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Tag Archives: Kathleen Wynne
Dishonest Politicians: It is time for Full Disclosure
©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_3981" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Canada in Distress[/caption]

The Status Quo in Canadian Politics is a Failure
It never fails to amaze the voting public how unbelievably dishonest politicians, public figures and leaders can be. How deceptive. How sneaky. How blatantly dishonest. Without conscience. Woefully lacking in accountability and honour —without consequence. Bloated with unbelievable arrogance. Unrepentant purveyors of corruption. With "Government-defined truth and fact" reported by the media instead of the genuine truth.
The status quo in Canadian politics is a failure. Canada is in distress. Yes, the inverted flag is an international signal of distress.
Time for Full Disclosure, Accountability, and Legal Consequences.
In North America, it is long past time for full disclosure. Voters must begin calling out dishonest politicians who have been misrepresenting their own beliefs, values, and intentions to the detriment of Canada and all Canadians. It is time to reinvent politics and more clearly DEFINE acceptable terms of leadership. Housecleaning is required. In Canada, it is clearly time to root out political deceivers and remove systemic, growing and dangerous political rot. The latest scandal in the Senate —without remedy— is only one example of many.
It is NOW time for responsibility. Full Disclosure. Serious stuff.
If Canada is to survive and humanity is to advance, society world-wide can no longer afford political games played by self-serving, self-aggrandizing, smirking liars , rock stars, narcissists, and rich ideologues. Games played to fulfill hidden agendas, manipulate society, practice self-entitlement, self-appeasement, corruption, corporate influence, and above all, endless deceit of the many-- without consequences— must now be excised from politics and government. To not do so is irresponsible.
Is Mandatory Full Disclosure for Political Candidates a Solution?
Perhaps more realistically and accurately, it could be at the very least, a step in the right direction, a partial solution. A step in the right direction? Think about it; penalties for LYING on a binding public declaration. The revealing of all facts, full disclosure by candidates—a declaration of all conflicts of interest, status, religious beliefs, and vision for the future of the country. Perhaps voters could make better-informed decisions about candidates running for public office.
Much of the current dissatisfaction with bad governance would have been avoided without the distortion of secretive dealings, social manipulation, stretching the rule of law, and dishonesty of so-called "leaders." For example, devious foreign agendas, unwanted, dishonest "trade deals" have been signed with the unacceptable and the unwanted tampering by ultra-rich foreign global political and corporate interests. Senators have avoided consequences for borderline unethical corruption.
How about the Liberal government's current and outrageous, secretive enabling of the importation of globally-unwanted elements of society; a domineering, distasteful religious/ political mix and incompatible society steeped in hate for the west and brutal cultural practices abhorred by the majority of Canadians? Assisting genuine refugees is one thing; Trudeau's 'open-border' policy for Muslims strolling across the border is quite another. Very few Canadians honestly share Trudeau's self-serving vision of an Islamic state in Canada.
Would Justin Trudeau EVER have been Elected by a Fully-informed Canadian Electorate?
Would the demonstrably dishonest Justin Trudeau have been elected Prime Minister of Canada if voters had not been duped? If voters had been fully apprised of the true extent of his religious affiliations, his secretive conversion to Islam, had understood his globalist UN agenda, and deceptive tendency to instability, narcissism, and dictatorship? How about his arrogance and blatant disdain —or is it genuine hate —for Canadians of European descent, First Nations peoples, Canadian culture and 150 years of Canadian history? Not likely.
Equally, would the incredibly incompetent Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals have been elected Premier of Ontario? No. The Premier of Alberta? No. How about the ever-arrogant premier of B.C.? No.
It is time for political hopefuls to be REQUIRED to offer no less than a legally-binding affidavit with full disclosure, total honesty, a declaration of intent when running for positions of power in any level of government in Canada. Positions to which they wish to be entrusted. Positions in which they now enjoy, thumbing their noses at Canadians, recklessly abandoning their responsibilities in favour of their private agendas including the destruction of Canada, it's culture, laws, structure and dreams. Canadians are not amused with the status quo.
It is Tough to Face the Truth. Canada needs to do so NOW.
It is time to invoke a legal requirement for true accountability and full disclosure in the electoral process. Want to be a politician and lie to Canadians? Expect serious consequences. Expect to be recalled and fired by the electorate. Want to participate in unethical, corrupt practices in the Senate? Expect substantial jail time and full consequences, ejection from the Senate and loss of pension. Would you, Mr. Prime Minister, like to laugh, deceive and treat voters with arrogance, meanwhile inflicting your hidden religious or ideological agenda upon Canadians? Expect more than serious consequences. Canadians deserve FAR better.
Collectively, dishonest politicians can expect to be criticized in spite of wishful legislation they may introduce, such as M103, the controversial "Islamophobia" motion. Canadians have NO tolerance for deceptive, self-serving legislation introduced by spineless, devious politicians.
Offenders who do not live up to the conditions of their sworn affidavits should be subject to recall, serve prison time, be run out of town on a rail, ejected from Canadian politics forever, charged with fraud, and with enough reason for bad leadership, be charged with treason.
It is tough to face the truth. Canada needs to do so now —or face the consequences. It is about to become much, much tougher. It is time for electoral change. Canadians are fed up. Anger is growing. Freedom of speech is being challenged. The status quo of Canadian politics is a failure, no longer serving Canadians. Canada belongs to Canadians. Get it?
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Tagged dishonest politicians, Freedom of Speech, Full disclosure, Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, M103, politics