Hope  (c) 2011 by wlk photography

   Hope (c) 2011 by wlk photography


               Recently,  here on Incoming  it came to my attention that  has been hacked.  In the process,

  A  FALSE PHOTO CREDIT ATTRIBUTION  was ADDED. SPECIFICALLY :   "Photo Credit by  Chris 73 Wikimedia commons" ---was ILLEGALLY and improperly,  ADDED to a photograph that is, and remains, the property of Incoming ANY AND ALL site users are therefore  reminded that  ALL CONTENT, INCLUDING  photographs, articles, video and audio content found in is the EXCLUSIVE property of Raymond Alexander Kukkee  as his original work,  or by obtaining permission for use of specific works of art.   CONTENT on  MAY NOT BE COPIED, OR REBLOGGED  WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE BLOG AUTHOR. An unknown person or persons  ILLEGALLY hacked INTO  Incoming and  added this bogus photograph attribution TO THE ABOVE PHOTOGRAPH ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 15, 2013.     A  IP address AND PRESENCE ON INCOMING BYTES has been LOGGED, traced,  AND NOTED.  Hacking websites  is  illegal and unprofessional.  It is not clever. The photograph in question is that of a burning candle, an amethyst clock, and a gold cross on a chain, with the reflection of the flame IN the polished amethyst clock.This photograph was, and remains  COPYRIGHTED (2011) by  wlk photography, ( Wendy Lee Kukkee, MY SPOUSE AND PHOTOGRAPHER ).  This photograph has been used repeatedly  by  and with the photographer's  express permission.   BE ADVISED: This incident of HACKING INTO  INCOMINGBYTES.COM  HAS BEEN NOTED AND REPORTED.  THIS ATTEMPT TO APPLY BOGUS  "ATTRIBUTION" TO THIS PHOTOGRAPH HAS BEEN NOTED AND WILL ALSO BE REPORTED . USE OF THIS PHOTOGRAPH WITHOUT PERMISSION IS THEFT.

I now ask my loyal readers HERE AT of Incoming Bytes AND  :

Have YOU seen THIS photograph with attribution by anyone other than  wlk photography  , Wendy L. Kukkee,  or  Wendy Lee Kukkee ?  
  • If you have, kindly report it WITH A LINK to us in the comments  of ANY post here on 
  • -- or LEAVE A COMMENT AT my older site, 

  Thank you.

Raymond Alexander Kukkee

Is that Incoming I hear?


About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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10 Responses to Issues: PHOTOGRAPH THEFT

  1. Red Dwyer says:

    I certainly hope you contacted Wiki. I have not dealt with them in a long time, but they were receptive to copyright notices.

    • The whole site has been hacked. It appears that the photo attribution problem may be just a side distraction. The databases are compromised, have to be deleted and a rebuild set up. The hacker bounced IP’s through England, China, Russia and Canada. I’ll be contacting Wiki in the process. Thanks Red

  2. Glory Lennon says:

    Angers me that people have nothing better to do than this sort of menacing thing. Hope these morons get caught and punished!

  3. buddhakat says:

    SO sorry for the grief you must now undergo to try and make this right! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!
    I just did a TinEye search and found 0 results, which is weird, because it didn’t even acknowledge this very image in this very post!


    • Thank you, Janet. It’s not surprising about the image with the hackjob. Yes, it’s going to be tedious rebuilding the whole site. Mike found a rat in the woodpile, hopefully it’s the only one “:) This site will be inconvenienced of course–but that’s the intention of the hacker isn’t it.


  4. privacy concerns bother me, i will take your demise to mind as i make sure to secure my poor little laptop–lately everything has been so very slow, i have suspected some sort of hitchhiker on my back–i was made aware of an adobe update which installed a worm at the same time–the problem has since been fixed by them–but i want to be sure to wipe everything off and start anew–it is worrisome.
    now, dear writer, how did you get so lucky as to be targeted for photo-theft? must be that good looking clock? as for wiki, well they can advertise your skills and talents for free and make you a small fortune for the trouble, there!
    i have not been online except for family photos, have built an antique brick patio and herb/bloom bed with steps to tame the hillside below kitchen. no reading or writing last 2 months, too busy at home; everything’ s better. will return later.

    • Hi Nadine, yes, it happens to everyone sooner or later as I have been advised. Yes, you may need to clear your cache on your computer, and do a virus scan. I haven’t seen you online, I was wondering where you were. Congratulations on your antique brick patio, do send me a photo of that, I would like to see it! Missing your writing! Welcome back when you get here again! “:)

  5. How frustrating for you! So unfair, and why people do such awful acts is really beyond comprehension. It saddens me that you and your wife have to go through this hassle. 🙁

    • Hackers are arrogant individuals who flaunt their ‘skills’ to prove they are superior, Christyb. In reality, if they happened to get out of their mommy’s basement and get a real job, they could undoubtedly make a success of themselves, but are too lazy.
      Yes, it is frustrating and annoying, but part of life. We continue to smile. “:)

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