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Terrorism: Facing Reality
©2014 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_1163" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
When do we face Reality?[/caption]

"Alice, let us cut to the chase and start facing reality soon. Reality you say? What's that? ....er...the reality we're going to have to face, preferably sooner than later? Get it? "
No, apparently some people do not get it. Somehow it appears that politicians do not. Perhaps they live in a rabbit-hole or magic parallel universe where facing reality is politically-incorrect, distasteful, does not garner enough votes, or is not trendy enough. Canadians see a recent terrorist attack as being a bit more than just troubling as Prime Minister Stephen Harper called it. The questionable response of ''politicians" in the Canadian House of Commons ( --yes, that would the forum of leaders ) came yesterday when told that two Canadian soldiers in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, had been run over in a hit-and-run — with a car driven by a known Islamic convert; a known, radicalized fanatic. Yes, you got it right. Attempted murder of Canadian soldiers by a 25-year-old radicalized Islamic fanatic who is (was) a known extremist. Dear reader, read that twice. Do you, too, find that 'troubling' ? One of the soldiers has since died, the other remains in critical condition. After a 4 km police chase, the perpetrator named Martin Rouleau a.k.a. Ahmad LeConverti ( Ahmad the Converted ) who had " converted" to Islam a year ago, tried to evade police and rolled his car. He was subsequently shot and killed. A knife was involved. What was the "suspect" intending to do, behead his victims also? That barbaric concept too, is a little more than "Troubling". NDP opposition leader Tom Mulcair criticized Harper for even commenting. How helpful. Make some political points. After all, the upcoming election is a year away.... I digress. Well, okay, let's just all be 'politically-correct' and not comment on that at all, since Mr. Mulcair wants to be politically-correct, as he scolded, "Let the police do their job, and then we'll know whether we're dealing with the type of situation they've described" Really. Well, Alice, let's just get ourselves over to Timmy's and wait in line for a coffee and two muffins, and then we'll hop down the nearest rabbit-hole with the Mad Hatter, and be politically-correct first, before anyone is allowed to think, make a comment, raise an ISIL flag, or call Ahmad the known Jihadi what he was, a terrorist who has now killed, and has been killed, in Canada's first terrorist attack. "Troubling affair, is it not? " Yes, it is. Time to turn on the lights in the rabbit-hole, stir the coffee, drop the muffins and do the math, isn't it, Alice? Sometimes, Alice, 2+2 = 4, and yes, it may be "troubling" —but it also happens to be fact. Canadians must soon begin facing reality —and also, are apparently due for a reduction in "political correctness". # Is that Incoming I hear?
Posted in Civilization, Major Issues, Politics, Uncategorized
Tagged Ahmad LeConverti, Alice in Wonderland, Canada, reality, Stephen Harper, terrorism, terrorist acts, Tom Mulcair
The Balkanization of Canada and Your Neighbourhood
The Balkanization of Canada
Yes, the Balkanization of Canada. To most Canadians Balkanization is a strange word and foreign concept isn't it? Something that belongs somewhere else, in old Europe where countries fester restlessly, fall apart on a moments notice, monarchies and old castles collect dust, and ghosts fight battles of the past. Still —in Canada?— Unbelievable, is it not?
Regardless, the Balkanization of Canada is the subject at hand, and you can believe it exists and is developing effectively in Canada; the very opposite of
warm and fuzzyutopian multiculturalism, politically-correct tolerance and 'inclusiveness'.The demise of Canadian sanitized, idealized, —and mostly unrealized Liberal 'multiculturalism' is becoming ever more likely. Was genuine multiculturalism ever properly achieved in Canada? Let's look at that. What about the the failure to admit the reality of 'undeclared special neighbourhoods' with concentrations of ethnic peoples and unspoken cultural truths, foreign 'Canadians' with far more than six degrees of separation? Just down the street. In a province next door, or that big city, where do you, inexplicably, feel like a foreigner? Where can you walk safely at night? Which neighbourhoods do you feel uncomfortable passing through, visiting or walking into even in broad daylight? If so, why not?
Balkanization may be defined as the fragmentation or division of a geographical area, a country or geopolitical entity — into smaller, differentially-defined geopolitical units. Territorial areas of influence, or on a small scale, neighbourhoods. Fragmentation at some point —and not always for the better. Resulting geopolitical units are not necessarily hostile, but let us face reality, decades of concentration of ethnicity, separation with purpose or cause, whether it be cultural, language, economics or tribal ethnicity, has predictable consequences. Any subsequent 'relationship' with other 'hoods' may become progressively less tolerant and even totally hostile rather than peaceful.
