Tag Archives: Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol” The Bells of Blister 3rd edition

Like it or Not, Life keeps Rolling On

©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Christmas 2017             photo ©2012 by r.a.kukkee[/caption]    

In Retrospect, Like it or Not, Life keeps rolling on 

  Christmas again.  Concerned? Edgy? Anxious? It matters not.  Surprise! Life keeps rolling on, regardless what our  personal aspirations may be. What our personal posture may be.  Even during celebrations like Christmas.    It may be unsettling to recognize it matters not what we perceive or feel.  (It matters not either, what others think, feel or say, isn't that delightful?) Although such details may seem important. In time, in retrospect, absolutely insignificant.  Be advised,  be surprised. Get ready. Get out the gift wrap and unroll ribbons.  All the way to infinity, life rolls on, you get the idea.    

Life Keeps Rolling On in Spite of...Us

So, Christmas comes along,  like it or not, and life keeps rolling on,  in spite of ...well, mostly  us.   With or without  hallowed big presents, thoughtful opinions, tears,  inventions, fears,   gaffes,  genius, great writing,   work ethic or professional schmoozing. Tied with ribbons, life happens. Without our  tendency to butt in, procrastinate, advise,  or willingness to put out the lights. Acquiesce, agree, or butt out entirely.  The expenditure of effort,  Herculean or  Lilliputian input and output. Lights blinking,  elves singing merrily. Songs without meaning.  You have heard of people living but never having lived?  Perhaps fretful lives, teeter, balanced,  chained equally to an  idealistic, modern win-win, but in reality, a boring, bland existence.  Life is what happens while you're planning decorations, making naughty and nice lists, and all that.


Subscribing to Reality

You and you alone  subscribe to reality,  you set the parameters for  joy and success,  twists and turns  with inexplicable luck, happiness,  tolerance of  intolerance,   love, peace or angst.  Whether one simply, merrily defaults to sublime apathy,  twitched to the next level of tongue-biting, beautiful, sparkly gift-wrap or not.   Or without gift wrap. Schmooze peacefully in the silence of winter fog, choosing the same old —same old,  with the razor-sharp urge to willfully disregard inspiration, instinct, values, tradition, feelings.


Yes,  since we are each ultimately alone (and dispensable, ready or not, just as  life itself ) we get to choose, although we may naturally waver in cold December winds.  We may wish to shirk our sworn duty to turn on the lights, decorate the halls, get out the ribbons,  step up as members of humanity. No. Unacceptable. Our ideals and schemes are vanity, but...

Our duty is to contribute to society, to life itself, give brightness, lights and happiness to those we love and to others less fortunate. Share. Sing Christmas carols.

** We can do this.   After all, life keeps rolling on all year, not just at Christmas.




A new 5-STAR review for Mordigoo's Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister.

Note:  A moment ago we said  "We can do this! "

Imagine that,  no sooner said than done, and  like a Christmas miracle,  another 5-star review rolled in, posted  for   "Morgidoo's Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister "


On Amazon!

See the new review and check out Morgidoo's Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister  on Amazon! Available in Kindle and print editions.

A unique and timeless Christmas classic for all ages that can be read every year...will the beautiful sound of bells ever be heard again?    Join Morgidoo Morgan in his search for the Great Silver Bell ...and the truth of a  timeless legend...

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640"]Cover Artwork for 'Morgidoo's Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister" Morgidoo's Christmas Carol 3rd edition Cover Artwork by Whitewood Forge Publishing    [/caption]   Photo © by R.A. Kukkee - all rights reserved  Is that Incoming I hear?  


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