beings too lazy to bother to try to initiate all phases of brainpower? Is the education system "dumbing down" students ?
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I think we all have the potential (well okay most of us haha) but we need to access that info – tap into it. Motivation is keyyy!
Interestingly, Christyb, MOST people do not bother to think about, or question anything other than ‘what’s on TV’, ‘whats for dinner’, ‘how much is that’, ‘where can I go shopping’, ‘I want one’, etc. ad nauseum. The secret to expanding the potential of the brain is to actually challenge it, use it, question the ANSWERS of the questions you ask…endlessly. Christyb, you’re already a thinking person, that is clear by the poetry you write, your unique point of view. Keep working on it, Miss Einstein….”:)
You really know how to talk to women, Raymond. I was joking(wait, was i? I think that’s a fact). You can interpret things differently, following your interests, of course. But you are dull and bad at it.
Regarding this subject, if one wants to become “the next Einstein”, well, a choice must be taken: to try to live a happy life doing normal things such as shopping, watching movies, goin on vacations, (because we live, we can, we dont know what’s next) or to devote their life to science, to learning and understanding it. I never affirm that Einstein didnt go shopping, watch movies, goong on vacation. It depends either if you want to do something in and for this world, and your name to be recognized for centuries, or to struggle living a life of their own. Hard choice… but some of us can do that both, even if they wont obtain the same results.
Welcome to Incomingbytes, Simon. We must note that ‘talking to women’ is a learned skill, part of being genius. So is interpreting life differently… I’m always happy to accept great advice.
You said “But you are dull and bad at it”. (was that ‘talking to women’ or was it about ‘ You can interpret things differently, following your interests, of course. But you are dull and bad at it)?
At times it certainly seems that way, we all interpret things differently, and we all have different interests, don’t we… Perhaps you would be kind enough to offer some pointers of your own for improvement –and your own interpretations and interests? It’s an exciting subject isn’t it? “:)
Regarding becoming the ‘next Einstein’ No one will never find out unless they challenge themselves. I believe that genius can be not only learned, but discovered within. It is a given that natural genius already exists in some individuals. The only ‘choice’ required is to have an open mind.
Thank you for your comments~ Good luck with becoming the ‘next Einstein’. ~R
How does one become recognized or taken seriously at the age of 26 with no “science education” ? I have books written of theories and hypotheses from subconscious brain access. I feel the knowledge is going to waste in my books with nobody interested to look. Its not what you know. It really is who you know. That’s the only discouraging part.
Welcome to IncomingBytes, Kristen…Credibility is the problem of which you speak..at any age, particularly the young, each individual, however brilliant, must establish credibility for themselves and their ideas. Certainly at times it appears to be ‘who you know’ rather than ‘what you know’–and the resulting lack of exposure is frustrating.
Ever get the feeling nobody listens to you, no matter how bright you may be? You are not alone…and that is why establishing credibility slowly, carefully and faithfully, publishing your ideas, theories, your books, and being persistent, above all else, is so important. Promote them as best you can –and question everything–even question the responses you do not seem to get, and why you did not get a response from an expected source. There are as many reasons for non-responses as there are readers. You will resolve those issues one by one —being a genius is not an easy goal to achieve–but rest assured, you CAN do it, discovering the genius within your mind.
In your comment, you did not mention the titles of your books, genre, fields of interest other than general science, new concepts offered, or ideas. Why not? The answer to that question is incredibly simple. Now question that answer, and all subsequent answers you may discover.
This forum is another opportunity to make yourself known. And to display which direction you are taking with your life, what drives you —and what methods you will use to explain your theories and establish credibility as a 26-year-old. We believe all people have the answers within–human beings are simply not aware of the power of the mind, universal knowledge, how to discover, demonstrate and use that knowledge, skill set, natural genius, and inherent wisdom. Question everything a hundred times or more. One answer may be the correct one, but the other ninety-nine create additional questions you will need to answer. By the way, much of science today is based upon previous theories — some true, some not. How is the veracity of anything established? By questioning everything —over and over until the untruths, misplaced facts and blind acceptance of same are exposed as poor foundations for further advancement.
I am looking forward to hearing more about your ideas, theories and books. You may be the next Einstein. Thank you for your comments, and best wishes with your search to discover the genius you have within. Feel free to comment further. ~R