If unresolved differences, arrogance and anger dominates any special group separated within a state, or country, the outcome of Balkanization is predictable. Balkanization of a country or the expansion of an ethnic sphere of influence the size of a small neighbourhood can be negative or even hostile.
Balkanization socially may be caused by language, economics, political ideology. A penchant for patriarchal control, superiority and 'ethnic cleansing". Intolerance of others. Misplaced loyalty to foreign lands left far behind long ago, or last week. Unwanted outside political influence. Ignorance, arrogance, and racial discrimination, religious ideology, cult worship, tribal pride. Socially-contrived excuses created to justify domination, aggression, and street warfare. Historical differences bitterly clung to by tribal elders, endlessly passed on to later generations, their only raison d'etre. Delusional visions of power and grandeur, failed political institutions. Revolutions precipitated by abuse of power, corruption, lunacy of dictatorial leaders, a change of puppet governments, and/or the wealth and influence of rich globalist elite. Huge, dangerous egos, grand personal agendas, insanity, revenge, drama...ad nauseum. Justification is endless. Get the idea yet?
The Balkanization of Canada is not only likely, it may be Coming to your neighbourhood. Why?
Multiculturalism as practiced in Canada already contains failed elements and Balkanization, provincial 'differences', 'distinct societies', enclaves of special racial interests are common. Neighbourhoods dedicated to tongues other than 'Canadian,
eh?Areas where English is the 'foreign language' It is 2nd nature. They're different. Cast a skewed eye upon 'them'. Suspect the unknown, the disliked, point at the standoffish, the noisy, weird, and misunderstood. Is your city or even your neighbourhood —already displaying areas sharply-defined by ethnicity, economic disparity, prejudice, culture, and anger with pretentious, assumed foreign authority? Of course it is. "Multiculturalism is a 'melting pot' with glass partitions so politically-correct delusional are not 'offended'.Feel Free to Admit Reality.
Please feel free to admit reality. Admit the existence of "low income housing developments ghettoized, concentrating the poor in slums on the wrong side of the tracks. Blacks in black neighbourhoods. Latinos in their own. Somalians in theirs. Jamaicans and Haitians in theirs. Illegals walking in and demanding political power. Enclaves of Europeans, Asians, and other 'special groups'. Each includes 'appropriate' ethnically-controlled zones for profitable organized crime. Do tell.
The Reality
Chinatown in Vancouver is full of Chinese (imagine that) and East Indian vegetable markets flow haphazardly onto sidewalks like in India, symptoms of the 'inclusion of quirks from foreign lands, on and on. Dead chickens and lambs hang in shop windows. See areas dictated by foreign street signage. There has been no shortage of examples —since the 'proper' beginning of Canada 150 years ago. First Nations reservations are almost exclusive, impoverished remnants of a failed genocide by white invaders, French and English. Quebecois enclaves and villages, Little Italy, Little Greece, Little Somalia, little Haiti, Africville in Nova Scotia—ALL remain symptoms of, if not substantial examples of Balkanization, if only on a small scale. Admission of failure to integrate into one truly multicultural country—would be closer to truth.
Should Sovereign Nations Now Open their Borders and "Conform" to the Demands of Immigrants?
The fact is, non-English-speaking immigrants have historically migrated and settled in Canada into segregated areas, searching for their peers and countrymen, speaking their language exclusively, and practicing their own traditions of their old homelands. So...can the ethnic search for comfort —away from their foreign homelands —now be used to further justify even further Balkanization of Canada? You decide.
Let us push that question further; should 'immigrants' be allowed to demand sea changes of the very fabric of a host nation? Most recently, this question must be asked: Should western host nations conform to hostile demands by Muslims —or any 'class' of newcomers, refugees or invaders?
We say NO.
The Problem with Balkanization
Balkanization by nature does not tend to remain flexible and static, but grows, increasingly more brittle, in some cases becoming unforgiving and violent. Balkanization contradicts the very concept of 'liberalized multiculturalism'.
