Think Squirrels and Nuts

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail© by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
Squirrels stick out their tongues at Bad Weather

Even Squirrels stick out their tongues at Unnecessarily Bad  Weather

Today, May 6th --it is finally warming up. Sun's out!  Imagine that! It's been a long, cold spring here in Northwestern Ontario. A major snowstorm on April 12th, and more snow, repeatedly, after that. Unusual to say the least.  Enough already?    Even the wildlife has been complaining about it, only showing their bird-seedy-sunflower-loving beaks and tender noses on even  the best of the worst days. Cabin fever.  A distraction may help. Think squirrels and nuts. Squirrels and nuts. Chant now, 'ohmmmmmmm....ohmmmmm' , got it? Wildlife is smarter than we are; they bunk in for the duration, while we humans look about with wary eye, frowning and thinking and finally admitting this weather is just plain miserable, unusual, bitter, unnecessarily cold, crappy and un-Canadian.  Bite 'yer lip and get used to it, Jack,  think squirrels and nuts instead. Hm..thinking about it,  according to the photo, even squirrels stick out their tongues at unnecessarily bad weather.
Winter Hood Ornament

Hood Ornament Waiting for Spring

    Do squirrels, chipmunks and birds know something about weather we don't? They are incredibly clever, after all. For example in early autumn they snitch all of the nuts from the trees very neatly--and usually just a day or two before we decide the nuts are ripe enough, full kernel,  delicious and well worth  picking.  We rarely stand a chance. That would be with both wild hazelnuts and acorns.  We make excuses.  Squirrels and nuts go together, after all, should we complain about that? Maybe we should just pay more attention to their skill sets,  think squirrels and nuts.   "We are immensely clever, after all..."
We are immensely clever, after all...

We are immensely clever, after all...

  "And we know how to help ourselves We even climb down wires into the bird feeder.  How about that? We like the chopped apples and bread bits and oh, don't forget those delicious sunflower seeds"
Down the wires and into the Bird Feeder is easy...

Down the wires and into the Bird Feeder is easy...

  "And we're just waiting for  maple sap to start running in this young sugar maple tree, kids, over here, over here!...." (Check this out.....maybe there's something to this after all,  the squirrels are way ahead of us...again... think squirrels and nuts, and maple syrup....)
Inspecting the young sugar maple trees for sweet sap

Red Squirrels inspecting young sugar maple trees for sweet sap

    "Are we smart or not?" it seems so.  Maybe there's a genuine lesson here for all of us human types...think squirrels and nuts...squirrels and nuts.. think about it...and the sun is shining too.... ommmm....ommmmm....ommmmmm... Coffee, that ought to do it...   #   Is that Incoming I hear?   Photo credits: All photos  ©2013  wlk photography    FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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2 Responses to Think Squirrels and Nuts

  1. Squirrels are just so darned cute to look at! I often wonder about these little creatures, “what are they thinking?” – maybe they have the answers to peace on earth! Or maybe they are just wanting more food.. I am glad that your spring is finally coming – crazy about your April snowstorm!

  2. HI Christyb, yes, they are so cute aren’t they?? They’re smart-they watch us and the pups at all times. They’re opportunists, and today they’re out in full force, sunbathing, enjoying spring like winter never existed…too funny! It’s almost HOT today. Tomorrow again it is supposed to be hot, the snow is going really fast. Which is good. “:) Happy Spring, Christyb! “:)

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