Tag Archives: Canadians

Comments and Sympathy offered…

©2016 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee       [caption id="attachment_3606" align="aligncenter" width="283"]The Author smiling in 2015 The Author smiling in 2015[/caption]  

Let us offer our Comments and  Sympathy

Let's  offer some  comments and sympathy;  after all, here at Incoming Bytes.com we  want you to think.

By implication or by default, as a policy, in offering comments and sympathy,  let us tread lightly.  That magic formula may be called for or not.   It may help protect the sensitive feelings of  leaders. It may soothe  politicians, and politically-correct hypocrites.  Also the guilty and the deluded. It  leaves us compelled to think for ourselves,  in order to comment and offer sympathy creatively.

Hopefully doing so will encourage discussion.  Observe. Ask questions, politely.  The right ones —  demand request answers.  Politely.   How Canadian.

Most Canadians typically ignore the world.  Apathetically watch television pap.  Get brainwashed. Zip our lips. Wait in line patiently,  or 'queue up', comfy in our toques and woolen mitts. That is, if we happen to be Brit-type monarchy-soaked Will & Kate lovers. Nice people by the way, cute kids too.  We digress, but  remain, above all else, polite.  Yours truly, eh? We stand on guard. eh? Politely, eh?

The Canadian way to apologize. Say "I'm sorry" a lot.  Offer  comments and  sympathy for  everything and anything. Never comment without offering vomitous sympathy. To the blatantly-deluded, misinformed, the weary, or the consumer, and the brainwashed, who demonstrate little if any marginal propensity to think outside of the approved box. After all,  someone might be offended.  They might be the  wrong sex, the wrong religion, drive only a Chevy, be a vegan,  a serial killer, a distant relative, the wrong age, or  misunderstoodBig brother might be watching.  Every stroke, every word, every chat, every email....

Therefore...  well, er....we're sorry. Maybe.  Depending upon how incompetent and polite the  Big Eye of the now-cracking  sunny-ways government has been lately.  But we're trying hard.  If you believe the media.  Can we ever believe the media? Smile, you're on candid camera. 

It's a sign of the times. Offer  comments and sympathy —for everything.—Soon. 

For our loyal readers, there is a  tiny 'comment' link  below.  We're sorry it's not BIGGER.   



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Posted in Civilization, Life, Major Issues, Reflections, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments