Tag Archives: Trans Pacific Partnership

TPP -A New Trade Disaster

©2015 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee   [caption id="attachment_908" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Every Canadian's PiggyBank affected by the TPP Every Canadian's PiggyBank affected by the TPP[/caption]

Here at Incoming Bytes we believe  democracy, transparency, open-mindedness, fairness, justice and honesty are all essential requirements for any modern government.  Stephen Harper and the Conservative majority was (were) soundly trounced in the recent federal election, but not before a potential trade disaster was negotiated in a hurry,  in secret, without oversight of any kind  and signed.  A potentially destructive trade disaster looms,  which will affect the economics and very nature of Canada for many decades, if not forever.                                                 

"Did Stephen Harper even have the mandate, the legal and moral right to sign any deal with such long-term, major impacts after he called the election?  We think not."

From NAFTA  Failure to TPP, —a NEW  Trade Disaster?

Canadians have been  forced to suffer the negative impacts and trade lawsuits resulting from the now-dated NAFTA trade deal foisted upon them  by Brian Mulroney and the Conservatives.  Is history about to repeat itself?  Have the rights of Canadians been traded away?

We are about to  enter  into another massive, potentially far-reaching and poison  trade deal,  the Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP),  poorly "negotiated" in secret by the incredibly incompetent Stephen Harper, his favourite lobbyists, and his ill-advised, incompetent Conservative minions. The secret deal, kept from the public,  is far-reaching, extremely controversial, and was  signed in a hell-bent hurry for bragging rights  just prior to the federal election.  Go figure.

Did Stephen Harper even have the mandate, the moral  or legal right to sign any deal with such long-term, major impacts after he called the election, which he subsequently lost? We think not.  The TPP is a potential trade disaster.

Are we being led  into yet another political  illusion of   'good deals,  jobs  and prosperity'  —but in fact, being conned into a future of slavery,  loss of control over our own environment, and  foreign national corporate manipulation of Canadian resources?   A never-ending legal morass?  Clearly, a loss of sovereignty over natural resources is at question,  and clearly, potential lawsuits,  ethics, preemptive corporate influence, and the sell-out of Canadian interests in many areas are all  involved. Environmental issues and gutting of important environmental regulations,  climate change programs,  intellectual property, copyrights, patents, the cost of drugs, the auto industry, agriculture,  and many others will also be negatively affected.  The quality of food. Health Care. Privacy. Personal information.  Freedom of Expression.    This is not a good deal for Canadians in spite of  the lies, misrepresentation,  and the political "Harper-hype".

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his new, untried Liberal majority, is now in power,  'pro-trade'  and will be required in the near future to examine,  explain, and justify this trade deal to Canadians,  and will shoulder the responsibility of the eventual ratification of the deal  with 12 other nations.

Will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau now do the right thing and  re-open the TPP, — and refuse to ratify this incredibly bad deal if the unacceptable content of this potential  trade disaster cannot be re-negotiated or deleted?

Canadians must become informed.  Read the 6,000 pages now made public,  and weep.  Experts suggest this deal will cost Canadians billions —and much, much more.  Think.  You decide, and hold Harper and the Conservatives accountable for once again selling out Canada.

The subjugation of Canada to an unquestionably and  inexcusably bad trade disaster  and secret agreement arranged  by an ousted, narrow-minded, undemocratic, failed  ex-Prime Minister is unreasonable and unacceptable by any stretch of the imagination of this Canadian. To agree to any potentially disastrous deal of this magnitude without transparency, full public consultation and regard for the future of all Canadians  is undemocratic, unthinkable and unacceptable.


Is that Incoming I hear?



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