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Tag Archives: Islamic Expansionism
Trudeau’s Epic Failures Continue…Justin must Go
©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_3981" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Canada in Distress[/caption]
All was subsequently investigated and reported by Trudeau's Canadian envoy, the one and only tiny Bob Rae (ex NDP, now Liberal). Bob dutifully traveled to Myanmar, looked at the mud and water, sheds, shacks, and most notably, met with a group of women in tents. Not men. Collecting harrowing stories...but we must ask, did Bob Rae get it right? Where were the men? Out invading the west as usual?
Let us pause and hypothesize for a moment. Women in tents, who reportedly took flight in terror may not willingly admit there is any another plausible scenario. Perhaps under threat, they do not care to comprehend or admit— that Islamic extremists, long a festering, troublesome sore in Myanmar, also have guns and torches, regularly cause mayhem, —and in the pursuit of Islamic expansionism of today are known to happily decapitate, brutalize, rape, ship off or sacrifice both women and children, their 'property' in any attempt to induce fear and spread the dark shadow of Islam.
Is this human tragedy simply more tactical deceit practiced by Muslims to gain sympathy and 'victim-hood' to once again, dupe the West into responding, allowing and foolishly enabling more migration, another invasion of the west? Worth noting, rich Arab countries have yet to take one Muslim refugee from Syria, Somalia or other Muslim countries. Why would that be? Isn't that a red flag?
Bottom line, we must be curious, but certainly don't pretend to know. Bob Rae doesn't know. Canadians don't know. Perhaps we don't want to know. Are Canadians responsible for the actions of other countries, other cultures or cults, however brutal, incompatible and disliked?

Trudeau's Epic Failures: What Next?
For the record, Canadians don't generally care to criticize. We're Canadian, get that? It's a given. Canadians really don't want to criticize; it is not in our nature. Perhaps we are too isolated. Making a living. Trying to keep warm. Preoccupied with interesting projects. Obsessed with hockey. Too Canadian. Or maybe it is that we are just too polite. With that given, are we forever to remain silent? Trudeau's epic failures keep piling up, one after the other. Unacceptable by any standard of 'governance.' What's next?
How many more aberrations and cute, dramatic tricks are Canadians ready to tolerate in this already-proven disastrous experiment with immature, inexperienced politicians? Chosen by gender. Chosen by an immature, unpredictable teacher of drama to enable his own agenda. Not promising.
How about Justin Trudeau himself?
Has "choosing a politician because his daddy was famous," —a prime minister once, —or even twice —ever been a stellar idea? It's been a while, but you do know to whom we refer, do you not? The infamous Pierre Elliot Trudeau himself, 'Justin's Daddy' of all people. Mr. Fuddle-duddle. Mr. "Just Watch Me". Mr. Arrogance himself. Do you remember that ?
Well, guess what. The epic foolishness of Trudeau the Elder as Prime Minister of Canada not once, but twice —still rankles, and the legacy of problems he willfully created in Canada may never be resolved. The bitter Meech Lake Accord and the failure to bring Quebec into the Constitution. The badly flawed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that included a 'notwithstanding' clause by which any and all rulings for compliance can be bypassed and suspended at any time. The dictator's back door. He used The War Measures Act on the citizens of Canada.
Now, to 2015. The dismay of millions of Canadians duped by charm, hormones and 'nice hair', tactical lies and political bribery, the comedic, lewd, inept and incompetent Trudeau "legacy of diddling and social manipulation" carries on. Justin Trudeau (the boy) —who has insisted upon proving himself to be a loose cannon with an insatiable, dangerous ego and arrogance of the elite. And an obsession with turning Canada into the world's first Islamic post-nation state. Without borders. Without any respect for Indigenous peoples, or for 150 years of Canada-building by Euro-Canadians.
Trudeau's Epic Failures
"Justin and friends" are fully intending to repatriate ISIS fighters to Canada. Allow enemies of Canada to move back home. They will pretend they are model Canadians now, and be warm and fuzzy model citizens. After all, in Trudeau's book, "a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian"....right. Unless they are hardened ISIS fighters, murderers and terrorists.
But in Trudeau logic, in that insane, limp, inane and dramatic mind, they will be just ....fine, because they'll be 'watched' and repatriated and reintegrated and de-radicalized by ...whom? Justin himself. Will he pay each of them $10.5M to 'be good boys now' --until he calls upon them to further his own Islamic agenda?
If the invitation of murderous, traitor ISIS fighters back into Canada is not one of Trudeau's epic failures, what is? Gambling with innocent Canadian lives is not 'governance' —it is dereliction of duty by this Prime Minister and his 'gender-selected' incompetent government charged with the security of this nation.
At this date, as many as 60 or more—an unknown number of 'fine' ISIS fighters, hardened killers, prepared to kill at any time —have already been allowed to return to Canada. For "re-integration" and "de-radicalization" at the expense of the people of Canada, whose very lives have been placed at risk.
