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The Infinity Particle
©2019 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
The Infinity Particle Five Infinity Particles in various stages of deterioration. Photo ©2019 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee All Rights Reserved.[/caption]
The Infinity Particle clearly displays common, specific points and markers on the elegant, precise particle design, even in the advanced deterioration of the particle displayed on the right. Note the tiny bits of super-heated metal from the shattering magnet(s) are clearly following different trajectories and obeying gravity.
The Infinity Particle displays measurable Frequency with virtually identical distances noted between the particles shown. Any difference may be attributed to photographic distortion or perhaps the curvature of the magnetic field (magnetic lines of force) they may be following.
[caption id="attachment_4271" align="aligncenter" width="709"]
Note: This ©2019 Photo by R.A. Kukkee was taken by iPhone from a monitor displaying a frozen, single frame of a video originally recorded at a standard speed of 30 frames per second.
"The defining mark of all worthy scientific discoveries is traditionally incredible, elegant simplicity."
The Infinity Particle: A New Key to the Unified Theory of Everything?
Let us NOT pretend the discoverers of the new Infinity Particle cleverly created the particle itself, or invented the manifestation of the phenomenon displayed in this unique photograph.
We did not. We merely identified the phenomenon on screen as significant and subsequently photographed it for the record. With my handy iPhone.
Then we personally named the curiosity because of it's specific, unique shape and possibilities.
The Infinity Particle is born. Now what? Is the Infinity Particle a new key to the Unified Theory of Everything? Imagine...
The Defining Mark of Worthy Scientific Discoveries.
Within any specific field of research, whether it be physics, chemistry, materials, mathematics, astrology or biology, the most important and defining mark of all worthy scientific discoveries is traditional, elegant simplicity. Perhaps the Infinity Particle really is a new key to the Unified Theory of Everything and should qualify as a fascinating and worthy scientific discovery. That conclusion itself may be elegant and simple.
Researchers. Inventors. A finding. Is the Infinity Particle a New Key to the Unified Theory of Everything?
Inventors and researchers do not make significant discoveries every day. Discoveries may occur, but not automatically. Working on our ongoing projects helped. We have had various projects with specific goals in mind for some time. One primary goal is the exploration and elusive development of alternative energy sources. Less expensive fuel.
We both have modern geothermal (ground source) heating/cooling. Good start.
Understanding Energy
An understanding concepts of how energy works is required. If over-unity energy is even possible. How alternative energy sources relate and interact. How they are manifested. How to apply them. How to scale up existing and new energy ideas and sources. How to control them all safely. Examples include solar, wind, thermal, electricity, energy storage, battery alternatives, hydrogen and HHO, ecology-friendly, sustainable biofuels like biodiesel and cellulose ethanol. Geothermal energy.
Interestingly, all are ultimately dependent in one way or the other upon solar energy —from the past or in the present. "Light, camera, and action" comes to mind.
Curiosity, Toroids, and Vortex Based Mathematics
The *two* discoverers/researchers/inventors simply follow curiosity and instinct. Extend and question ideas. Einstein said question everything. He may have also suggested everyone should hatch and stumble upon other worthwhile ideas. Recycle old ideas, like overunity, creation of innovative ways of creating free fuel. Safely. Winning the Nobel Prize for Physics, Science, or having the essential tenacity — to invent or discover something new. Anything new. Those would all be exciting.
Borrowing, adapting ideas and re-evaluating concepts encouraged and encountered from dusty, long-term, energy projects showing promise —from 2005 —helped.
*P.D.K. ( researcher/inventor) was experimenting with electronics, permanent batteries, electronics, alternative fuels, power generation, HHO, energy, and magnetism.
He went looking for, and found the phenomenon hidden in a video...based upon increasing curiosity about Toroid energy structures, space, singularities, Rodin coils, magnetism, and the exploration of Tesla's Vortex mathematics. Connecting dots. Yes, it was that simple. And unbelievably elegant.
**R.A.K ( author /writer /blogger /researcher/inventor) had previously experimented with HHO, biodiesel, coils, neodymium magnets and sparky over-unity devices, primarily exploring the unknowns hidden in the long-understood relationship between magnetism and electricity.
He conveniently photographed and happily named the Infinity Particle, having being—most fortunately,—in the right place at the right time, — having an iPhone handy. A phone with a camera.
