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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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Tag Archives: Canadian election
Voter Boy
©2015 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_1363" align="alignnone" width="768"] The Peaceable Kingdom (Edward Hicks)[/caption]
Voter Boy*
When I was a boy I wanted to vote;
Why, I did not know;
I went to political rallies next door; an old schoolhouse;
It was the thing to do,
With farmers, mechanics, curious, mothers with babies, families, neighbours,
Other kids like me, watching, open-eyed,
Watched with eagle eyes by mothers and old ladies, grandmothers knitting mitts;
When I was a boy I paid attention, and listened, carefully,
Words of hope, eyes wide open, pie in sky,
And the people went mad with delight, strangely entertained by signs,
By strangers with lying lips
Clapping and cheering for sweating, fat and slippery Soap-Box Stumpers,
With bold offers of Utopian life, promises ever savoury, bright tin badges;
Grits and Tories all, entertaining hallowed promises of prosperity, jobs and happiness.
When I was a boy, I wanted to vote, and too soon it came;
I became a voter boy,
I heard men make promises they would not keep, turned cold.
When I became a voter boy,
I heard Stumpers Red and Blue speak the same liberal language of convenience.
When I became a voter boy, I watched lies, deception, and hearts pricked;
Bleeding trust profusely;
Pondered memories of unanswered questions from the past,
The stumping sweat of fear, shifty eyes, embarrassed silence;
Scandal, delusion, willful deception,
Echoes of clapping, entertaining fools drifting home
With egg salad on face, furrowed brow, darkness of heart, lies remembered;
When I became a voter boy, I discovered disillusion, — yes,
—But also how to think
—For myself.
*Voter boy I was, —and I still vote today--but sadly, in decades, nothing much has observably changed in Canada- as we participate in the 2015 Federal Election, strangely, and predictably, with high expectations.
Is that Incoming I hear?
Posted in Civilization, Poetry, Politics, Reflections, Uncategorized
Tagged Canadian election, life, reflections, Voter boy
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Issues: Unbelievable
©2015 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_3528" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Skepticism[/caption]
Harperman, the Great Niquab debate, the sell-out of Canada, corruption, Senate scandals, wedgies, big hair or the smoke and mirrors of the great Canadian election.
Skeptical? Go figure.
Better yet, go vote. For honesty, diligence, and charity.
Is that Incoming I hear?
Three things that are simply unbelievable
At times, that is. We offer the argumentative POV that life works best when practiced with 1) honesty, 2) diligence and 3) charity. There is much skepticism. We seem to be wrong. Or are we?Unbelievable? Try the Official Stink Test.
At Incoming Bytes that simple test can be applied to love and matters of the heart, personal relationships, how you treat your spouse, dog, gerbil, cats and kids, and neighbours. How about that stranger, the old lady trundling down the street pushing a grocery cart, suspiciously gawking left and right. She may be smiling, ragged, homeless, or not. Sketchy and paranoid, she may give you the shirt off of her back and share her dumpster sandwich with you because it's all she has to offer, but you won't give her a dime. Yes, that stinks. Keep the concept in mind. Unbelievable? Reality is built upon your overview of life — personal beliefs, what you were taught, what you learned, what you practiced, what satisfied the inner child. Momentary personal beliefs, to be more accurate, and practice makes perfect, for a mere moment from now, very little remains the same. Honesty, diligence and charity applies to human beings universally, including politics, or is that too unbelievable ? Too hard to understand? Too much to expect? Disclaimer: Wallow in the unbelievable. Facts may exceed the maximum scale in the stink test. In overview, honesty should not include blatant lies, fear-mongering, broken promises, idiocy, secret deals, ghosts corrupt lurking in the shadows of duff piled to unprecedented heights using big shovels with long, very crooked and greasy handles. Integrity, ethics, honesty, true charity and compassion are increasingly unseen in ourselves, but more noticeably lacking in politics and our so called ' leaders'. Is it because honest leaders no longer exist? Oops. Oh, golly-gee-whiz....that might be politically incorrect. We might hurt some 'feelings'. We might disturb the 'agenda' which is being followed. We've always been told never to talk religion or politics. So much for
Posted in Civilization, Economic issues, Ethics, Major Issues, Politics, Writing Life
Tagged Canadian election, ethics, Harperman, Incoming Bytes, stink test
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