International Fizzle and Insults
Let's move on the Asian tour and the Philippines, where Trudeau's childish, idealist diplomacy rankled world leaders. He didn't bother to show up as scheduled for a scheduled meeting of global leaders, who rightfully expected to be treated with dignity. Instead, with the Trans-Pacific Partnership hanging in the balance, busy, dignified world leaders collectively yawning, waited endlessly for Justin. A gigantic, if imperfect trade deal in the making. Picture that. Waiting for Justin and his social manipulation, personal drama, a personal agenda, and personal, childish arrogance.
How about that? Worse yet, he went on to anger Philippines Pres. Duterte by naively criticizing Duterte and his admittedly questionable record of human rights when dealing harshly with drug squads and terrorists of the Islamic variety —who recently murdered two Canadians, rewarding Canada and Trudeau's inaction with execution of the two captives by decapitation. Really. (We must wonder if Justin intends to advise Pres. Duterte how to 'de-radicalize' those murderers also.)
Is Justin's Canadian 'record of human rights' perfect? No. More like the perpetuation of brutal colonialism out of control. Ask the Indigenous First Nations peoples about residential schools, destruction of their culture, being forced off of their territories onto inadequate, embarrassing reserves, and water unfit for any use lasting 20 years. Ask about their poverty. Ask the Inuit who lived and thrived upon their lands for centuries, about 'relocations'. Ask them, too, about poverty, and lack of respect and willful destruction of their culture. More epic failures of diplomacy, failed governance, and little but lip service for human rights.
And then Came Myanmar
Well... Justin also decided he could arrogantly lecture Aung San Suu Kyi, the gracious (some 70 y.o.) leader of Myanmar (now an honourary citizen of Canada ) for the perceived 'ethnic cleansing' of Rohingya Muslims.
The on-going social difficulty in Myanmar resulted in a large exodus of women and children to the border of Bangladesh, where the 'refugees' are living in tents, 'survivors' of expulsion from their homes, the burning of villages and mayhem, rape and murder which was reportedly conducted with vengeance by strong-armed, nasty Buddhists.
Investigation...of Tents?
All was subsequently investigated and reported by Trudeau's Canadian envoy, the one and only tiny Bob Rae (ex NDP, now Liberal). Bob dutifully traveled to Myanmar, looked at the mud and water, sheds, shacks, and most notably, met with a group of women in tents. Not men. Collecting harrowing stories...but we must ask, did Bob Rae get it right? Where were the men? Out invading the west as usual?
Let us pause and hypothesize for a moment. Women in tents, who reportedly took flight in terror may not willingly admit there is any another plausible scenario. Perhaps under threat, they do not care to comprehend or admit— that Islamic extremists, long a festering, troublesome sore in Myanmar, also have guns and torches, regularly cause mayhem, —and in the pursuit of Islamic expansionism of today are known to happily decapitate, brutalize, rape, ship off or sacrifice both women and children, their 'property' in any attempt to induce fear and spread the dark shadow of Islam.
Is this human tragedy simply more tactical deceit practiced by Muslims to gain sympathy and 'victim-hood' to once again, dupe the West into responding, allowing and foolishly enabling more migration, another invasion of the west? Worth noting, rich Arab countries have yet to take one Muslim refugee from Syria, Somalia or other Muslim countries. Why would that be? Isn't that a red flag?
Bottom line, we must be curious, but certainly don't pretend to know. Bob Rae doesn't know. Canadians don't know. Perhaps we don't want to know. Are Canadians responsible for the actions of other countries, other cultures or cults, however brutal, incompatible and disliked? Whoa, let's not get too dramatic or distracted by actually thinking.
But have no fear, Justin Trudeau is just childish and arrogant enough to think that as a drama teacher and ski-boarder, he is self-qualified to teach world leaders how to operate their nations to his specifications and believe ladies in tents. The information coming from ladies in tents is dramatic and appeals to his feminist bent, and suits his agenda, so it must be the truth. That entitles him to lecture away. Go figure.
...and ...Mexico...
More of Trudeau's epic failures crop up at every turn. Especially when Mexico, one of our NAFTA trading partners, (for 20 years) cursed Trudeau in genuine CTV-bleeping language —(He said it like 'talk ( but spelled with an extra-big "F" up front, ie, that Falking traitor Trudeau, and we're not going to pay for that Falking wall either ) bleeeeeep..bleeeep.. as he accuses Trudeau of treachery and sacrificing Mexico in a shoddy attempt to enable a new NAFTA deal with the US.
*Psst...Justin, the old Mexican President doesn't like you at all. Not one bit. Neither do millions of Canadians.
In Fact...
In fact, just ask any real Canadian about Justin. Feminist fluff, whitewash, drama, dishonesty, and blatant hypocrisy. Perhaps even corruption, as he tries to keep a sinking Minister of Finance afloat with his 'faith in xxx' speeches. Let us not become too disturbed by nonsensical blather, immaturity, lack of protocol, sock fetishes, ga-ga selfies, compulsion to lead lewd parades, and obsession with gender confusion.
Let us, instead, be concerned with Trudeau's epic failures --and his betrayal of Canada.