Category Archives: Economic issues

Global Warming in Action: Unprecedented Events

©2018 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee  
[caption id="attachment_4458298" align="aligncenter" width="1089"]Map showing locations of BC Fires 2018 2018 Fires British Columbia[/caption]


Global Warming in Action:  Unprecedented Events


We often  wonder why  human beings refuse to  comprehend the significance of  unprecedented events.   Is it not logical to observe, interpret, apply logic, and finally, act accordingly? Unprecedented events in 2018  such as record temperatures and perhaps  the largest wildfires in history occurred.   Destruction of homes, property, infrastructure,  habitat for animals. A record fire season in western Canada (again) this time in B.C.,   consumed thousands upon thousands of hectares of pristine forest. Thousands of  hectares in single blazes as major fires merged to become horrific beasts from hell.  Heat, smoke, fear, lives lost, major evacuations.  Reminiscent of  Fort MacMurray  a horrific  2016 blaze  that burned subdivisions to the foundations, scorched parts of that city and consumed 5,895 square kilometers of forest     (589,552 hectares or 1, 456,815 acres). The Fort Mac fire took 15 months to extinguish. Wasn't that fire convincing enough for  you?

Further east,  (2018) the Parry Sound wildfire in Ontario threatened to cut off Hwy 17,  Canada's major east-west traffic route.   California had unbelievable heat, major wildfires. with record destruction.   Here's a hint; do excessively-prolonged periods of super-hot, dry weather with no rainfall over vast areas of the continent not suggest change?

Fires were not Enough.

  Fires were not enough. Major rainstorms and floods occurred in Toronto.   Imagine that.  And unprecedented  tornadoes —including  Ottawa of all places. How destructive,  almost  predictable, with weather patterns warming and unstable.  There were no fatalities, but some might suggest ominous warnings for rotten politicians and selfish  "weather deniers" alike. Let us not go there.  Should we generously suggest  pretending such events are only the result of the capricious, playful mind of Mother Nature? Perhaps not.


 Unprecedented Events-Not Just in  North America.

More out-of-control wildfires. Heat. In Greece. Spain. Even north of the Arctic circle.   A once-in-a-century drought in Australia.  Record, unbelievably hot scorching  temperatures.  Only 40C, you say?  50C ? How hot can that  be? Very. Without rainfall, without relief,   heat can be fatal to people and animals alike.  So...  100+ days without any rain, not a drop?  Australians necessarily cull  sheep and cattle herds. No rain, no water, no feed, little hope, mate, so dig in.  On massive sheep ranches, survival of prize  breeding stock is essential.   Ensuring recovery, when and if the rains come. The Australian way of surviving difficulty, mate...


Hurricanes. Typhoons, Earthquakes...Unprecedented Events.

Now for the hurricane season.  Florence , a deadly  hurricane became a massive tropical storm, sweeping up the eastern seaboard of the USA. Wreaking havoc, flooding, massive  destruction from deadly winds and other nasty hurricane stuff. Awesome to watch. On television.  In real life, not so much.  Unprecedented, massive evacuations of millions.  Dank, dirty, contaminated water already metres deep from the storm surge,   aggravated by record rainfall  . As much as  1.27 metres ( 50 inches) of rain were dumped upon some parts of the Carolinas  —pouring  into rivers already washing away homes , streets, highways and lives, flooding reaching  record levels, water trying to return to the sea.

        [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="976"]Volunteers in a small boat rescuing flood victims from Florence Flooding in N. Carolina. Volunteers rescuing victims from  Florence.  Photo by Getty Images. [/caption]    

Harrowing rescues by exhausted rescuers. Deaths. Forty-four fatalities  at the latest count.  And the tally may  not finished yetWhy?  Havoc  and death can remain undiscovered in vast areas of massive flooding. Repairs to homes and businesses are calculated in the billions as waters recede.  Slowly. Repairs to some  flooded homes and infrastructure may be possible; for others, loss is catastrophic, total.  Americans will rebuild. For next time. Repeat.

Do we change our minds when confronted with fact?  No. How about the 'fact' of Florence?  A hurricane that was approximately 600 km. across in size. Unbelievable.

Or how about the simultaneous and gigantic  typhoon  Mangkhut  , much larger than Florence, closer to 900 km. across?   Much bigger 'facts' battering the Philippines on the other side of the world?  Or is that event, like other foreign disasters,  just  'out of sight, out of mind?'  Not for millions of people ill-equipped to deal with the aftermath of flooding, landslides, loss of homes and devastating winds.

