Tag Archives: citizenship

A Clarion Call: Defending Canadian Values

©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee   [caption id="attachment_3981" align="alignnone" width="600"]The inverted Maple Leaf flag of Canada --a symbol of distress, dfending Canadian values Canada in Distress[/caption]  

Choices: Defending Canadian Values

Genuine and meaningful choices concerning defending Canadian values are few.  There are only two—Two choices that must be considered by citizens of Canada, past, present, illegals,  refugees, economic opportunists, freeloaders,  or otherwise  incoming.  One stands defending  Canadian values, or  not.

We Stand on Guard for Thee?   Which shall it be? Tough choice isn't it? 

There are many 'circumstances' which must be considered, so many fragile feelings which can be hurt by blinking. Scolding and insults are  hurled back in discussions simply for asking questions. Or demanding answers. Oh, yay.  The indignity of a sweating, tongue-tied, ill-spoken  politician, social manipulator, or "traitorous liberal" parrot  asked to answer a question.  Asked Politely.   We stand on guard for thee and all that.  Why sure, we believe that and will buy a spare swamp in Florida too.  Right.

Warm and Fuzzy Platitudes: Not Genuine Canadian Values

Bleating warm and fuzzy political  platitudes are not genuine Canadian values. They will not help the   'we don't stand on guard for thee because Justin said not to .... crowd.

Well, er... we can't say that, we don't want to upset anyone, it might hurt their feelings.

We are all too aware of the trendy, popular offerings;  'tolerance of,'  'inclusiveness' and 'understanding of cultures '  social rules for other assorted, over-used to the point of  meaningless trash rhetoric  about racism and hate speech now so often  spouted by politically-correct politicians and their minions.   Parroted by less than honest, whining social manipulators and MP's who prefer their demagogic leader's Islamic and UN agenda be followed slavishly no matter how insulting, illogical, hate-inducing, socially damaging, treasonous, or dangerous  it may be to Canadians and  Canada;  Let's all play Truth, dare, and consequences. The new play. Act II...

From  bad to worse, those same empty platitudes are repeated endlessly by apathetic, mesmerized voters who clearly do not understand why "Islamophobia and Bill M103 " is a manufactured farce,  or bother to think for themselves—and still haven't connected the dots between votes  inspired by gushy ga-ga giggles,  hormones and outrageous stupidity.  ( To the logical, it IS  no  surprise that voting for the arrogance of "skin deep attraction" and slick talking  dramatic  narcissistic egos  always has been,  and always will be, a wasted, misplaced vote for little but drama...  But we digress...this, too, shall pass...when the curtain drops. )

Subsequently,   nasty rhetoric and rebukes emanate from the collective dysfunctional and disagreeable  'majority';   a  recalcitrant, Liberal  'we must be right or else' childish mentality.  Even when reasonable, alternative points of view are  offered by neutral observers with no other  intent than to open minds.

  Is it offensive to clarify, and  encourage thinking that may  prevent the destruction of Canada in the future? I think not. Not here at IncomingBytes. Grow some spine. Speak up. Here at IncomingBytes.com we will continue to practice Freedom of Speech regardless of "governance", ideology, or personal whims of dictators.

Be on notice that defending GENUINE Canadian values is not a Liberal 'game';  it is not a high-school drama or some lunatic's social experiment. To treat it as such is dereliction of duty.   The very future of Canada depends upon  choices carefully made now.

We Stand on Guard for Thee.  Even for YOU.

We stand on guard for thee,  in defense of GENUINE Canadian values  for  all. — Yes, even for YOU the most stubborn,  the completely  misinformed, the incredibly gullible;  and YOU too, as disagreeable as you are. —For YOU, who have chosen Canada for a new home  even if Canadian laws, customs, dress, tradition and religion are not to your 'liking',  and  —For YOU,  #Justin Trudeau,  who are so willing to sell out Canada, mislead, and  betray Canadians with your Sunni ways (wasn't that dramatic?  You thought nobody noticed)  —For YOU especially,  a misguided, unhappy elitist child with no self-respect— who has apparently  never been taught what the core identity of Canada has become.  Something you will learn;  that the True North— Strong and Free—is, above all, Canadian FIRST.

So it shall remain...The True North will remain Canadian first, and strong and free.

Calling all Canadians; it is time to MAKE A CHOICE and stand in defense of genuine Canadian values. Either you believe in defending genuine Canadian values or not. Which is it?  

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  


Is that Incoming I hear?

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