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Tag Archives: Ferguson Syndrome
Issues: The Ferguson Syndrome
© 2014 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_2739" align="aligncenter" width="448"]
Winter Sunrise ©2013 by r.a. kukkee[/caption]
Regardless of any decision put forth by any jury investigating the Mike Brown incident or any similar incident, peace is unlikely to be achieved simply because of

Here at Incoming Bytes we have reluctantly but studiously refrained from immediately 'jumping on the bandwagon' about the mayhem, arson, destruction and anger observed at the Ferguson, MO Mike Brown tragedy simply because it is seemingly impossible to be perceived as 'fair'. (**Disclosure: I am a white man. Always have been, but that's an aside.) Clearly, there are more issues than one. There is no winning side in the Ferguson tragedy; there is no palpable conciliation, no consolation for Mike's mother, and no immediate solution to the Ferguson Syndrome.
The Ferguson syndrome, a malignant, deep-seated problem or more likely a derivative of a historical collection of problems, bites and picks at the thin skin of civility at every opportunity. It ignites flaming oratory at every turn. It festers and causes rot under the surface regardless of social programs, promising meds, soothing ointments or political oratory. Call it disrespect for authority, call it ignorance on all levels, call it disenfranchisement, call it discrimination, racial segregation-- whatever you call it will be considered wrong by one side or the other--or perhaps even both, but particularly stomped upon and damned by the 'politically-correct' manipulators of society, feel-good whiners and complainers. Let us just suggest the 'Ferguson Syndrome' is a fact, whether acknowledged or not. If you don't think it's a problem, tell me why.
The fact is, with the Ferguson Syndrome, no matter how "politically-correct" one might attempt to be, regardless of 'neutral or analytical ' opinion expressed, again, there can be no winning side. Right vs.wrong, blacks.vs whites, police brutality and authority vs. civil disobedience, murder vs justified defensive killing, justice vs. injustice, innocent vs. guilty, 'outsiders vs. locals, 'protesting peacefully' vs.' inciting riots'--there is clearly NO winning side. There is little if any comfort in being "right" when blood is spilled. The 'answer of choice' apparently is to use violence as a solution for injustice. Or perceived injustice, depending on what colour you happen to be. How sad is that?
In place of logic and common sense which seems to be demonstrably absent, resides mass confusion, emotional pain, fear, distrust, and the exacerbation of hate. Worse yet, the repetition of the cycle of ignorance is being demonstrated, taught, and driven deeply into the psyche of children black, brown or white, whether they are local, "outsiders" or sitting drop-jawed watching the foolishness on television across North America. Children, for hundreds of years, have become adults who in turn teach their children the same defective, mindless values.
Regardless of any decision put forth by any jury investigating the Mike Brown incident or any similar incident, peace is unlikely to be achieved simply because of blatant prejudice perceived bias in the majority --bias being the common enemy of all participants and a concern in the community at large, regardless of colour.
The Ferguson syndrome includes a malicious and perpetual undercurrent of distrust of authority unjustified or not, racial disparity, racial discrimination, home-taught hate and exacerbated ignorance. Economic disparities, intolerance, a mind-boggling us-vs.-them mentality perpetuates itself through the wanton and willful lack of reason, and yes, a lack of reasonable and decent human values.
What is the answer to the Ferguson syndrome? Let us 'feel good' and reflect. Quietly. Practice humanity. Educate. Practice genuine justice and society without bias. Eliminate systemic discrimination and poverty. Stop hating. Start thinking. Blah, blah. It's endless.
Nice try, but the fact remains, if we think of others as "them" we are part of the problem. Hollow words—without the recognition that although we may be 'colored' one way or the other both physically or in our minds, each differently, —blood is always red, and tears are colourless. Think about it. Common ground. Let's work on that.
Is that Incoming I hear?
Posted in Civilization, Humanity, Major Issues, Politics, Reflections, Uncategorized
Tagged Arson, common ground, Ferguson, Ferguson Syndrome, hate, justice, Mike Brown, Prejudice, racial discrimination, riots