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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister 3rd Edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing All rights reserved. Available at Amazon and other fine bookstores in both eBook and Print
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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Tag Archives: Happy New Year
New Year Planned… Is YOURS?

"We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne..."
Is Your New Year Planned?
Wow, no doubt about it, it is exciting —the end of one year, the chance to start on a new one—but is your exciting New Year planned? Really? It is that time of year again. Res0lutions, promises, renewals, parties, dances, celebrations, decorations, champagne. Let us all celebrate tossing of the old, tired, and sing, bringing in the new...There. Done. That ought to do it. Pop the bubbly. Sing, hug, have a smooch or two. Enjoy. Smile. Here's Auld Lange Syne, sing it, baby! Beautiful, isn't it?
Without careful, thoughtful planning, a.k.a. New Year planned well, and singing aside, what will be changed? The same old, same old. And perhaps, it seems we are doomed to repeat the same mistake every year. We all get older, but are we necessarily becoming wiser in the process? Once-a-year friends. Once-a-year promises, best wishes, fences mended, destruction of the old in the hope the new shall somehow be a new year planned, kindness renewed, and we shall somehow smarter, better, richer, faster, happier, have greater opportunities, more hope, more happiness... Okay...you get the idea, better dreams all around.
The reality is, unless we have worked hard—diligently—gone all out— to have our new year planned —and do the groundwork required for all of the above to coalesce into solid progress and reality, alas, 2016 is likely to remain more of the same. Unless we make it so, a new year is unlikely to turn out much different. Not better. Not exciting. Not encouraging. Not the stuff from which sparkly dreams appear. It is up to each of us to plan...does that overwhelm you?
No matter. Think about it. For the moment, go out. Have fun. Enjoy your friends. Celebrate. Stay safe. Promise not to drink and drive. Decide what you'll do with the next 365-1/4 days. Recognize that 2016 can be heady stuff!—and then go for it. Keep in mind, a new year planned well can be an amazing inspiration, —and your dreams and plans can actually become your NEW reality.
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As for us here at Incoming Bytes, the muse can be pretty convincing at times...so we're going for it. Happy New Year, everyone! Stay safe! Let's play Auld Lang Syne again...
Is that Incoming I hear?2013: Wrap it Up
© by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
Happy New Year!
Party, people! It's already December 31st and 2013 has been consumed, used up, down the pipe, glug-glug, it's gone! New Year's Eve! A perfect day? Yes! Sun was out. Here in NW Ontario it's been incredibly Canadian today, brutally cold and bright for the last day of 2013. At -38C, the snow squeaks when you're brave enough to go out and walk on it, Apparently it is too cold for Florida-types, but in reality, it was a perfect, normal, winter day. Perfect for partying New Year's Eve, and the party's ON!
Speaking of perfection, in 2013, completed goals, fulfilled dreams, even small successes helped and it's a perfect day to stay in and wrap it up.
First of all, with something over 381,000 hits on this website in just over 11 months (since the 'hit counter' was installed on this site, that is ) —which is amazing — I want to thank each and every one of my loyal readers for stopping in here at Incoming Bytes.com.
I also wish to thank my friends around the world near and far; those with creative, persistent ideas, wonderful solid people who continue to inspire and support my dreams. Movers and shakers, individuals with dreams of their own,
For example, Robin Tidwell at Rocking Horse Publishing suggested we put my previously-published eBook Morgidoo's Christmas Carol (a unique Christmas classic for all ages ) into print. Not just an idea! It's done and out there! Fantastic.
Rocking Horse Publishing designed a new cover for the 2nd edition. Robin did a wonderful job on the project. Morgidoo's Christmas Carol 2nd edition is now out in the USA, Canada, UK, India, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, and everywhere else Amazon reaches. In fine bookstores everywhere. How can that NOT be an inspiration and good luck for an author?
Now it may sound strange that I specifically mentioned Robin Tidwell, but she was actually the first person ever to read 'Liv Manlin' , my first novel that was collecting dust, and encouraged me to submit it for publication. It ended up being named "The Fires of Waterland" (historical fiction) (Redmundpro) that was published and launched in January of this same lucky year. 2013, The Year of the Writer. How do you beat that?
Then there's the luck of the Irish, —After all, everybody has luck, don't they? er....No
Did you publish a best-seller, too, win the Megabucks lottery or perhaps a free ticket for the Super 7? How about the gazillion-buck SuperBall? Did you even come close? Win a free donut? Find a quarter on the coffee-shop parking lot? Write a few short stories? As an aside, did you ever persuade the spouse to read your first poem? My first poem was awful. It's still awful.
Nooooo...you say? Okay, those were trick questions anyway. Did you close your eyes, scribble more poetry, and just buy another ticket ? Did you keep on writing no matter what your critics said? Did you listen to your instincts? There you go, that's called persistence, and optimism. Hope. It is lucky to be persistent. Join the group. You're in great company. We all win when we keep trying. Smile. Lottery non-winners, authors-to- be published or not, scribblers and lucky anonymous, terrible poets, ordinary people. The eternally hopeful. God Bless us all.
That's the point. We're optimistic, looking forward to 2014 and the NEW opportunities offered. Learn lessons in life. Take notes. Who knows, we may even publish again, put out a new edition, and really get that best-seller going —and win the lottery too, (which might be easier) in 2014...er...we hope.
Meantime, good health, no accidents---how can good luck like that be beaten?
We may have to look this way and that, searching under rocks, and think positively to identify the genuinely wonderful things that did happen looking back at 2013, because sometimes they're tiny. Miniscule tiny miracles. A page at a time. We always have greater expectations, don't we? I have to admit that 2013 was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and let's be realistic. Publishing a book or, winning the lottery doesn't guarantee life will be better. . Oh yeah? but it wouldn't be nice to run a test on that theory ?
Let's Wrap it Up
No matter; the year 2013 is toast anyway 365 days gone, so let's wrap it up. Best of 2014 to EVERYONE. Have a Happy and Safe New Year,
p.s. And please don't drink and drive, plan to come home to your loved ones in one piece..
Happy 2014 !!
Is that Incoming I hear?
photo credit courtesy of www.gahzebo.com