Ex-Prime Minister Lobbying: Opportunism and Corruption?


©2016 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee

Harper leaves a trail of destruction behind him

Is Stephen Harper's destruction of Canada Finished, or just Starting?


Resigned Politicos and Lobbying :  Opportunism and Corruption?


Harper Now On Pension —As a  Private "Consultant" Lobbyist?

Is political lobbying opportunism and corruption? If CANADA'S   Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is foolish enough to ratify  the TPP "free trade' deal as it exists, AS it was so "deviously carefully" set up in such a rush by  Conservative ex- Prime Minister Stephen Harper, —foreign national corporations will not only gain control of Canadian resources, but with potential lawsuits and damage claims for "potentially lost profit".  Such threats, lawsuits and claims will essentially dictate, hamstring, and limit Canadian environmental regulations and standards.  Worse yet, the "tribunal" to be used for settling such legal cases is clearly loaded against Canada. 

Having now resigned, and going on *pension, has Stephen Harper set himself up to be Canada's richest and most successful consultant-lobbyist?



Has Harper Resigned  with Opportunism and Corruption  in Mind?


Mr. Stephen Harper recently resigned as an MP,  and is starting his  new "consulting" (read lobbying) business; Canadians have every reason to be skeptical and very concerned.  Is Harper's future  plan opportunism and corruption?  How about a sell-out of Canada, and even treason?  Mr. Harper will 'consult' with foreign corporations and governments.   Why would he bother to do that, you ask? 

Clearly, as a 'private' consultant,  he will be in a position to enable foreign national corporations and states including Communist China  to further take advantage of the Canadian TPP with insider information, timely advice,  choice contactsshady contracts, through questionable "friendships" established during his reign as Prime Minister of Canada.  He will be exploiting working within the massive, sloppy, corporate-enabling  and very questionable  'free' trade deal he himself RUSHED through parliament for approval prior to his resounding election defeat. Imagine how convenient...


A Prime Ministerial Legacy?


Is the T.P.P. a "Prime Ministerial" legacy for Canadians?  We think not.  The T.P.P. is closer to willful destructive entrapment and betrayal of the Canadian economy and loss of sovereignty.  Mr. Harper is all too aware of what he is doing.  Does that potential arrangement encourage kickbacks, sweet deals, or does this deal border upon  bottom-shelf-quality treason?  YOU, loyal reader, must decide. And soon.


The Instantaneous Reward


As a result of Mr. Harper's "resignation" from public office,  there is little doubt there  has been an instantaneous reward,  a  creative, devious and GREAT opportunity established for exploitation and further sell-out of Canada  —an opportunity—created by Mr. Harper himself—*as he collects his $170,000 annual MP PENSION from CANADIANS—AND an additional $58,000 "Prime Minister's Pension"  when he turns 67 years of age.

As an 'aside', we digress,  dear reader, but cannot help but do the math and point out that  Canada Pension for Ordinary Canadian retirees, seniors, all hard-working Canadians —is  less than ONE-TENTH of the greedy, completely unwarranted, excessively FAT pension  for DEFEATED, FAILED politicians,  'ex' Prime Minister or not.  The reality and arrogance of political self-entitlement  never fails to amaze, disgust, and anger ordinary Canadians.


A future Lobbyist at the Expense of Canadians?


Please do tell us if we're wrong, but we suggest any future involvement  or lobbying by Stephen Harper will merely add insult to injury.  Is consulting with foreign national corporate interests  in matters where  the Harper -devised TPP   is involved—nothing but opportunism,  corruption and worse?  

It is a serious potential conflict of interest, overt hypocrisy,  immoral,  and at the very least,  devious, poor ethics and un-Canadian.  Canada CAN and should be able to DO BETTER FOR Canadians!


The Solution

Let us be helpful  —as is our Canadian tradition,  wish everyone the best of luck, —and suggest that  "Canada's friend"  Stephen Harper  be prohibited from "consulting" or lobbying  in any deals  between foreign interests and our government in Ottawa  —which include  any and ALL  resources including but not limited to free trade practices,  the labour market,  the energy sector, mining and minerals, water, food,  transportation, pipeline construction, communications,  or intellectual property   in  provinces or territories of Canada for the COMPLETE DURATION of  Mr. Harper's  shady "free trade deal"—however long it takes.

Are you listening, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?

  • A special note......By the way, Americans should be paying serious attention to the T.P.P. as well --President Barack Obama is pro-T.P.P.  The question must be WHY—when it is so clearly NOT for the benefit of average Americans or Canadians either.  So —WHO is the beneficiary of the TPP?   Think, people....


There. That ought to do  it....


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About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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