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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
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Politics: The US Inauguration Day is Heating Up
©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_41" align="aligncenter" width="640"]©photo by rakukkee all rights reserved
**NOTE: Inauguration Day January 20th 2017:
Here at Incomingbytes.com We choose to comment on controversial issues even when they include the ugly and distasteful. Our readers get to talk back...and we mutually agree to respect the opinion of others, dislike human imperfection, scum-tossing, past mistakes, folly, and foolishness. However—we ALSO get to think...and get to discuss...the good, the bad, AND the ugly... Inauguration day includes all of them. RAK.
January 20th, 2017 is Inauguration Day! ....so...
Congratulations, Donald Trump!
Let's Comment on Trump's Inauguration —Politely
The United States of America is about to get out the Golden Trumpets. Hail the Chief, raise Old Glory in a traditional, pompous ceremony; attend in patriotic fashion, or not, —and all that infers. Inauguration Day for the
'chosen'. President-elect Donald Trump is about to become the 45th President, either unleashed or inflicted upon the world, depending upon who you have been listening to...****Wow!..the first American Presidential Inauguration day was held on April 30, 1789, which is 228 years ago. Let us attempt to offer some decorum and dignity to this important and momentous occasion. ****
Let's Comment on Trump's Inauguration Day
(Continued Politely)_
That's not what Liberals and the detractors and sore losers think, or intend to allow, under any circumstance.
"On Inauguration day the world will fall in. " We won't attend." The country will blow up." "We will protest" "A button-pushing frenzy and nuclear holocaust" "We will boycott the ceremony" "America will become isolationist and trash trade agreements" "Misogyny,' "Cronyism " "Racism" "Disaster" ... are all tossed about.
Trump supporters and advocates simply fire back (paraphrased) :
"Get stuffed...Anyone's better than electing patronizing, crooked Hillary." "Your own D.N.C. blew the election when you tossed Bernie" "We won, losers, so...... get over it".
Yes? No? Maybe? No? Never? The days leading to Inauguration Day have certainly been heating up. Flaming hot. Acidic, visceral hyperbole.
So.... Trump will Make America great again: Hot Or Not?
Confusion reigns in the land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Trump is a bad boy (reportedly) Russians hacked and interfered with the election, (reportedly) and bad boy Trump won the election unfairly, (reportedly) and the United States of America is headed for imminent disaster ( the Liberal conclusion, fear, blah, blah... ) (reportedly)
But relax, America....Trump's Electoral College triumph will retrieve order from chaos and save Inauguration Day and Make America Great Again. Calm gurus insist. The sun, too, shall continue to rise after Inauguration Day.
Inauguration Day Fence-Building, Trade and Hacking
If Trump immediately isolates America, has a tantrum, starts border wall-building, nuke button-poking, ignores traditional, international protocol, irritates the world and trashes America entirely— there she blows...maybe. What would remain of America, nobody knows.
"The mere question: Just how likely is that?" should sway doubters, in any creatively extreme scenario.
Unfounded rumours smack of political conspiracy...so who has been smoking what? Was there ever any Russian election-hacking? Seventeen security agencies knew all about it, —and did nothing? Advised Pres. Obama at the time of the election? Or did they? Subsequently HE did ...what exactly?? If not, why not? There 'ya go. Inaction, incompetence, whatever, it was fine while Hillary was higher in the polls. Golly gee.... That's why Trump won isn't it... Why all the whining NOW, the day before the inauguration? Really...Think about it...any credibility, let's see...were there ever 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq ? er....no. "Mission accomplished ' became an international joke." Right. So will "Russian Hacking".
So—it's The Donald you're Crowning... Deal with it. What is Trump—a preemptive foreign-affairs genius or a certified loose-cannon? A master of one-upmanship? A delusional billionaire without direction? A worst nightmare in inner circles of the self-entitled? We can only guess. One thing for sure, change is inevitable, and the recent months have hosted the most confusing, ridiculous, unpredictable, and for the record, the ugliest and most putrid and inexplicably shameful presidential election in history.
We care for our American friends.
With very, very few exception, they are absolutely great people, so of course we feel their pain, support their concerns and still comment freely. We're Canadian. We are not brainwashed conspiracy advocates. We choose not to believe last-minute frantic media lies, spinning innuendo, and questionable revelations.
Some of the subliminal crap from untrustworthy, biased media , senile politicos, inner-circle manipulators, gossips and even once-trusted Hollywood personalities....is genuinely disturbing, misplaced, and sick. Let us be aware of those comments, concerns, and issues, but do so with peace of mind. "Where is it all coming from?" must have occurred ...or has it?
Before Inauguration Day, let us think...
Let's touch on, and consider, and be aware of Political lies, fabrications, allegations, questionable international 'friendships', and potentially disastrous political 'appointments'. Let us studiously be aware of, but cautiously temper allegations of racism, misogyny, crotch-groping, and deviate behaviour of all types. Let us forget previous and sticky Republican-brand soap-on-a-rope lynching, epic and mindless Twitter battles , and raise our eyebrows at opportunistic, desperate revelations of cronyism and conflicts of interest. Why? On Inauguration Day, all dirty laundry— belongs in the same trash can—not staining and denigrating forever the Inauguration —a historic, traditional and proud process.
Is anything, sordid and demeaning valid —when coughed up by opponents, political 'enemies', Republicans and Democrats alike, —people intent on simply discrediting —at any cost — the President-elect?
Keep in mind that the imperfect President-elect (at an unprecedented 40% approval rating) Trump will stand alone for Democracy on this Inauguration Day. Not a single whiner, loser, political enemy, detractor—or supporter, best friend or family member can take the oath for Donald Trump. He stands alone.
What has happened TO America? Is Truth no longer relevant? Has fact and civil decency been replaced by creative fiction from ugly and destructive political minds intent upon painting America with infidel evil, filth, political poison and dirt?
To Liberal doom-seekers, we say Inauguration Day IS a great day to wash it off and reflect. Why? It is true there is no crystal ball, there can be no promises or predictions made with human imperfection and folly but — at some point in the future, what will YOU say IF YOUR new President, Mr. Donald Trump —happens to turn out to be one of your greatest Presidents?
Here at Incomingbytes.com we suggest that civilization and freedom itself can only survive with awareness and wisdom—and must remain solidly anchored by—truth, civility, decency, common sense, common goals, thought, maturity and reason.
What do YOU think?
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