Tag Archives: unexpected windfalls

A Few Administrative Tweaks for Life

©2024 Raymond Alexander Kukkee  February 29,

[caption id="attachment_118" align="aligncenter" width="300"] A  deadline approaches for administrative tweaks for life                © photo r.a.kukkee[/caption]  

A Few Administrative Tweaks for Life

It has to happen sometime.  It always does eventually.  Change is not unique, it does not apply only  to individuals.    New realities apply to everything.  Sooner or later occasions arrive that demand change.  Let's call them  'a few administrative tweaks for life'.  Yes, they occur even on "Leap years".  Surprise! This is a 'Leap year'.  How about that?  Tweaking the old status quo; setting a new direction again.  Worthy of note, it is incredibly important to try; there are  many tweaks required to smooth speed bumps.  Breathe deeply.  Relax!  

Issues:   Everyone Has Them.  Nothing New There.

      Whether it is time, age, new jobs, or occupations, health, unexpected events, new obligations, societal  or other. Have you ever discovered  a new  issue  that can be repaired easily with  a few  essential  tweaks for life? Do you recognize oncoming situations  and deal with them head on? Do you always see roadblocks? Total wreckage ahead?      

Fear: Are There Mountains too High to Climb?

  Does fear postpone, alter, or entirely preclude action? Are there mountains pretending to be too high to climb?  How about impossible, raging rivers to be crossed?  Inexplicable, unfathomable  life events that realistically may  alter  forever, or cost  lives with  unpredictable losses? How about unexpected windfalls?   Are  they always life-changing? Can they be happy, sad, disastrous or just confusing? Life is for learning. Once in a while undefinable problems surface, even good ones  —and may remain unrecognized,  much less categorized. Read that twice. Administrative tweaks for life are a good thing.  

Patient Acceptance Of Virtually Any Reality Can  Occur.

      Best of all, some  are exotic,  unspeakable reality.  And equally important to realize, unique realities in life include events which may not be repairable.  Impossible tasks do  exist. Surely for those, classic  administrative tweaks for life  may never offer a realistic solution.  Therefore, consider creative, wishful thinking.  'Outside of the box'  may be encouraged, even essential.  More than likely, delusion  may be a realistic  description to offer.  Patient acceptance of virtually any reality  and the irreparable  can  occur, and does.  

Most Important to Remember


Finally,  what is the most important to remember?  Nobody,  significantly not even the most clever,  can halt the reality of time. Not even using clever administrative tweaks for life —over a lifetime.



      Is that incoming I hear?
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