Writing Life: Ethics in Content Marketing


Here at Incoming Bytes,  we are more than delighted to  announce an exciting, brand new development at  Mandy's Pages.   

Come one, come all to  Mandy's Market!  A writing market with ethics.

Is this good for the freelance writer?   The tag line on Mandy's banner says it all --uniting writers, encouraging dreams.   The practice of ethics in the business of  marketing content has become more important than ever with the trend to increasingly unethical word mills that pay mere pennies to writers, but charge big dollars to publishers buying content. 

CEO  Amanda Dcosta  tells us  the goal of Mandy's Market as a custom content publisher is to  provide attractive, custom  content that 'attracts and captivates readers and website visitors" with ethics.


The high quality of unique, written content is assured by careful research and custom writing, producing  tailored articles specifically designed, SEO-optimized for the needs of individual  clients.


If you're a publisher in  need of well-researched, top SEO-enabled,  top-quality written content for any purpose, come to Mandy's Market !

If you're an excellent, dedicated writer, stay in touch with  Mandy's Market for  excellent writing opportunities in your area of expertise!

We at Incoming Bytes offer our heartfelt congratulations to Amanda for her dedication to writers everywhere--and ethics in the business of writing.


Is that Incoming I hear?


About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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7 Responses to Writing Life: Ethics in Content Marketing

  1. Mandy says:

    Raymond … wow!!!!

    I can’t think of anything else but ‘thank you’. You honor me with such a page and I’m literally speechless. No … wait… I’m going to rewind a bit here….

    If I remember right, a few of you urged me on to start blogging one and a half years ago, and when I did, I never had this in mind. But each slowly planted these ideas in me unconsciously … considering the many word mills we were dealing with and trying to decipher, especially regarding their terms and conditions and payment structures. 18 months since, I am honored and humbled that you should tag the word ethical along with the name Mandy’s Pages. To me, without my writers, and my team, there is no Mandy’s Pages, so to me ethics is not an option; it is imperative. I am glad this makes a key difference in what writers look for and exactly what leads to my tag line: ‘Uniting Writers. Encouraging Dreams.’ Without ethics, there is no unity. Without ethics, there are no dreams. I pray that integrity and ethics makes the big difference in separating Mandy’s Pages from the regular content word mills and what writers find comfort in, at the end of the day.

    Raymond, thank you for your support right from the start and this wonderful dedication to Mandy’s Pages … Mandy’s Market. It is a beautiful start to my day; to wake up and see this page, first thing in the morning. Really wonderful. Thank you.

    • Mandy, I’m glad you like it, but this dedication is well-earned, every bit. Your integrity and ethics shine. At a time when content mills are taking advantage of writers at every turn, you offer a breath of fresh air and inject hope and dreams into the ‘content’ business that–in overview– has become increasingly dismal.
      You ARE to be congratulated on your foresight, your approach and you deserve every success. Kudos to you.

  2. Great job at putting Mandy’s Market in the spotlight. It is a wonderful organization that I am proud to be a part of!

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