The Harper SELL-OUT of Canada Continues
NOT AGAIN? YES, AGAIN! The question must be asked, "Is there some kind of "Destroy Canada as quickly as Possible" chapter written in invisible ink in Stephen's top- secret "Hurry Up with the Sell-Out of Canada " book? Are the opposition Liberal and New Democratic parties doing anything about it? Are Canadians fully aware of what is being done to them? You jest. Let's see...The Canadian Wheat Board Sell-out
Canadians are AGAIN being sold out by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's majority Conservative government with an announcement that Saudi-Arabia -owned Global Grain Group is being allowed to purchase controlling interest of the CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD for a mere $250 Million dollars. Should "loss of control of the sale of Canadian wheat " NOT be a question? The controversial deal privatizes the Canadian Wheat Board and will be consummated in June, just in time—of course! Before the Federal Election, we may add, so Stephen & Co. can run around happily like giggling children with $250 Million, opportunistically buying votes in electoral ridings where his favourite voters, less than stellar Senators, groupies and friends reside, in a desperate attempt to remain in power.Harper Enabled Oil Sands Sell-OUT of Canadian Energy to Communist China
Remember? Our readers with long memories will recall that in a controversial and sudden deal, CNOOC, the Chinese STATE-controlled Petroleum giant, was allowed by the Harper government to purchase NEXXEN, another petroleum giant —which 'conveniently' controlled approximately one-quarter of the Alberta Oil Sands. It's a no-brainer —the NEXXEN sale to CNOOC sale sold out Canadian sovereignty of Canadian energy to the highest bidder. With that outrageous sell-out of Canada and loss of sovereignty in the energy sector, it immediately became apparent that:- Stephen Harper and his Conservatives will EXPORT Alberta crude to China at ANY environmental cost, having gutted Canadian environmental regulations governing the tar sands operation and allowing unlimited expansion;
- With secret deals, also negotiated by Harper, China holds legislative power greater in some areas than the Canadian legislature, and China can sue Canadian governments for losses incurred if they are not allowed to do as they please with the oil sands;
- Stephen Harper will force the construction of the Northern Gateway Pipeline to the pristine BC coast, across salmon rivers, and increase west-coast tanker traffic exponentially putting the whole west coast at risk including unique wildlife habitat, the fisheries, vital salmon spawning rivers and the Spirit Bear forest;
- Stephen Harper is arrogantly pushing the USA to accept the Keystone XL pipeline down to the Gulf to enable export of Albera crude oil, even though the President has vetoed the approval of the pipeline, it is well known that Harper favours Republicans who will eventually have it approved;
- Stephen Harper will attempt to force Trans-Canada's ill-devised "Energy East pipeline* across Northern Ontario through re-purposed, already failing, rusty 40-year-old natural gas pipes at a rate of more than a MILLION barrels of diluted, dirty crude each DAY, crossing more than 1,000 sensitive waterways, creeks, rivers, and marshes, including the Great Lakes watershed area.
*As a special aside for Canadians, the Energy East Pipeline project will put Lake Superior at risk, which provides drinking water to millions of people. This ill-conceived project is worse than foolish, it is criminal. The uninformed public actually "BELIEVE" Petroleum industry lies and propaganda that declares serious oil spills which may contaminate thousand of hectares can be magically "cleaned up" hundreds of miles away from 'civilization' via helicopter—which is totally false, unlikely, and virtually impossible. The truth is, " remote, out of sight, out of mind" comes into play. Of course the imaginary cleanup effort will be claimed to be "perfect" if crude oil is in a location "visible to the public" flowing downstream toward Lake Superior.
We do wish Mr Harper and Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario lots of luck, however, with that first multi-million barrel disaster as they don trendy white teddy-bear Hazmat suits for the Photo-Op at many potential environmental disasters and "pretend" cleanups. Worth noting, this project is NOT for the benefit of Canadians, but for EXPORT to China and Asia.