In its simplest form, traditional 'hoods' are what we have grown to accept as 'normal' multiculturalism. Defined 'classes and colours of citizen' have been perhaps tolerated, but below the surface, racism is increasingly evident, and people different are less likely to be welcomed with open arms. Non-approved persons including the law— entering 'specialized concentrations' of ethnicity are 'intruders'; in some cases are intimidated and threatened. In some instances, their very lives may be in danger if they enter 'no-go' zones, the biggest and most difficult challenge of Balkanization. In reality, even traditional 'hoods' contradict the homogeneous nature suggested by 'overly-praised and hyped multiculturalism. 'No-go' zones virtually forbid tolerance of other ethnic values...imagine that. Let's look at 'no-go' zones.
NO-GO Zones
Most notably of recent, and now of special concern to European and western nations, are the new NO-GO zones developing with the flood of ever-increasingly militant Muslim "migrants''. This antisocial aberration is increasingly being displayed in Europe and the U.K. primarily in areas recently 'colonized' by Muslim 'refugees' . Such 'no-go zones' may even be illegally patrolled by self-authorized 'Sharia police'. Areas avoided by ordinary citizens, the country's own natural-born citizens— for reasons of personal safety.
In the latest extreme, even police and other authority figures intimidated by the aggressive expansionist deception of Islam foolishly refuse to enter 'Muslim' no-go zones. Somehow the politically-correct and trendy flood of invaders from Syria, Somalia and other Muslim nations —has been allowed to become an unwanted threat. Dangerous, demanding, and a challenge to the sovereignty, public safety and the rule of law, blatant incompatibility of immigrants now threatens law and order, and perhaps even the future existence of traditional nations which have suddenly forced to deal with the 'new species' of immigrants. Why?
A New "Species of Immigrants"
A new "species of migrants", previously not encountered, soon locate their own 'ethnic zones of comfort' and quickly confirm and demonstrate they have absolutely no intention of integrating into society. Little if any respect for host populations is displayed, whether it be in Germany, Finland, Sweden, Italy, France, the UK, Canada or the USA. There is no respect for other religions, western tradition, western rule of law, the necessity of jobs, or practicing basic tenets of western culture. How about something as basic as respecting the population, the courts, existing constitutions, the rights and status of children and women not to be raped, abused and mutilated, or the right to practice ancient religions such as Buddhism Christianity? Cultural differences. An ugly excuse.
Unlike Previous classes of Immigrants
Unlike any class of 'immigrants' seen in earlier times and being constituents of an out-of-control invasion by expansionist Islam, Muslims of today bear no resemblance to any refugees or immigrants of the early 1900's. People from Asia, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine, or other European countries were desperate, hungry, poor and very happy to be in Canada.
As a result, a potentially catastrophic and dangerous social issue has developed, the destruction of western culture as we have known it— courtesy of reckless open border policies and gullible, lax, devious, traitorous, and incredibly foolish western politicians.
Don't believe it? Decide for yourself. Balkanization is enabled by inept, weak governments ruling with trendy, —and willfully gullible political blather propagated by media spin and weak minds. Sorry about that, but here at Incoming Bytes the truth is always acknowledged, popular or not, and like it or not.
Is the total Balkanization of Canada Predictable?
Yes. Why? Look around. Pay attention. Watch the arbitrary, arrogant, hate-inciting, social-baiting, manipulative, entirely inappropriate and risky decisions being made by your government. Here in Canada delusional political traitors are thumbing their noses at Canadian tradition while accommodating and encouraging unrealistic expectations of bitter, unhappy, newcomers. Newcomers who happen to 'fit' the right demographics to import to and grow bitter, unhappy, often brutal, and archaic cultures within Canada. The thin line is becoming brittle, with growing anger from other Canadians. The Balkanization of Canada is clearly in progress.
Bottom Line: Balkanization gone awry...
Should Canada have 'No-go zones' controlled by militant First Nations peoples, rich Chinese billionaire immigrants, or the new brand of immigrants, the unhappy Islamic militant Muslims? How about Germans, French and Mexican? Somalis? Jamaicans? Finns? Swedes? Mexicans? Haitians? Brits? Ukrainians? You want 'no-go zones and ultra-segregation?'
You decide.
Will Canada then, by default, also by necessity, have 'Muslim-Free' zones? 'Islam-free' cities? Religion-free provinces? Christian-free zones, atheist- zones...Millenial zones...seniors-free zones...child-free zones...
How far do YOU want to go with segregation, Balkanization, and apartheid?
Have fun living in your new Balkanized neighbourhood...
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