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Gardening with Uncle Mac
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Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister
Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister 3rd Edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing All rights reserved. Available at Amazon and other fine bookstores in both eBook and Print
A Timeless Christmas Legend
*For readers of all ages.
“What if bells no longer rang?
In this unique tale, bells do not ring. They have been silent since the Great Silver Bell disappeared hundreds of years earlier -and snow, once as warm as popcorn, turned cold. Villagers may scoff at the old bell ringer and his stories, but Morgidoo Morgan believes the legend, and offers hope as he follows in the footsteps of his father to search for the Great Silver Bell. Will bells ever ring again? Enjoy this unique, timeless classic written to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.https://www.amazon.com/Morgidoos-Christmas-Carol-Bells-Blister/dp/1523683821
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Glory Lennon on the gardening life
Gardening with Uncle Mac
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Writing Life: New Beginnings
©2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
kick butt. smile. In fact, we laugh. Life has never been better. Why? Great things are happening!
Christy D Birmingham[/caption]
A unique poetic voice is published! An amazing writer and poet, Christy overcame the status quo and has bravely stepped out to offer her vision to the literary world.
She is none other than Christy D. Birmingham of Poetic Parfait fame.
"Christyb" as I call her, has reached her goal! We are so proud of her accomplishment and happily offer our very best support and wishes to Christyb!
Christyb speaks volumes about hope and the future in her new book of poetry "Pathways to Illumination" --an exceptional book of poetry. What becomes immediately clear is that Pathways to Illumination is written by an artistic, poetic voice flowing gently from a gigantic heart.
Pathways to Illumination[/caption]
Pathways to Illumination is available online in print and eBook formats NOW at: http://redmundpro.com/book-store/pi/
At Incoming Bytes we offer the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations to Christy for her magnificent accomplishment. ---Kudos to you, Christyb!
That, people, is why life is amazing, and why 2013 is The Year of the Writer. The beat goes on....
Is that Incoming I hear?
Changes in the Wind
Happily, a new and unquiet revolution in the world of writing is on the wind. Writers are increasingly realizing it is a good idea to step away from traditional content mills with good reason. Site ranking and revenues of various sites have fallen, punitive search engines are inferred to be the reason. Sites shut down, or promise "change". Writers, having been burned with severely diminished incomes, are smartly moving on to potentially bigger and better personal opportunities. Let's face it, even in the optimism of the writing life, eventually reality has to set in; writing free content for promises of mere pennies for thousands of page views, and "maybe or maybe not" reader clicks on ads --euphemistically called 'revenue share'-- with tiny if any 'upfrontnothing' payment offered for new content --was hardly a guarantee of income for neophyte or professional. The disquieting and unacceptable, unethical content mill "Terms of Service" including a self-assigned 'free license' to "use" writer's content and copyrighted material 'forever' without compensation was, and remains both arrogant and problematic. The refusals to take down content, --even if the author leaves the site requesting content deletion and withdrawing permission to use the content--- is hardly ethical business practice or logical enticement to submit additional free content. "Why would that be?" you ask. Copyright infringement comes to mind. Arbitrary theft of intellectual property comes to mind. A clear lack of business ethics comes to mind. Arbitrary, heavy-handed and less than stellar treatment of writers that have generated millions of dollars in revenue for content mills comes to mind. "Let us NOT write more FREE content for unethical content mills" most resolutely comes to mind. Karma does that. How predictable. Who says destiny isn't predetermined? No matter. Let us cheer for common sense and Karma.Moving On
It seems to me writers shall prevail. Writers are a hardy lot; we shall not be silenced or discouraged. The pen continues to provide power. We studiously move onward and upward to better things, new beginnings. Publishing. New blogs. Specialized niche websites built on new and more honest business models. High-earning, custom-written articles. Books. Self-publishing of books both in print and eBook formats is growing exponentially. Why not? Life is what you make it and 2013 is The Year of the Writer WeNew Beginnings- My Gardening Network ( MGN )
Guess what? New, GREAT projects are sprouting. I am happy to be involved with a start-up gardening specialty website, "My Gardening Network" which recently went online and is already "Growing a community of gardeners' [caption id="attachment_1741" align="alignleft" width="584"] Flower garden -- photo courtesy of MGN[/caption] My Gardening Network (MGN) was conceptualized and founded by outdoorsman Mike L.Williams, writer and blogger at Saturday Sunshine, ( -stories ,outdoor adventures and outdoor skills, --yes, the adventurous rascal himself .... Mike dares to test deep waters, catch fish the hard way, and shoot rapids simultaneously while others stand in awe. ) MGN is unique in that the content remains the exclusive intellectual property of the authors and contributors; content on MGN is used only with the express permission of the creators. My Gardening Network offers specialized garden content written by experienced and expert gardeners --especially for the use of gardeners at all skill levels from the neophyte starting out in the back yard to highly experienced gardeners who may delight in the technical aspects of botany as well as the mysteries hidden in compost. MGN is taking off fast. Drop in and check out the progress of the garden at MGN -- "Growing a Community of Gardeners". .....and this just in---more good news, MORE wonderful 'incoming' ! [caption id="attachment_1739" align="alignright" width="200"]
"Birmingham’s intense collection of poetry follows the trail of a woman’s journey from the end of an abusive relationship to the valiant growth of a newly-awakened, independent spirit. Inner light shatters layers of powerful verse....[caption id="attachment_1738" align="alignleft" width="200"]

Christmas: It is great to know that…
by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Christmas 2012[/caption]
With the hectic holiday season and Christmas fast approaching, here at Incoming Bytes I think we are wonderfully blessed. Some things are especially nice to see. It's great to know that:

- We awoke to see another day! The bones weren't objecting too badly
- The mind is working just fine. The muse is chattering away, and no wonder, because
- it's snowing gently and beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
- Everyone I know, care about and love is healthy and still kicking
- The pups are happy. Tilly the Tall and Ebony the Short found bunny-tracks out on the walking trail, but not the bunny.
- The walking trails are still passable with only a couple of inches of snow
- Snow falling on the snowman out in the yard will ensure he won't melt
- The end of the world isn't happening quite yet, it's still a good idea to plan for next year.
- Somewhere in the dust of time, there's a seat for that fancy Mayan unicycle wheel everyone thinks is a calendar
- The universe is unfolding precisely as it is supposed to do
- People at the malls respond-- if we are brave enough to smile first
- Pretty, gracious ladies, young and old, do appreciate doors opened for them
- Children are laughing and happy
- Beautiful poetry warms the soul at Poetic Parfait with Christy Birmingham
- Seed and flower catalogs are already here to dream about while watching those snowflakes gently floating down
- Old St. Nick didn't get stuck in the chimney last year
- There are reindeer tracks all over the back field
- The Muse hasn't become overwhelmed with Christmas 'music'
- Morgidoo's Christmas Carol, my Christmas classic eBook, still warms the heart
- We remain capable of expressing love of our family and friends wherever they may be
- Mother Nature has been kind to us, we are surviving, blessed with food and what we need, even if we don't always get what we desire
- Our faith in the basic good within humanity persists, --surprisingly-- in spite of horrific global events and human tragedies.
- Our belief in God allows us peace within. Above all, it's great to know that......
- There's more to Christmas than getting gifts. Let us celebrate the true meaning.
- I can hear bells ringing....