New Year Planned… Is YOURS?

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Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year 2016!


"We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne..."


Is Your New Year Planned?

Wow, no doubt about it,  it is exciting —the end of one year, the chance to start on a  new one—but is your exciting New Year planned?  Really?  It is that time of year again.  Res0lutions, promises, renewals,  parties, dances, celebrations,  decorations, champagne.  Let us all celebrate tossing of the old, tired, and sing, bringing in the new...There.  Done.  That ought to do it.  Pop the bubbly. Sing, hug, have a smooch or two. Enjoy.  Smile.   Here's Auld Lange Syne,  sing it, baby!  Beautiful, isn't it?


Without careful, thoughtful planning, a.k.a.   New Year planned well,  and singing aside,  what will be changed?  The same old, same old.  And perhaps, it seems we are doomed to repeat the same mistake every year.    We all get older,  but are we necessarily becoming wiser in the process?  Once-a-year friends. Once-a-year promises, best wishes, fences mended, destruction of the old in the hope the new shall somehow be a new year planned,  kindness renewed, and we shall  somehow smarter, better, richer, faster, happier, have greater opportunities, more hope, more happiness... get the idea, better dreams all around.

The reality is, unless we have worked hard—diligently—gone all out— to have our new year planned —and do the groundwork required for all of the above to coalesce into solid progress and reality,  alas, 2016  is likely to remain more of the same.  Unless we make it so, a new year is unlikely to turn out much different. Not better. Not exciting.  Not encouraging. Not the stuff from which sparkly dreams appear.  It is up to each of us to plan...does that overwhelm you?

No matterThink about it.  For the moment, go outHave fun. Enjoy your friends. Celebrate.  Stay safe.  Promise not to drink and drive.  Decide what you'll do with the next 365-1/4 days.  Recognize that 2016 can be heady stuff!—and then go for it.  Keep in mind, a new year planned well can be an amazing inspiration, —and your dreams and plans can actually become your NEW  reality.

Thunmbs UP, Happy New Year!

Thumbs UP, Happy New Year!

As for us here at Incoming Bytes, the muse can be pretty convincing at we're going for it.  Happy New Year, everyone! Stay safe!  Let's play Auld Lang Syne again...



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About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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