(*** For further information and email , see contacts below)Perhaps we happened upon what may currently be essential, irrefutable proof of a unique, unmatched and important phenomenon? We had quite a discussion.
Implications and ideas eventually derived from this photograph may be one of the single most exciting developments in physics today.
The Infinity Particle. That's what we called it. We found it, photographed it, and recognized the importance, elegance and beauty of this unusual particle. Because of it's manifestation in a unique, clearly defined shape, we subsequently named it the Infinity Particle.
Albert Einstein, now out traveling the universe, riding his famous theoretical bicycle beside a theoretical ray of light and examining the true nature of light —would have been interested and delighted. If only because the photograph of the Infinity Particle above is indescribably beautiful, elegant, and simple. Specific. Almost musical, perhaps even in harmony with everything in the universe.
The famous inventor Nicola Tesla would also have been very, very pleased. The universal implications of the Infinity Particle and it's connection to Tesla's vortex-based mathematics currently being studied by Marco Rodin and Randy Powell and others, appear to be enormous.
Identifiable, Consistent and Unique Markers
Interestingly, the Infinity Particles have accurate and unique features displayed on all three particles. Clearly visible in the main photo field. Identical points and features can also be noted in two particles barely observable in the light-flooded section on the left side of the photo. It is not a coincidence. What could be more elegant?

Quantum Physics, String Physics, Theoretical Physics and Quantum Field Theory research recognizes the unique behaviour and movement of numerous particles, strings, and light energy packets. Worth repeating, "unique behaviour and movement of particles'. Various types.
Each specific field of endeavor reportedly also has missing, a key, to link, to unify string theory, quantum particles and energy fields?
Infinite, massive amounts of energy have already been attributed to singularities with the Big Bang Theory. But isn't a perfect solution to string theory unifying everything made possible only by creating extra dimensions? If so, what is the essential, but missing key to simple unification?
The Infinity Particle phenomenon appears to be a unique, universal design. Is the Infinity Particle the universal key, a critical link, the great unifier, perhaps even the blueprint of energy itself?
Note: We do not profess to be theoretical physicists or scientists. Some interesting observations made however, have certainly promoted curiosity. At this time we can only offer questions. Unanswered questions, with suggestions, ideas, or possibilities:
—Is the Infinity Particle with it's unique key signature design a manifestation of pure energy? Good question!
— How was a unique signature of light or a specific packet of energy captured at a video speed recording of 30 frames per second?
—Observe the size of the Infinity particles compared to the photo frame size. The particles are HUGE. Could the same manifestation also be sub-atomic tiny? Small enough to fit inside quarks or other particles?
—How was that photo even possible when light travels at 186,000 miles per second? We thought magnetic containment of the energy suddenly released in the event may have been a factor. How about gravity? Was instantaneous buildup of energy and acceleration and increasing mass a factor? Did gravity or magnetic fields slow the light down?
—Were the Infinity Particles the result of the conversion of magnetic lines of force to pure energy —displayed as light?
—Matter can be converted to energy. In the photograph, the Infinity particles are clearly fading. —Since it is long believed that energy cannot be created or destroyed: To which unknown realm is the energy dissipating? Invisible space? Another dimension? The realm of dark matter? The zero point energy plane?
—To what are the Infinity Particles being converted? Are Infinity particles visible after being converted? Do they become dark matter? Do they return to exist as invisible magnetic lines of force? Or is pure energy being absorbed back into the shadows of the universal aether?
—Let's rephrase that...Is the fading of the unique structures visible in the photograph irrefutable proof that pure energy, a.k.a. the Infinity Particle — is being returned to the aether? Being recycled to the aether? To another dimension? To another time?
—Perhaps the most important question might be:
— Is the Infinity Particle a manifestation of the universal pattern and behaviour of pure energy?
—Are the infinity particles simply becoming invisible, —remaining in the same elegant designbut simply migrating across the zero point energy plane to invisibility? In the opposite polarity? That would be interesting...
— Can currently-acknowledged problems of relativity and quantum mechanics regarding energy emanating from inside singularities, complex issues of dimensions—which cannot currently be explained, —now be resolved simply and elegantly? Shall we also suggest vortex-based mathematics links directly with the Infinity Particle, and is a new key to everything?
—Was Nicola Tesla right when he suggested the aether is a universal, single, infinite source of energy which could be tapped and harvested ? Does the Infinity Particle also suggest that the concept of 'overunity' has simply been misunderstood and ridiculed?
