Book Reviews: Danny’s Grace by Dawn Hawkins

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail© by Raymond Alexander Kukkee   Danny's Grace Cover Artwork    Rocking Horse Publishing   UPCOMING BOOK  LAUNCH: January 28, 2014   by Rocking Horse Publishing DANNY'S GRACE  by DAWN HAWKINS

Here  at  we  do get lucky once in a while.  As an avid reader, I was recently offered the exceptional and  wonderful opportunity to read and PREVIEW   a new  debut  novel,   Danny's Grace by Dawn Hawkins.   This new work of fiction is being launched on  January 28th, 2014 by Rocking Horse Publishing.

There's a lot of excitement in the air.

When exploring new writers, one never really knows what to expect in any offering, especially with a debut novel —regardless of genre.  

I had great expectations, and wasn't disappointed.  I'm now more than convinced that Dawn Hawkins is an exciting, talented writer with far higher-than-average potential.  

I read Danny's Grace in one sitting, an event that seldom occurs because of typical  time constrictions, and other demands.  As everyone knows, in the writing life  time is of the essence, deadlines, the demanding muse, projects, life;  we've all been there —but this novel was different from the get-go, it was  bold, it was compelling and it was fascinating. I read it non-stop. I am certainly awaiting the opportunity  to reading more work by Dawn Hawkins.

I hereby  offer my loyal readers  a simple  preview of Danny's Grace.   Of course, smiling people, I cannot give away the storyline pre-launch,  but rest assured, —you won't want to be missing this debut novel.

Book Preview:  Danny’s Grace  by Dawn Hawkins   

Classification:              Lit Fiction

Rating:                           5 Stars  Recommended

*Adult                             *Contains adult content and language

 Danny’s Grace is a well-crafted, powerful work of fiction that will not be easily put down or quickly forgotten. A complex narrative of revelations spanning the early life and stark, bruising realities of one-time entertainer Danny Rush is carefully extracted from the darkness of the past by author Dawn Hawkins.  

A fallen star, Danny is a reclusive, egotistical but unorthodox survivor, a product of early childhood abuse and lifestyle, time and circumstance beyond his control, including fleeting fame, addiction --and his own manipulative mind.

Danny Rush arrogantly relates his story of survival both to the reader and to Grace, a writer-interviewer planning a book about his life, --and she soon becomes more than intricately involved in discovering the chilling truths hidden in his past...

 Author Dawn Hawkins weaves this entertaining, multi-layered tale with inordinate skill. Her story development leaves no stone unturned; her character development is so real and painful at times we must remind ourselves this is a work of fiction…

 Danny’s Grace by Dawn Hawkins is an entertaining, well-written novel and excellent read. Don't miss this one.


  About the Author

Dawn Hawkins

Dawn Hawkins is a life-long resident of Maryland who has always treasured the written word as an art form. She took on the project of writing her breakthrough novel, Danny’s Grace, as a labor of love. Her true desire is to not only inspire others with her work, but to share a journey with them. Most of her stories revolve around social injustices and social misconceptions.

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About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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9 Responses to Book Reviews: Danny’s Grace by Dawn Hawkins

  1. Pingback: Introducing Dawn Hawkins | Paws4Thought

  2. Glory Lennon says:

    How nifty! Looking forward to it.

  3. Glory, it’s a great read! Thank you for commenting “:) ~R

  4. how sweet it is to be offered the opportunity to explore pre-pub material..especially when it reveals profound talent..i am knee deep in life and work, and i wish you much success with yours, ns

  5. It sounds like an amazing read! Congratulations, Dawn, and how nice of you Ray to provide this great platform for the book. RAY, now I want to read your next book!!

    • Haha, Christyb, yes, you will like Danny’s Grace, no doubt in my mind about that. Christyb, is that an offer to preview my own next book? I shall keep that in mind as I wait for your novel, pst..btw,,,,.I really enjoyed your latest post on ……”:D ~R

  6. Mike W says:

    Sounds like a good read. I’ll have to check it out.

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