  [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="864"]A map showing Super Typhoon Mangkhut some 900 km. in size Super Typhoon Mangkhut batters the Philippines on the other side of the globe...Sept 15, 2018[/caption]  

Do we 'get it' yet?  

If not, it seems we soon will.  Weather patterns appear to be surreptitiously  creeping northward.  Ask the people of  Ottawa and the surrounding area to Gatineau, Quebec. Ask how they feel about surveying  the shattered remains of their lives,  homes, possessions,  cars, trees, parks, streets and infrastructure. No  fewer than SIX tornadoes struck.  Perhaps shocked residents should be asking themselves if the annual, almost predictable  destruction of  terrifying tornado alley is  moving in from the United States of America. Unwanted imports?  Imagine that possibility.  

*Batten the hatches.  Earthquakes and Tsunamis...right on time... Indonesia was recently  hit by another earthquake, 7.4 magnitude...death tolls in the many hundreds,  and counting...

Connect the dots...will we ever take responsibility for our part in global warming and natural disasters?



Is that Incoming I hear?

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An Epic Failure as Trudeau goes Prancing in India

©2018 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee     [caption id="attachment_4167" align="alignleft" width="151"] Trudeau in Costume in India[/caption]

Being Snubbed is Never Enough Drama...

Being snubbed was not good enough.   A 10-day vacation paid for by Canadians was not good enough.  Suits were not enough.   Costumes.  Many were required.  A dozen or more changes to overly-fancy, outrageously-expensive, special-event, traditional Indian costumes were not even good enough.  No official 'welcome'?   So there. We'll wear costumes. Let us make it  even more ridiculous. We'll  have our Prime Minister prancing in India. That ought to complete the 'selfie'.

Yes. Prime Minister Trudeau insisted upon prancing in India.  In  costume or out of, it makes no difference to "Justin the actor".   Drama. Stroke the Ego.  Teach the natives, ensure that Indians not only know how to dance and dress up, but how to perform their traditional dances  with official  ceremonial garb.  Dance: the "lesson" of the day?  To demonstrate  how 'fun' we are, how 'flamboyant',  just like 'daddy'?   Bottom line, the ACT was an epic fail. Another epic Trudeau fail.  A global joke.  A disaster.  Have Canadians ever made such fools of themselves on the international stage?

Fashion Note  to Justin:   Those red "Dorothy in Kansas "  pointy girly-'Indian" slipper- shoes have to go, DoDo... yes, we are referring to you, Dodo....


The "Right Honourable''  Prime Minister of Canada?

Canadians expect civilized protocol, dignity, civility, and mutual respect from diplomats of other nations— AND equally,  from our own Prime Minister.   Why?  Our "leaders" represent 35 MILLION of us out there on the world stage.  Canadians expect dignity, and pride themselves at the level of respect usually offered to Canada and all Canadians abroad.

Were Canadians then surprised to see Trudeau's  blatant, tasteless  appropriation of culture and outrageous ceremonial  dress of India?  Foreign nation attire and culture as interpreted by la femme  Trudeau....Yes, 'la'. on earth did Canada ever degenerate  THAT far?  —To be rewarded with a "Prime Minister prancing in India? Making a jackass fool of himself? A laughingstock?

A "Working Vacation"  Deteriorates  to Prancing In India

It all started with a vacation tour of India disguised as a 'business trip'.  By now it must be considered  "perfectly normal" for the Liberal self-entitled  P.M. to haul Sophie and the "kids" along  on any working vacation.  To see the world. Become more cosmopolitan, more  "peoplekind-ish".   Like the controversial  trip to the Agha Khan's soul-counseling-consulting  Islamic resort. To learn how to enable Islam in Canada.  A 'free vacation Which broke ethics laws.   At the expense of Canadians. Right.  Justin thinks he got away with that one. What else would be  new for the elitist, privileged  Trudeau —who has never worked a single day in his life?

But even for Justin... a  'work vacation' all the way to India  without  work? Without prearranged, scheduled meetings with significant representatives of the government of India?     Oh, let's all  have INCOMPETENT vacationing  staffers and vacationing appointees  'arrange them when we get there, if we have time."  Visiting a foreign nation on the pretense of foreign relations without having received  traditional acknowledgement from the PMO of that foreign nation?

