Tag Archives: antique cars

Writing Life: Reflections: The Quieting

© 2013 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_1865" align="aligncenter" width="448"]A restored, red antique car, front end Antique: Life Head on     Photo © 2013 by wlk photography[/caption]  

From Havoc to The Quieting

It seems the world is in havoc -a state of unquiet, turmoil  as usual, war, tensions, environmental disasters,catastrophes -no matter what we do.  Eureka.  A revelation? Not. But clearly it seems worrisome to say the least. I've been  obsessed preoccupied  thinking about it. Everything is relative. How else would such magnificent facts or inner peace, for that matter, be discovered without relative values? Does the constant observation and  engagement with real-world complexity challenge creativity? Is havoc bad for the creative mind?  Should we go head on, pedal to the metal? Although encouraged to do so, lately  the erotic erratic muse clearly hasn't been cooperating or paying attention to the details required to compete with obsessive observation of humanity.  We (collectively and individually) tend to distraction.   Admonished or not, the saucy muse is stuck in neutral, caution flag raised, "what'll you write about if I go on strike?  "Pay me", $95 million bucks a' la 50 Shades of Gray -or something close to that would suffice"    Yes, it seems at times, genius persists, but only with bankable reasoning. The better kind of green. We resist, challenge, and argue negotiate.  It's hard to get good help isn't it?  Do you pay your muse? Politely, in magnanimous  retribution we smile outwardly, but resolutely refuse to play the game or pay the muse. We go at it, head on. It doesn't take a whole lot of genius or regular confabulating  with fools to figure  some things out, --the world turns endlessly,  regardless of what we do,-- but it does take patience, honesty and wisdom to accept the fact. Life is what it is.  We only participate. Life goes on as it is, frenetically. Therein lies the dig. We don't do frenetic well. Let's not push that too far. We're  quiet types. As in --we like quiet. We like peace. Think about it.  The world does not rotate at our command, nor does it wobble, pause long enough to enable a sun tan at our command.  It does not avoid big crashes with interstellar objects simply because we think that would be somehow better. It does not stop --should we wish to get off. The reality is,relatively we're smaller than atoms in the Milky way. Spinning. Frenetically. Listen to the roar of the crowd.  Wait, Didn't  I just say I don't do frenetic well? The muse is initiating discussion on the concept that civilization would benefit from  the quieting of the  universe, Milky way, terra firma, molecules and monkeys balancing on the back of elephants under the big top.  The muse and I finally agree on something. We are applying for the quieting. Head on.  We do serenity well. # Is that Incoming I hear? +
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Life: See What Happens?

© 2013 Raymond Alexander Kukkee [caption id="attachment_1750" align="aligncenter" width="584"]Candy-apple Red 1947 Plymouth                                              Plymouth    photo © by wlk photography[/caption] See what happens? An old Plymouth.  Sixty-six years later, more or less, but she was quite likely tired, out of gas, and worn out 50 years ago. Tired old stuff, with the right care, TLC  and good fortune, suddenly becomes valuable.  Beautiful. Imagine that. Candy Apple Red yet --and probably worth ten times the original price. Is there a message to be considered here?  Let's take a ride, baby. It's called life. This beauty was photographed in Thunder Bay Ontario. Antique cars by the dozens. Old cars, happy old owners delighted with life, happy to be alive and revived, restored and adored. Life the way it should be. See what happens? Life can be staid, stolid and  boring as you allow it to be. High-button boots, whitewall tires and all. Banker's hours and dull. A new, meticulously detailed life, but old is old. [caption id="attachment_1758" align="aligncenter" width="584"]An old blue antique car with whitewall tires                            Whitewall Tires            © wlk photography[/caption]  

More Exciting?

Perhaps you think life should be brighter, more exciting.  On the move. Be a genuine hot rod. C'mon, baby. Roll the dice. Start'er up. Pedal to the metal.  Life can come with color-and fire. [caption id="attachment_1756" align="aligncenter" width="584"]Yellow hot rod antique car with flames                        Life with Color and Fire    © wlk photography[/caption] How far will you go? Pick up where you left off.  Haul stuff while you're at it. Go far.  Fargo. Bring your tools. You'll need them.  Get up and get moving. Watch out, world. Life is what you make it. [caption id="attachment_1759" align="aligncenter" width="584"]An old Fargo Pickup truck not yet restored                         Fargo Pickup Truck                              © wlk photography[/caption] Don't want to bother with life?  Spend time just hanging around playing mindless games?   It's always a choice, but see what happens? [caption id="attachment_1760" align="aligncenter" width="584"]Old Ford Unrestored                         Old Ford -Life Ignored              © wlk photography[/caption] Life's a choice. Think about it. Choose well.   Is that Incoming I hear? Photo Credits:  All photos on this post  ©2013 by wlk photography #
Posted in Life, Reflections, Uncategorized, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments