Tag Archives: Freddie Gray

Reversal of Racism or Reverse Racism?

©2015 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_1459" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Mimi & Eunice, “Contribution” Mimi & Eunice, “Contribution”    Yes, we're both white....but our ears are different...[/caption]  

Reverse Racism is Alive and Well in North America

Is your neighbourhood peaceful? No racism, no mask-covered hoodlums  looting, setting malls ablaze, overturning and burning cars, busting glass and trashing businesses of blacks and whites alike, bottles and  rocks being hurled violently at  jack-booted, militarized riot control police? If so, you are fortunate. For the time being. We naively  tend to believe rioting, mayhem, and civil unrest only happens elsewhere.  "That doesn't happen here" comes to mind, but in real life,  civilization  wears a thin veneer of tranquility, a mirage to placate, " to enable good governance, peace, law and order for the establishment and continuation of social order, benefit and economic prosperity".  Great political line, isn't it?  It seems the majority can lulled into believing anything. Increasingly observed, North America is a suffering and broken version of that idyllic image.  Incidents of injustice or call for change, peaceful demonstrations, but riot inciters each with their own agenda appear right on time,  and voilà, that perfect social model' is mangled. To  be kind, let us call the  'advancement' of civility  reversed. Yes, reversed. Civilization is a misnomer; perception is everything. Humanity is demonstrably rife with hypocrisy, far from civilized. Let mature minds then observe the fact of racism. Have a cup of black coffee without the deception of cream & sugar. Replace the  rose-coloured spectacles, grow up,  bite the bullet and yes, we shall grimace wryly with the often bitter facts of reality.  It may not be fashionable or 'politically-correct' to admit the existence of such things as burgeoning racism, or 'reverse racism'. No matter. Here at Incoming Bytes, as our loyal readers know,  we prefer  to avoid hypocrisy if at all possible, observe humanity accurately, tell it like it is, and push limits if necessary to encourage independent thought and proactive change.

Reverse Racism is Ignored

Politically-correct social manipulators turn on their dimmest  thought process at the very concept of racism, totally ignoring reverse racism, so here we are, big adult people,  let's flip the finger and raise the ire and  outrage of logic. Let us stir thought into the heart of everyone participating at the root of the problem. It won't be  easy, with  designated foul  invectives floating on the breeze with smoke and fire; words and controversial  ideas tend to appear impolite or worse in print. Adult people get that part and think.  Subliminal racial tension and blatant racism are not only observable in North America, but thriving instead of being reduced.  The question should be asked "Why"?  In observation of the total picture we have to wonder why reverse racism, an equally divisive problem, is seldom mentioned. The question must be asked, "Is that invisibility a factor, a misplaced key in the drive to reduce racism?"   Is that specific social problem 'unmentionable' somehow, politically-incorrect? Is the fact of reverse racism deemed ' more fuel to inflame the ugly nature of racism so judiciously 'handled'  by hypocrites of the politically-correct? In Harry Potter-land,  "reverse racism"  would be  the entity which "cannot be named".

Ferguson birthed Baltimore

Let us be candid, if civilization in North America is to be sustained, the blatant fact of old-fashioned racism   cannot be ignored. The little town of Ferguson, MO was ignited to the white heat of fury by white  injustice, fueled —and yes, exacerbated —by reckless, torch-bearing black inciters—racist rioting endlessly driven by both outside influence and the Ferguson syndrome.  More recently,  Baltimore went ballistic with the Freddie Gray wrongful death case, ensuing riots and mayhem.  Increasingly-violent race-fueled demonstrations cross the nation like a contagion.  Surprising? Hardly. As much as the sad blight of 'white' racism happens to be—reverse racism is equally involved.  Which image do you think of when someone says 'racism' ?  Of course, the brainwashed mind suggests  the image is 'whites' discriminating,slavery,  and the historical repression of blacks and other minorities.  Okay, we got that part. Now, will we attempt to understand there are 50 shades of indifference involved in racism? Ignorance persists on many levels; "white segments " continue to disrespect blacks,  if not openly, then subliminally.   Black racist elements do not bother to hide the fact they hate whites "traditionally" for "historic reasons" and "endeavor to inspire" young blacks to hate "white authority" whether that 'authority'  happens to be meted out by  black, brown, Asian or other police officers or legal system.  Hardly surprising, when social manipulators feeling sorry for them whine endlessly, reinforcing hate rooted in history, lack of education, lack of jobs,  lack of a daddy, Caddy or whatever factor they choose to focus upon —the bottom line  being "Yo, momma, whitey, the man,  caused it all, we're the wronged, so we can arbitrarily riot, burn, kill those 'bleeps', pillage, loot, smash everything in sight..."  —But what is clearly lacking is proactive common sense; humanity in its entirety continues to bleed red. Acknowledged or not, reverse racism  is decidedly helpful in  inciting angry communities and  hating whitey "certainly justifies" burning, looting, and destroying businesses —and your own community, doesn't it— in some minds. Fact is, ignoring  root issues breeds ever more stupidity, regardless of color or source.

The Highlight of the Baltimore Melt-down

By the way, Baltimore is special too, isn't it?  One black-masked stone-throwing        'riot-boy' in Baltimore was shown his comeuppance;  he certainly cannot complain about the lack of a responsible momma willing to step up, unmask, and expose his sorry ass identity.  Right in front of the police and his rioting friends, she whacked him good, and dragged him home, undoubtedly entertaining his mindless, racist  'friends'  and perhaps, in her own way, giving the world notice. Toya Graham is, in our estimation, standing tall. Good job, people, wasn't Toya Graham fantastic?  Congratulations and kudos to her, if she is any example to millions of other parents out there, black or white, there may be hope —even as other morons  continue to riot, loot, hate and threaten anyone white, in business, in uniform, in authority, living on the same street with 50 shades of indifference, or otherwise.

Reversing Racism by Balance?

As an interesting aside, —of the six police officers that have now been charged in the death of Freddie Gray,  three  were white men, and three were 'non-whites'.    Is that a coincidence, a planned  'social response',  a knee-jerk, simplified attempt to restore  a 'perceived balance' to social justice?  The prosecutor also happens to be black, young and female instead of old, male, authoritarian silver-haired, arrogant white law. Two coincidences in a row? Wow. In a city with a black female mayor yet. You decide. "Do wonders never cease?" might be asked, followed by "question every deception," including "is that another manipulation,  an experiment conjured up by social manipulators and the  politically-correct? Wow again.  The question of the day may  be "Is it necessary for society to offer child-like solutions to a dumbed-down, child-like society in a desperate attempt to regain the mirage of peace and perception of a 'balance of justice' necessary for civilization? Think about it. The working gears of  change and justice turn slowly in matters involving deceit, attitude, manipulation, beliefs  civilization and social practice.   May the world now 'assume' justice will be 'balanced'?  Will racism ever be reversed, or will reverse racism continue unacknowledged and unbridled? You, loyal readers, must decide for yourselves.  Yes, you.  Toya Graham,  one very proactive and smart parent has already clearly thought about it and made her own decision.  What do you think? Would you do the same for your child?  We hope so.  


Is that Incoming I hear?    
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