We suggest ...these concepts warrant much further exploration including the implications inferred by the Infinity Particle and it's manifestations —wherever they may be found.
The Infinity Particle may be a new key to the unified theory of everything. The pipeline to energy freedom. The clock is ticking...
We hope theoretical physicists, mathematicians, scientists, astrophysicists and interested people everywhere will explore and research the new and amazing implications offered by the elegant Infinity Particle.
The Infinity Particle, a New Key to the Unified Theory of Everything.
Is that Incoming I hear?
*Please enter comments in the box at the bottom of this article. Contacts *** *DPK Daniel Paul Kukkee may be contacted by email : danielkukkee@yahoo.com **RAK Raymond Alexander Kukkee may be contacted by email: rkmywest@gmail.comTags: #InfinityParticle, #theoretical physics, #science, #particle research, #quantum physics, #string theory, #light theory, #energy, #alternate energy, #over-unity #Einstein #Vortex Math #toroids #zero point energy, #aether, #Nobel.org
Posted in Science ABC, The Infinity Particle
Tagged A new key to the Unified Theory of Everything, Aether, discoveries, energy, energy packets, Infinity Particle, light, Nobel Prize for Physics, particle research, quantum physics, science, string theory, Tesla, theoretical physics, Vortex math
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Recall The Incompetent Government
©2016 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
[caption id="attachment_3893" align="aligncenter" width="480"]
Lightning: Electricity in Nature Photo credit: National Geographic[/caption]
Mz. Kathleen Wynne, the incompetent, devious "Premier", for another four months, will continue to
Don't kid yourself; there is much more to it. With INFLATED prices and "fees" in the interim, billions more in slush-fund tax revenue will continue to be collected 'elsewhere' . It is destined to be spent
...We laugh raucously...at the arrogance...the hypocrisy...the...blatant stupidity, the secrecy...the incompetence...the political insanity...hold your breath...
—So, let us wait in the dark and see...and keep our gloves, insulated jackets and toques on, drink cold coffee, and follow the money...from the inevitable backlash and lawsuits for 'project contract cancellation penalties' to come...

Ontario Residents Must Recall The Incompetent Government
'Recall The Incompetent Government'must become a rallying cry for angry Ontario residents collectively struggling with extreme, unprecedented and unnecessary cost increases , most notably the price of one essential service, electricity.
Electricity: An Essential Service
Let us suggest that In Ontario, as in most of Canada, there is no choice; electricity is an essential service.
To classify electricity to be taxed as ordinary consumer goods, or as a somehow 'magically-optional choice in Canada —a cold, dark country in winter— is not only irresponsible and worse than ridiculous—but dangerous.
Electricity should not be taxed in any way; primary production and grid distribution of electricity should remain a publicly-run service, and the cost of electricity MUST be made affordable.
For any government to privatize and tax electricity and then subsequently and allow corporate interests to create a "MONOPOLY" which MINDLESSLY and arbitrarily raises prices to inexcusable, unaffordable levels for profit is a breach of trust and shows extremely poor judgement. Subsequently it has encouraged and enabled multi-million-dollar executive salaries and non-affordable electricity for all— which is not only mismanagement and bad governance, it is a failure of duty and the social obligation of government to protect the interests of taxpayers. Their actions have been negligent and possibly even criminal.
Clearly a nightmare and crisis has developed for many, many Ontario businesses , individuals, couples, seniors, and particularly families, who must now make an impossible choice: Feeding children and living in the dark, —or paying outrageous electricity bills. Ontarians must recall the incompetent government.
Seniors have paid taxes to build Ontario infrastructure all of their working lives. Now, living on Canada Pension, many in poverty, they must pay outrageous "DELIVERY" fees," to have electricity "delivered" over the same infrastructure they not only PAID for over their lifetimes, but in some cases, actually BUILT at their own cost—and were never compensated by Ontario Hydro.
Ontario residents have apparently NOT already been enraged enough to call for blood yet... worth repeating, not enraged enough yet— to declare a revolt and scream: "recall the incompetent government !"
A Government-Created Disaster
Premier Kathleen Wynne's incompetent government has consistently ignored the disaster and crisis she and her incompetent government have created. Families struggle with unbelievable, unacceptable hydro bills. Meantime, the Hydro One "President" is being paid over $4 MILLION dollars annually.
