Writing Life: Is it time to Move On?

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"Time is Broken"

"Time is Broken"                                                  ©photo by rakukkee


Status Quo: Time to go?

As a freelance writer, novelist, and all-around scribbler, it seems to me that positive signs of progress are essential when sitting at the screen, scratching doodles on notepads, sketching, pondering life and commiserating with the pups and the muse.  Perhaps progress is one of those trendy instant–gratification requirements. It is somewhat trendy to be hedonistic, greedy,  impatient and self-centric in nature.  The project at hand and the cursor  must move or we lose interest in an awful hurry.  It is no secret we writers are a curious lot, we’re all different and clearly we achieve our goals in different ways, perhaps there are other instantaneous tricks, pedantic plodding, the avoidance of  hyper-gloating with success and  trying not to self-destruct with minor failures.  Cleverly, we attempt to stay even keel regardless of events. Perhaps your experience is different. Or worse. Is it time to move on?    Read more....   Is that Incoming I hear? +FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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