Harper Proceeds with the Sell-out of Canada in the Automotive Sector
Everyone should be delighted to know the great automotive sector the Canadian taxpayer bailed out in the manipulated global crash has been successful and profitable enough to begin moving operations to Mexico. Canadian taxpayers were further rewarded by the Harper government and ever-clever Finance Minister Joe Oliver with the sell-off of GM shares at a ** loss of "only" some $2.3 BILLION —just in time to help tired old Joe "balance the federal budget" coming on April 23rd. Isn't that encouraging? Eh, what? You ask? Yes, a $2.3 Billion dollar **loss for Canadian taxpayers, "We got good value for Canadians" according to the Harper Conservatives. By any standard other than the Harper& Co delusional measuring stick , the accomplished "financial guru" responsible for that loss would have been fired for total incompetence, —but Stephen Harper, in hurrying the sell-out of Canada prior to his coming loss at the polls, cares not; —for he is all too well aware the automotive sector is destined for Mexico.Mr. Harper does not seem to recognize a problem with the sell-off of Canada.
Perhaps Stephen should retire to Mexico, or as soon as possible, and appoint himself to the Senate, where more "Good value for Canadians" can be garnered in the Senate self-entitlement hog trough with every-day "Senator-get-rich" rules; "at the discretion of the Senator until you get caught" is standard practice and currently being discussed extensively at the "Crooked Senator Mike Duffy" trial. In the Senate, "Sell-out-Stephen", like Duffy et al —could happily pretend to "earn" an obscene, fat salary and retirement pension 10 times larger than any normal, hard-working, honest and retired Canadian, in return, will receive... just...what...exactly?
We shall leave that very difficult list to the astute reader to ponder, but corporate access to cheap labour, importation of Hindu-Sikh tribal and religious warfare, poverty, slums, the caste system, less than stellar Indian justice, misogyny, suttee, barbaric forced marriage, illiteracy, human rights issues and other "barbaric traditions" all come to mind. Take your pick. Canadians with genuinely-founded concerns and traditional Canadian values are not impressed, Mr. Harper; your endless sell-out of Canada and betrayal of Canadians is questionable, stained, unacceptable leadership on any level. You have earned the loss of our trust and loss of our votes. What will the "honourable" opposition do about it? "The same abuses and betrayal of Canadians under a different political banner" come to mind. Are we skeptical? The bell tolls....Canadians are not asleep. Think about it.P.S. Which part of "The abuse and corruption of political ideology and tradition is the downfall of Nations" do Canadian politicians not understand?
**Update note: Contradictory media reports. Either a loss OR a profit. With the smoke and mirrors used by the Harper "government", to "balance" the 2015 budget, it's anyone's guess. The reader is encouraged to clarify.... Is that Incoming I hear?
You had me at “teddy-bear Hazmat suits”! Eeek the times are not easy with Harper taking actions that are not supported by so many Canadians. Between the wheat board, Mike Duffy, the pipeline, and whatever else is going on that we don’t even know about yet, I do worry that Canada is heading into a ditch of sorts. I don’t know how we will dig ourselves out though!! Thank you for once again bringing such important issues to the table, Ray.
Christyb, the “teddy-bear hazmat suit” image was mentioned to point out the media images used by Harper and his oil buddies are designed to deceive the public into “believing” huge oil spills can actually be “cleaned up”.
Like the recent oil spill in Vancouver (English Bay) recently, an image that “stuck in my mind” was that of a white-clad “clean-up person” fastidiously “cleaning oil from a single, fist-sized stone” from the contaminated beach–with a white cloth yet. The “public” will actually believe every stone is cleaned of oil–which is virtually impossible.
As for the smoke and mirrors of Harper’s government, they are about to create some more with the new “budget”, pretending it will be “balanced”, having sold off the Canadian taxpayer’s GM shares at such a huge loss. It would almost be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic and serious. Canada is indeed headed for a big ditch, courtesy of Mr. Harper & Co–and the agenda of incompetence is barely visible. All Canadians should be very concerned. Thank you so much for commenting, Christyb “:) ~R