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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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A-Z Challenge: K is for Kiln
K is for Kiln. Handy, but especially useful for the crafts-oriented individual, a kiln can be used to make glass, form and cast glass, melt metals, apply melted glazes, and manufacture ceramic and porcelain articles of all types. Yes, you too can make your own unique ceramic coffee mug, pottery, teapots, dishes and decorative ceramic art if you have access to a kiln.
A simple kiln can even be constructed, building an enclosure made of clay or loosely-assembled fire brick. A kiln may be heated with any available fuel source including electric heating coils, wood-fired, natural gas, or coal. Many commercial models of kilns are available.
In operation, kiln temperatures of over 2500 F (1400 C) can be achieved. The temperature is carefully controlled to a specific rate of increase and the final temperature desired is predetermined by the characteristics of the clay or porcelain being used.
Temperatures are controlled with 'kiln sitters' which themselves may be electronically controlled by using 'cones' which melt, at a specific temperature, dropping a mechanical switch and shutting down the kiln heating system when the desired temperature is achieved.
With the temperature carefully controlled, dried clay objects called 'greenware' are bisque-fired, brought to high temperature to bake and cure the clay body. Depending upon the characteristic chemical content of the clay body itself and the temperature achieved in the kiln, components of the clay melt and fuse in a process called vitrification. Vitrification begins at approximately 1450 F (700 C) and carbonaceous materials in the clay body burn off.
The green ware, dry, but still fragile clay, once bisque-fired, becomes durable ceramic. It is then cooled slowly to prevent cracking or shattering, and is subsequently decorated and coated with glazes of various formulations that vary to create specific finishes and colors. When re-heated carefully one or more times for applications of one or more glazes, the surfaces melt completely, leaving the surface flawless, glassy, waterproof, and extremely durable.
Utilitarian tiles of all descriptions and industrial parts, fittings, nozzles, and accessories of all kinds can similarly be manufactured from clay and other materials using a kiln.
Ceramic items whether high-grade porcelain, stoneware, or lowly earthenware, are highly durable and can last for centuries --all because of a kiln. That's why K is for Kiln.
Is that Incoming I hear?
1. Photo: A Paragon electric kiln
2. Photo: Greenware by author
© 2013 Raymond Alexander Kukkee
Way cool! How big is it? How big an object do you suppose you can place within it?
Hi Glory, these kilns come in various sizes. I have one that will accept 3 or 4 layers of the greenware bowls like those of mine shown in the photo, the kiln is about 28″ deep by 26″ across. You can get much bigger or much smaller kilns. You separate the layers of greenware with ceramic shelves that are coated or washed with “kiln wash” to prevent the bowls or melted glaze from sticking to the shelves. The shelves are separated by vertical ceramic separators. If it’s all hardened, dried greenware, you can stack it for low fire bisque firing without separating by shelves if the pieces are not too delicate. For glazing, the pieces must be separated by shelves and mounted on ‘kiln feet’ so the glaze doesn’t melt from the piece and stick it permanently on other pieces or on the shelf.