A-Z Challenge: R is for Rest and Relaxation

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R & R with Gardening

R & R with Gardening

R is for Rest and Relaxation, and you guessed it, that would be  R&R for the uninitiated, a rest and change for the experienced,  a blessing for the overworked and tired. Do you plan specifically to take time off, drop the tools whether they be saw and hammer, pick and shovel, or pen and ink? We need  R&R on a regular basis.  All of us. Even the muse.    Change the venue, shut down the mind and the computer.  Take time off to do something refreshing, exciting, different?  Use a semicolon instead of a comma.  Try it.  Dare the muse to amuse. Challenge the status quo. Get some rest and relaxation. That's what I'm attempting today Enjoying some R&R.  No work, no worries, no trying to convince editors they are perfect at times .   No deadlines.  No thinking about Boston, bombing, death and mayhem,  and the inadequate --emotionally flawed angry, disenfranchised, desperate foreigners who see no option to power and greed other than brutal violence.  No worries about lack of national  resourcefulness, official responses, --so murderous, canned, inadequate, and arrogant. So predictable. Some of these people could use some serious rest and relaxation and then brain training. Perhaps try being human instead of being so mindlessly 'American' all the time. Try it, you  might like it too. As for me, no worries.  I'm Canadian.  I know where Canada is. I know the difference between Chechnya and Czech.   I spell 'neighbour'  and 'colour' with a 'u"  and I'm proud of it.   That's all.     We've earned some R & R.  Everyone has.  That's why R is for Rest and Relaxation   Is that Incoming I hear?  FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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6 Responses to A-Z Challenge: R is for Rest and Relaxation

  1. Glory Lennon says:

    I’ve heard there is no rest for the wicked…what does that say about my energizer Bunny Tommy?

  2. I’ve also heard rest comes in many forms, Glory, we enjoy R&R as much as possible, even going non-stop. “:)

  3. Awe, I hope you had some nice R&R today 🙂 You and family deserve it! Also, you are doing great on the A-Z challenge!

  4. Ida Chiavaro says:

    Wow! – I have enjoyed many of your posts since this years challenge started, but for a moment today when I read “…desperate foreigners who… etc” I wondered whether I was going to be shocked by your words, but as usual you provide a balanced view that is insightful.. I hope you enjoyed your R&R time. 🙂

    • Thanks, Ida, at times we all shock ourselves. It is difficult to remain balanced at times. From a generic point of observation, this is a very unbalanced world. Much anger is generated from the ultimate conclusion drawn by the disenfranchised that other options no longer exist– exacerbating violence. Root cause issues are ignored, perpetuating the problem. The typical societal response of simply overpowering dissent is self-defeating–it generates more.

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