A-Z Challenge: B is for Books

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail©2013  Raymond Alexander Kukkee pictures first copy 004                                     A box of books!   The Fires of Waterland  

"The light of knowledge shines upon civilization from the opened book. "

B  is for Books.   Not as old as scrolls, an old-world source of information, but more easily stacked.   Books. Beautiful, incredible in their simplicity. Reams of pure, virgin  paper marked purposefully with delights both erratic and erotic. Pages with strange phonetic letters, pictures,  ideas, and dreams forever glued, stitched and bound together in common purpose. For civilization, few things have been more important than books.The world has been formed by words offered in books. In the world of the writer, there are few things more important than books.For a writer, books are close to the heart; a goal to be achieved, a project to be realized, perhaps a collection, a repository for a lifetime of work. The light of knowledge shines upon civilization from the opened book.   I am fond of books, and always have been. From dictionaries and worn sets of Encyclopedia Britannica  offering expansion of the mind and the world itself, to simple schoolbooks, dog-eared Superman comic books, and works of fiction like The Grapes of Wrath,  I  like them all.  Books are an invitation into the storied world of fantasy, ageless wisdom, wit and wonder alike. I like books so much I write my own.  Just got a whole box of them.  Aren't they beautiful?  That's why B is for Books.   Is that Incoming I hear? Photo credit:  wlk photographyFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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12 Responses to A-Z Challenge: B is for Books

  1. It’s a very deserving B!

  2. I would be so jazzed if I had a published book. Congrats!

    Popped in from AtoZ.


  3. Kate says:

    Totally on the same page as you… pun intended. I love books!

    (Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge)

  4. Red Dwyer says:

    I knew you would be the proverbial kid in the candy shop when you got those 😉 Congrats.

  5. Glory Lennon says:

    Omigosh, how exciting! Congratulations, you new and inspiring author. 🙂

  6. Sandy says:

    Congrats on having a book published. I tend to read books while on vacation, and not so much at home. At home, I read tons of stuff on the net…a different routine I guess. Reading your post made me think of the old movie Fahrenheit 100..not sure of the number, where they burned the books?

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