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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister 3rd Edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing All rights reserved. Available at Amazon and other fine bookstores in both eBook and Print
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“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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A-Z Challenge: W is for Women
Why is W is for Women?
Women are unique human beings. Unusual women are everywhere, every one is different; debutante, delightful, the ordinary, extraordinary, contrary or exceptional. It takes all kinds and all descriptions; tall ones, short ones, redhead, blonde, brunette & brown, plain, cute, beautiful, smart, vibrant, dumb, clever, witty, eye-candy, busty, small-breasted, elegant, gold-digger, whacko, dowdy, lazy, hard-working, fast, slow, -girlfriend, wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, daughter, girl-next-door. She may be a friend, gay, lively, loser, lover. She may be skinny, pleasantly plump, chubby and well-toned, big and small, a valley girl, actress, athletic and/or a lunatic, insane, a talker, crier, princess, duchess, dancer, ballet prancer, waitress, teacher, or opera singer when musical laughter peals from painted lips as the fat lady sings.
Women can be delightful, annoying or diligent. Cheaters, faithful, genuine, artificial, painted deceivers. Sloppy. Neat. Irritating. They may be Great cooks, homemakers. Substitute secretary, CEO, pot-burner, gardener, smiling, gentle baker with great buns. She may be illiterate, educated, compelling, personable, and intelligent.
Descriptions of all kinds keep coming; devil, angel, sneering, snotty, gullible, sultry, sexy, nice, a hottie, silly, soulful housekeeper, granny grey, maid or mom, Queen, mother, missus, Mrs., Ms. and madame. She may be a fine lawyer, farmer, tailor, hairdresser, hooker, companion, date, shapely, writer or artist. She can be exciting, arrogant, humble, dim or dull, drab, dreary, or even in drag do-nothing dazzler, wear-nothing, sunburned naked nudist, bikini clad, lady, catwoman, superwoman, teacher or flower-girl flautist.
Don't forget to check out those bad-ass biker-babes, cello-players, genius gardening zeitgeists, and the rhythms and rhymes of giant-hearted prose creators, gnomes and Victorian poets. Moaning Mona and the Mona Lisa....There sure are a lot of women.... 'Ya gotta love'em all.
Women--it takes all kinds, and they're wonderful, that's why W is for Women.
Is that Incoming I hear?
©2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
This entry was posted in Humanity, Life, Reflections, Writing Life and tagged #women #unique. Bookmark the permalink.
Hehe, yes, many of those adjectives describe me … and not necessarily the ones you’d expect!
Alexandra, hahaha….you have a great sense of humour, too funny. When I wrote this, I was wondering how many people would admit and apply them honestly? “:))
… but you forgot tattooed 🙂
And, Alexandra, that’s another one I overlooked. Tatooed. Hahaha!
Red, I LOVE your tell-all wonderful one-word response. Notice I didn’t add any secret stuff? Perhaps a poll on this subject on M3. “;)
That’s an incredible list and almost 100% complimentary! You’ve got the ‘you really gotta love women!’ down to a fine art. Every Mona Lisa crack of the skin! Nancy
Hi Nancy, welcome to Incoming Bytes! Yes, it’s quite a list, and I now realize I overlooked quite a few more. “Flower child, psychedelic, becoming, wild, wonton, nimble, gawky, graceful, etc. etc. Mostly complimentary because women are beautiful people. Mona Lisa is beautiful is she not? “:) I really like that painting.
Please do visit again!
pst…. I will visit your blog too! “:)
And once in while…just ONCE in a while, mind you, a real PITA. Just saying, in the interest of full disclosure here…
Haha, Mac, you are so right. Once in a while. *erk. PITA, that’s the ‘once in a while’ that can burn bridges and lists, isn’t it. “:)
We women are quite a few things! 🙂 I am some of these things… 🙂
Yes, Christyb, you are. Notice the giant-hearted prose creators…haha! A lot of the other descriptions apply to you too, I’m guessing…”:)