Wait, let's think about it. Which official 'head of state',  man, woman, or superhero  actually WORKING hard every day — would be interested in seeing Trudeau, a vacationing buffoon?   Which dignified parliamentarian would wish  to be obligated to entertain  a delusional, childish actor from Canada?  A  replacement "Mr. Dressup" , or a dandy,  a fancy drama teacher,   an  "irregular traveler, " a  delusional  fraud pretending to be 'working'?

[caption id="attachment_4170" align="alignleft" width="84"] Trudeau's Red Pointy Prancing Shoes in India[/caption]

Which self-respecting Prime Minister of any foreign nation would want to be seen beside  a grinning fool, even IF the 'jester' was  having 'fun' prancing the Bhangra in India?   What was he doing, teaching Indians how to dance, too?   Or was it another  Trudeau subtle "joke" at which all "peoplekind" should the 'wit' of  Trudeau? India should be impressed with Justin's 'dancing'?   Justin clearly thinks so,  but we think  not.



Lunch with Felons


It keeps getting better doesn't it?

[caption id="attachment_4166" align="alignleft" width="300"] Guess who was invited to Lunch?  Jaspal Atwal  poses with  Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

 Let us all click our red heels together, Dorothy. We aren't in Kansas anymore.  We're not in Canmore or  Moosejaw. We're not in Northern Ontario .  We are prancing in India...on 'vacation'.    Where we can invite convicted felons  like Jaspal Atwal  to  have lunch. It seems convicted criminals  are specially invited to enjoy dining with the traveling jester. 

Lunch...Trudeau denies inviting "Jas"  and quickly tosses him under the bus —complete with his "friendship".

  "Jas" has a different version, "They are good friends" Jas  insists.  After all, he gets to pose beside Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, the better half.  Friends do that, don't they?

Imagine that... Trudeau's string-pullers insist India conspired to invite "Jas" to lunch, then Trudeau's  minion, a Sikh MP  decides  to take the fall for Justin, swearing "he"  did it. And he  is oh, so sorry. As sorry as a humble Sikh can be.   He apologizes.   Right.  Politicians are always sorry when they are CAUGHT.  We ALL believe Trudeau the Compulsive, taqiyya liar spinning fool  and his appointee-minions, don't we?


The  Canadian-Indian Food-Taster Celebrity Chef

Lunch consisted of  safe "real Indian food" prepared by Trudeau's one-and-only approved real-Indian-food-cooker-come-food-taster  chef.   'Celebrity' Chef' Vikram Vij  was flown all the way to India  from Canada at the expense of Canadian taxpayers.  Yes. Unbelievable. Why would that be necessary, you ask?  To make lunch?  India has not ONE celebrated chef in a population of billions?   

[caption id="attachment_4168" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Celebrity Chef Vikram Vij with Justin Trudeau[/caption]

We thought about it and must conclude: "Trudeau decided to have Vikram Vij  tag along to prepare lunch, just in  case  accomplished, celebrity Indian chefs  who LIVE in  India don't know how to make REAL Indian, a few might  be tempted to add some extra hot 'spice' ...and  do Canada a favour.  Poison works equally well for rats, traitors, and supporters of Khalistani separatists.  Think, people, here at IncomingBytes  that's all we ask...

An Epic Fail

Regardless, the Trudeau's obscenely-expensive vacation to India was clearly an epic fail, perpetrated and demonstrated in a nutshell  (really)  by the ludicrous Prancing Prime Minister.  

By the way, as an afterthought,  the dignified, highly -respected  and astute, intelligent and hard-working  Prime Minister  Modi  of IndiaFINALLY took pity upon Justin and 'met' with him.  And gave him the 'Modi hug'.   Holding his nose, we suspect —for the dignity and lifetime memories of the Trudeau children

Now the dramatic,  incompetent and foolish Prancing Prime Minister of Canada  has  "insisted" the trip was a ga-ga success. More lies.  Go figure.  Where, oh where does Justin come up with so many creative lies and *costumes?  After all, being snubbed is never enough...drama...

*Note to Readers:   Since PM Trudeau was 'criticized' for dressing in numerous traditional Indian "costumes" --try this, dear readers.....Google "Trudeau Family at the Taj Mahal."   How convenient that NOT ONE of the many, many  photographs NOW shows the Trudeaus in *costume" at the Taj Mahal.  Nice spin job removing the evidence... See what happens?


    Is that Incoming I hear?      
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