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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister 3rd Edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing All rights reserved. Available at Amazon and other fine bookstores in both eBook and Print
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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Political Promises and Lies of Convenience
Political Promises and Lies of Convenience: Do Politicians Ever Learn? No.
Since when do Canadians actually believe political promises and lies of convenience ? Offered by goofy, squirming, grinning politicians paddling pink plastic canoes just because their daddy tried to wow stupid and gullible voters the same way to impress fools forty years earlier? "Improve the lives of the middle class and those working so hard to join it."? What unmitigated CRAP. What a crock. Do Canadians never learn?
"A new opportunity to smarten UP every four years" comes to mind. Perhaps public belief in political promises, and lies of convenience, blather and election rhetoric are planned stupidity.*sigh...The 2019 federal election has once again cultivated a huge crop of political promises and predictable, expensive but meaningless claptrap. A huge crop of lies of convenience. Potential debt offered by whispering snakes. Hidden by smoke and mirrors glinting in the sun, polished by political liars. Promises of benefits "in the future", promises sure to cost Canadians billions —and return nothing but loss of faith and higher taxes. For many generations to come.
The politics of spending. Dictated, planned delusion, deceptive, contrived costs that politicians know are foolish, unwarranted, delusional and implausible, and yes, essentially stupid. Disturbingly dishonest.
The eventual, ultimate cost of dishonest politicians pandering for votes to save their OWN skin is impossible to calculate, and even more impossible to remedy —or repay. Ever.
Unfulfilled Political Promises are Political Lies of the Past
Let's be REALISTIC and call them what they are. Unfulfilled political promises are creative political lies of the past. Politicians selling their cheesy souls invariably happily imagine, yes bank on it —that voters will conveniently 'forget'. Unfulfilled political promises; the sleek, slippery lies of the past, false hopes offered, previous gaffes, scandals, corruption and treason...
Surprise! Canadians do NOT forget. Did we forget the SNC Lavalin scandal? No. Trudeau's breach of ethics? No. The Mark Norman scandal? No. Trudeau's international gaffes and lewd personal behaviour, groping, public displays of sleaze? No. Other nasty criminal things rumoured and verified? No. But we digress.
Political Promises Based on Easy Deficit Spending
Any fool individual with a new, shiny plastic credit card can outspend a limited income, no matter how large.... Exhaust a marginal money supply quickly and foolishly. And run into red ink immediately . Here's how you do it. Economics 101. Spend money you simply do not have. Simple isn't it?
Equally, any sleazy political crook or political wannabe can make promises to operate government in a happy-go-lucky deficit. Dishonest politicians overspend the money supply of taxpayers. YOU Will be required to pay more interest, more taxes. The projected future economic security of your children is destroyed. And that of your grandchildren and their grandchildren.
Clearly, once again, Canadians should know better; political promises and lies of convenience made by incompetent fools pandering for votes —do not make a wise or reliable government.
Spending Canada to Bankruptcy
Spending foolishly is easily accomplished when pandering away the future for votes. Promise utopian la-la spending. Hold your breath while blathering politicians promise free camping, free education, free transit, free energy, free housing, 'affordable housing' make-a-baby benefits, make another baby for family support payments, tax-free maternity benefits, tax relief, tax credits, tax cuts for everyone. Post-secondary grants. Free, unlimited support for unlimited immigration — free entry, free welfare payments, free support, free housing in hotels. At a cost of billions. While Canadian vets live on the streets in poverty along with with thousands of homeless, impoverished Canadians. "What can go wrong with that?" Is obvious.
Wow...and political Liberal Trudeau and his sheeple hacks have the nerve to say "Let us all choose "forward" when clearly, it has already been demonstrated and proven, we will go backward, ever deeper into debt, even bankruptcy for DECADES. And backwards socially. And backwards in the eyes of the international community and our allies. Got that? Right. How Trudeauesque. Just like 'daddy'. How "encouraging' —in political-speak, Trudeau's multicultural language of LIES.
And that's not all...
And that's not all. Trudeau promises to plant billions of trees. Check. (He planted ONE in a grand photo op.) Check. Build 5,000 new charging stations across Canada. Check. No more pipelines. Check. Bought a dying pipeline. $9.3B taxpayer dollars. Check. Invest all tax revenue from the dead Trans Mountain Expansion project in green stuff. Check. Isn't that a contradiction? Check. Provide Indigenous communities clean, safe water with no 'boil water orders' Check. Right. Another epic FAILURE. Endless epic failures. And Trudeau promises interest-free loans to upgrade homes . Check. Making energy-efficient homes. Check. For people who cannot even afford homes. Check. Wow. Get that? Check some more: Free PharmaCare. Check. Free Dental Care. Check. Check. Thirty-seven(?) Billions. Check, check, check check... er....hello? ....Check please...(?) Where will all of that money come from? Nobody wants to "suggest" the rich will pay more. Endlessly. We wonder if Justin, Elizabeth, and Jagmeet know what the rich will have to say about it, other than "bye-bye"....Let's Pretend...
Let's pretend we "get to enjoy" those 'free' magic offerings and promises; every garish, frivolous free-for-all promise that Liberals, NDP and Greens have sworn see to to fruition. The fact IS, no matter how promises are handed out by cunning political snakes, voters WILL pay for them later with higher taxation.
Politicians promise YOU the vision of a gift, tax relief, action on the environment, five thousand baskets of bread and fishes, ONLY available at the hands of THEIR individual parties. They offer potentially responsible and ( well, they DO promise after all ) - honest governance. There is only one problem. Their promises are fabrications, lies, and deception. Their promises are NOT honest. Never have been honest. Never will be honest. The problem is, the proceeds are usually messy political drool, arrogant snot and drivel offered by less-than-honest politicians looking for power, long holidays, fat salaries, fat pensions, self-entitlement, and with NO exceptions, the successful illusion of power. And that is whether they be clad in black tie, top hat and red silk, green environmentally-friendly felt, white shirt , blue collar, white cashmere, blue jean jacket, exotic costumes of silk pyjamas, birthday suits, or the trendy and lewd faux rainbow deluxe costumes with Eid socks, turbans and blackface accents.
A Plethora of Political Promises and Lies of Convenience
Have you ever noticed? If so, you are aware that political promises are always promises for the future, that would be "if and when", and two, three, four or more years down a damned rough gravel road with potholes, washed out bridges and traffic jams. Never when forming a new government, never close at hand, never reasonably 'soon'. Why? Because such promises are invariably placed in to a time slot far into the future based upon impossible planning, lack of forethought, wishful thinking. And it's all based upon SPECULATION... i.e. (...if we win) or even projected to the future, ie. following a second, let's pretend, 'successful' election four years in the future. (Yes, that would be "if we win AGAIN, twice in a row, suckers... )
Imagine that. in reality, promises offering nothing. Not even hope. Political promises and lies of convenience are LIES. NOT good enough for Canadians. Canada deserves BETTER. Do politicians ever learn? No.
Get out and vote. Something has to change.#
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