Canadians all, but Ontario residents specifically, must NOT tolerate abusive, incompetent governance; this outrageous status quo is unacceptable. The people must recall and replace this foolish, inept, and insensitive government. Canadians deserve better!
Too Little, Too Late —Demand a Recall
In the recent throne speech "Premier" Kathleen Wynne has had a revelation and "promised" to remove the "Provincial portion" of the H.S.T., with a 'rebate' of 8% of your hydro bill. It is NOT the removal of the HST. The "rebate" of the Provincial portion could easily be terminated at ANY time without notice. Too little, too late.
And when is this "miracle solution" of Wynne's to occur? You guessed it. "Some time in the future."
Subsequently, following Wynne's 'revelation', the devious plan does not come into effect until January, 2017, months from now. This FORCES families to continue to pay outrageous , arbitrarily-calculated-and-assessed, unrealistic "delivery fees" —and pay the HIGHEST rates for electricity anywhere in North America.
Winter is coming. Many homes are heated with electricity —and consumers have NO other choice. Pay your electricity bill, heat your home, or freeze to death. WHICH part of this disaster does this government find it so hard to understand? Will they face responsibility for what they have done? No.
Mz. Kathleen Wynne, the incompetent, devious "Premier", for another four months, will continue to take ga-ga selfies with Justin , laugh behind closed doors, and penalize Ontario residents with even MORE incompetent decisions and policy. Outrageous "delivery fees" EXCEEDING the cost of electricity itself will remain on your hydro bill. The "rebate" is a mere pittance.
The Liberal government will ensure the HIGHEST electricity costs in North America WILL go higher.
Kathleen Wynne, the "most despised, least-respected Provincial Premier in Canada " will undoubtedly continue to magically SELL "surplus" electricity to her friends in the U.S. A. and other markets. For ONE-TENTH the cost Ontario RESIDENTS are charged. YOU, the unfortunate taxpayer, will get to "cover the 'loss' with further price increases.'. Oh, my...doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
Don't kid yourself; there is much more to it. With INFLATED prices and "fees" in the interim, billions more in slush-fund tax revenue will continue to be collected 'elsewhere' . It is destined to be spent to fulfill the secret, questionable agenda of this incompetent, family-hating Premier.
The Solution:
Before Ontario collapses in economic failure: WE, the residents of Ontario, believe the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario should :
RECALL the incompetent government;
Remove the incredibly-incompetent Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals from power immediately;
Replace the incompetent Liberal group with a temporary remedial coalition which MUST :
Resolve this crisis by removing the H.S.T. and outrageous, arbitrarily-calculated delivery fees IMMEDIATELY by legislative order;
Reduce the price of electricity to affordable, reasonable prices;
STOP immediately —any further privatization of this critically-necessary service.
Return HYDRO ONE, O.P.G. and the primary production, pricing, control, and distribution of electricity, an essential service —to the Public sector.
It is September...
And —People!! Hello? For the record and discussion (over COLD coffee...and a COLD breakfast. That would be since since Kathleen and her cronies have made it necessary to shut off the furnace, the stove, the oven, the water-heater, the lights, baby-bottle warmers, the clothes-dryer, and the coffee-warmer—) ...let us ask...
When did Kathleen Wynne have a 'revelation' and "decide" her outrageous electricity rates and costs have become a " crisis" ? Dare we ask? It came as no surprise... it was when the hated, incompetent Liberals lost a by-election...
*Update: In other BREAKING news....the least-liked, least-trusted, least- popular provincial Premier in Canada has once again made a "decision" *gasp....What,now, you say, a glimmer of hope?
Nope... another potential disaster...head for cover...
The Wynne "government" will now "reverse" or "halt" the carelessly-planned, poorly-executed "Green Energy Policy". "Wynne will "cancel some big wind and solar projects. "Suddenly" it has been decided that Ontario has "lots" of energy and generating-capacity— for the next ten years. We don't need MORE sweet, artificially-overpriced 'green energy 'projects'.
We must bet that Ontarians will be left on the hook for THAT decision also, resulting in further outrageous price-gouging. Is history to be repeated?
—So, let us wait in the dark and see...and keep our gloves, insulated jackets and toques on, drink cold coffee, and follow the money...from the inevitable backlash and lawsuits for 'project contract cancellation penalties' to come...from someone's....er....friends. Stay tuned...
How about that... No comment...but of which billion-dollar gas-plant boondoggle does that remind you? Think, people...