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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister 3rd Edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing All rights reserved. Available at Amazon and other fine bookstores in both eBook and Print
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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Tag Archives: #A to Z
A-Z Challenge: G is for Gold
© 2013 Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_1182" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Gold Nuggets Photo by Rob Lavinsky[/caption]
G is for gold. Precious metal. The shiny stuff of crowns, coins and legends. A noble metal that historically has turned men into fools, thieves, murderers. A metal that can turn normally thinking men into secretive, greedy, eccentric, and dangerous individuals. From the beginning of time men have moiled for gold and paid for it with their very lives. What does gold do to you?
Would you spend years wandering deserts in Australia, climbing mountains in wilds of Canada, or prospecting and panning for gold in icy rivers world wide? Would you tunnel thousands of feet underground, risking life and limb for wealth? Have you seen an inanimate lump of metal become something so beautiful in your mind that it became an obsession? How can mere metal blind, remove logic, and even invoke insanity?
You cannot eat gold. It is just metal. Think about it. Gold offers economic choices, but out of control, guarantees rewards of madness. Does ordinary change to obsession when influenced by the wealth, promise and excitement offered by the shiny metal? Does this precious metal and others like it influence, or does it become the beauty traditionally held to be in the eye of the beholder? Does skin ordinary on the outside become beautiful if gilded with gold? Is the Midas touch real?

- How does gold affect you?
- Do you think you have become obsessed with wealth?
Posted in Economic issues, Life, Major Issues, Reflections, Uncategorized
Tagged #A to Z, #economics, #wealth, Gold, insanity, prospecting, the MIdas touch
A-Z Challenge: F is for Forever
©2013 Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_1163" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Where is Forever?[/caption]
F is for Forever. In our daily conversations, it is often heard 'it takes forever to drive through Kansas, or 'it takes forever to learn how to speak Mandarin". It takes 'forever' to do the housework and an even longer 'forever' to learn algebra, get over writer's block, or weed a row of tiny carrots when it is hot, muggy, and those nasty bugs are biting.
That makes sense. After all, F is forever, isn't it? In our imaginations, perhaps....
But does anyone know what 'forever' is in real time? Where is it? How about the condition, F is for forever? Let's sit in the shade and think about F is for forever'. Exponential thought can define 'forever; or is that definition, too, impossible? The majority of human beings define everything in their reality in terms simplified, understood, and above all, tangible.
Perhaps we can only define ' F is for forever' by what it is not. Forever is not a limited period of time, no matter how long it may seem. In reality, we did finally arrive at the other side of Kansas, and learned algebra too. We get to the end of the carrot row and congratulate ourselves in Mandarin. We manage to get over writer's block eventually. Clearly those goals did not take 'forever'. If F is for forever, when exactly is that?
To achieve a difficult goal can take a long time; perhaps an unexpectedly long time or what may seem to be even an unbelievably long time. There is a clue. Undoubtedly time is involved. Watch the clock and see. But Is time itself like a transparent rubber band, something that can be stretched out to an imaginary goal we optimistically label 'forever'?
'Forever' does appear to be some unattainable time in the future. If that is the case, we can never reach that goal. Why? Because if the universe is expanding as is the popular scientific belief -it is the elusive 'forever' along with it. Advancing with time, deliciously in sight but just beyond human reach and our fallible beliefs -- is 'forever'.
I see it could take forever to prove that, too. That's why F is for Forever.
Is that Incoming I hear?

Posted in Life, Reflections, The Unknown, Uncategorized, Writing Life
Tagged #A to Z, #exponential thought, #F is forever, #forever, #theUnknown