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Blog This: SoWrite

©2016 Raymond Alexander Kukkee       [caption id="attachment_3658" align="alignnone" width="562"]SoWrite.us.com SoWrite.us.com[/caption]      

"In overview, SoWrite is almost a lifestyle"


SoWrite — a Writer's Sanctuary

What's a 'SoWrite' ?   Perhaps the best definition is now   "a successful website, no less than awesome".  Certainly more than the average website,  SoWrite.us.com,  if such a concept is even possible online,  the weary writer's sanctuary.  A site which offers writers comfort and somehow, inexplicably,  the 'feel' of a writer's sanctuary. Doesn't that sound a bit like a writing-escapist's-destiny? Just a bit? It is.

This amazing writing website was  built from scratch with nothing less than absolute smarts and dedication of the man behind the screen— a knowledgeable editor, publisher, author, creator and brilliant writer, family man,  a skilled, meticulous designer and tradesman, a trusted business owner—you get the idea,  an all-around  awesome dude.

 For R& R with his family and better half out in the great outdoors, he heads down the road  dragging a camping trailer equipped with firewood, cave-man fire tools, coffee pot, grub, the laptop, a great pup named Layla,  —and plenty of books to read.  Seen him?  Yep...that's the guy. He's probably helped you at one time or the other, too.  That's my friend Jim —Jim Bessey.


A Backgrounder

Jim Bessey and I  plugged away together in a number of interesting forays.  Meeting first as writers  in 2007  at Helium,  as many writers did,  we naively  generated articles for that once-popular content mill, —which subsequently failed miserably and disappeared, taking into the great unknown a lot of unpaid, copyrighted content, the work of many writers.  For optimists and real writers,  that disappointment and  failure simply gave us more reason to persist, to grow, migrate, try blogging, and explore new prospects having genuine potential.  One door closes, another opens, write on, Shakespeare  —you know the routine.

Turning to blogging and other writing projects, we, in search of productive new ventures,  got very busy.   I  started blogging on Incoming Bytes (Is that Incoming I hear?) and  concentrated on literary fiction, getting my novels The Fires of Waterland  and Morgidoo's Christmas Carol, a Christmas classic for all ages,  completed. And eventually published. With Jim's encouragement to persist. What else?

It certainly wasn't long before Jim found  new and greater challenges.  He was already far  ahead on the blogging curve, scribbling another website Just Camping Out.   At his invitation, we  became involved in writing, planning and management of  niche  custom freelancing  content for another client.  The paying kind. Wow. IN the writing life, it's not what you know, but who—the contacts you have.

We were soon  exercising creative limits, hard at work making significant decisions on content for a specialized website.  We became organized, creating lists of potential  titles,  taking original photographs for illustrations,  writing and posting original articles,  furiously trading edits  —then after a few months, abruptly  wondered what happened when the principal website owner stopped communicating, *disappearing* into the sunset.  The project(s) stopped dead in their tracks.

( *Oops--one of the unknown perils of the writing life.

Jim didn't blink. He boldly constructed his new website SoWrite.Us.com.   As if that challenge was not enough, he also accomplished some serious writing, co-authoring, editing and producing a novel, Beyond The Blue and the Gray  by Tony Verna and Jim Bessey— including the detailed and intricate process of recording an audio version.

Back in the ordinary world, a spec post of mine inevitably and proudly ended up on SoWrite.   I am delighted  to say  Freelancing Pitfalls: *The Perils of Writing for Niche Sites, inspired by the Helium disaster and other events coexists today with amazing, professional, insightful pieces written by Jim and others;  thoughtful  stuff which helps all writers turn the grit of the writing life into the real deal.  There 'ya go.

SoWrite Today

SoWrite  is an attractive, friendly, well-designed, highly informative  resource go-to reference for writing folk of all descriptions,  ink-stained scribblers,  editors,  idealistic newbie dreamers,  hard-bitten forgers of fiction,   cautious experimenters needing mentoring,  literary poetic-persons, and Jack and Jill freelancers,  sharing skills and secrets with their colleagues.  Independently-judged contests, new ideas, commentary, reviews,  issues, advice. It's all there.

In overview, SoWrite  is almost a lifestyle—a polished comfortable website which most admirably, welcomes everyone.  Jim fields, addresses, acknowledges, and includes discussions on books, articles, challenges, reviews, and  the amazing writing life,  including the  common inevitable  problems we  scribbling types encounter daily.

 SoWrite offers a wonderful environment for writers. Endless encouragement from Jim, a plethora of resources and  information,  --virtually anything concerning the writing life — makes  SoWrite  pretty much perfect and a must-visit destination —a writing sanctuary. A lifestyle.  You get the idea. Check it out, see for yourself.

Here at Incoming Bytes, for Great Websites, we think  kudos and congratulations should be going out to Jim Bessey at SoWrite.    Great stuff, bud! Best wishes for 2016 and beyond!


Is that Incoming I hear?

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