Tag Archives: #women #unique

A-Z Challenge: W is for Women

©2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_1396" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Mona Lisa in Detail Mona Lisa in Detail    (Louvre)[/caption] Why is W is for Women? Women are unique human beings.  Unusual women are everywhere,  every one is different;  debutante, delightful,  the ordinary,  extraordinary, contrary or exceptional.           It takes all kinds and all descriptions; tall ones, short ones,  redhead, blonde, brunette &  brown, plain,  cute, beautiful, smart, vibrant,  dumb, clever, witty, eye-candy, busty, small-breasted, elegant,  gold-digger, whacko,  dowdy, lazy, hard-working, fast, slow,  -girlfriend, wife,  mother,  grandmother, aunt, daughter, girl-next-door. She may be a   friend,  gay,   lively,  loser,  lover. She may be skinny, pleasantly plump, chubby  and well-toned, big and small, a valley girl, actress,  athletic and/or a lunatic, insane,  a talker, crier,  princess, duchess, dancer, ballet prancer, waitress, teacher, or opera singer when  musical laughter peals from  painted lips as the fat lady sings. Women can be delightful, annoying or diligent.  Cheaters, faithful,  genuine, artificial, painted deceivers. Sloppy. Neat. Irritating.   They may be  Great cooks, homemakers. Substitute secretary, CEO, pot-burner, gardener,  smiling, gentle baker  with great buns. She may be illiterate,  educated, compelling, personable, and  intelligent. Descriptions of all kinds keep coming;  devil, angel,  sneering,  snotty, gullible, sultry,   sexy, nice, a hottie,  silly, soulful  housekeeper,  granny grey,  maid or mom, Queen, mother, missus, Mrs., Ms. and madame. She may be a fine lawyer,  farmer,  tailor, hairdresser, hooker, companion, date,  shapely, writer or artist.  She can be exciting, arrogant, humble, dim or dull, drab, dreary,  or even in drag  do-nothing dazzler,  wear-nothing, sunburned naked nudist, bikini clad, lady, catwoman, superwoman,  teacher or  flower-girl flautist. Don't forget to check out those  bad-ass biker-babes, cello-players, genius gardening zeitgeists,  and the rhythms and rhymes of giant-hearted prose creators, gnomes and Victorian poets.  Moaning Mona and the Mona Lisa....There sure are a lot of women.... 'Ya gotta  love'em all. Women--it takes all kinds, and they're wonderful, that's why W is for Women. Is that Incoming I hear? +
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