Tag Archives: Time

Writing Life: Time Frittered Away

© 2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee   [caption id="attachment_1654" align="aligncenter" width="584"]Sunrise on Fire Sunrise on Fire    photo © 2013 by r.a.kukkee[/caption]  

Somehow, deep in the procrastinating mind we come to a default conclusion it is more satisfying, fun and entertaining to....


Time Frittered Away- Unawares, too...

Every  content-maker, fictioneer, scribbler, keyboarder paperwaster -writer on earth does it. We  eventually realize at some point in time --that a whole hour, day, or week--even a month-- has been frittered away unawares.  By simple distractions. A succinct instinct for self-preservation draws us ever further afield.   Without negligence, per se,  without thought, pre-planning or malice.  Without prejudice or casting negative dispersions on the pressing labour  at hand, which is, for all  interested, composing, creating, and yes indeed, even writing stuff.  Should we be worried? Panic?  Blame writer's block? No. Let us instead contemplate, wink at work in inner peace with a smile and mollify the disturbingly itchy, unrequited urge, nay, the obligation to write something, anything right now.

Where would YOU be?

Sadness may be close at hand --but best ignored--when we discover we could have  been famous,  incredibly rich, more productive to get into practicing a different profession, like brain surgery, dog whispering, pizza delivery, or rocket science, but let's ignore that. We're the driven.  Writer-driven, muse-driven, pen-to-paper-nose-to-the-keyboard-driven,  --the satisfied driven.  Driven Writers R US.  So with satisfaction, let's consider what lost time did to us. In overview, we probably could have written another satisfying paragraph, chapter, blog post, poetic verse, brilliant article  or song.  Somehow, deep in the procrastinating mind we come to a default conclusion it is more satisfying, fun and entertaining to have guests, drink coffee, play with pets, diddle in the garden, sort stuff, or fiddle old songs out in the fog whilst admiring the potatoes growing.   No, actually, fog and serene gardening and potato rows and bagpipes go together better, everyone knows that.

Make a Note of That

I always wanted to learn to play the bagpipes. There's an aside worth thinking about. I'll make a note of that.  1-Get bagpipes, 2-don't forget earplugs.  See?   I get distracted easily, and that's how time frittered away. Well, this morning, that is. No matter. We blog, pause, play with the pups and admire the sunrise on fire  instead. Much better. Today, at least. I smile and hit the keyboard again.  I'm making headway, 'knowing thyself' and all that. #   Is that Incoming I hear? photo by author  ©2013 +
Posted in Humanity, Life, Reflections, The Human Mind, The Unknown, Writing Life | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

A-Z Challenge: T is for Time

© 2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_1346" align="aligncenter" width="584"]                     Old Time 1   Simple, Old Time[/caption] T is for Time. Time spent wisely, time wasted foolishly, time wished for passionately. Each of us have an allotted time--the question we perpetually ask is, where does time go when it passes us by?  Where does time reside?   In old clocks? Heritage buildings,  old, dusty classrooms where the hands of the old clock moved at a  slow, painful pace?

Time is fluid

 Time may feel hard, difficult, gentle and healing,  painfully slow, or incredibly fast.  Above all, it is persistent. The clock is ticking.  The seconds march on, curiously, whether we use it productively or not.  It seems logical,  diligent and clever to use every minute wisely, doesn't it? What do you do with your hours, minutes and seconds?  What did everyone do for years on end  in ancient days?  Study the stars? This old clock works may give us an idea how dedicated some people were. Can you imagine how long it took to build this? [caption id="attachment_1351" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Vintage_Franz_Zajizek_Astronomical_Clock_machinery 2           Vintage Franz Zajizek Astronomical  Clock machinery[/caption] Are we astute enough to realize that every second, every minute, every hour counts?  How about you?  Is your internal clock broken or just pausing? Starting a boring job may seem daunting, it may "take forever".  Try it.  Sit and think about it for 8 hours instead.  Imagine that.  Eight hours from now, your dreary job can be done, completed, something to be proud of--or you may have completely wasted the same 8 hours thinking about it. Time passes regardless what you personally do with it. Better check your time out. I thought you might even want to take a precious minute and think about it. That's why T is for Time. Is that Incoming I hear? Photo credits: 1   author 2   Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0  +
Posted in Humanity, Life, Reflections, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments