Tag Archives: Angela Merkel

Trudeau Drawing Fire on Canada Once Again

©2017 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee       [caption id="attachment_4076" align="aligncenter" width="660"] Ivanka Trump with President Donald Trump at the 2017 G20 summit   Photo credit: Getty Images[/caption]    

Trudeau Drawing Fire on Canada —Again.

Once again, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has done it. It has become a bad habit.  Trudeau drawing fire on Canada has almost come to be expected.  What on earth will he do next is heard on street corners and mumbled loudly in coffee shops across the land.

Justin raises the ire of Canadians, who expect an orderly sound stage, logical governance and at least a minimum standard of protocol displayed by their chosen  rock star, not  a three-ring circus  complete with a clown.

Too bad for Canadians....  That stodgy old protocol called Canada  is not to the liking of this Prime Minister— not enough gender-bending, not enough drama.  Trudeau is not only raising the ire of Canadians, he is drawing  fire on Canada from abroad.

Patronizing Arrogance

The patronizing arrogance required to create such chaos is not a surprise. The rock star -sized ego thrives on attention, drama, and the pseudo-act of "teaching the world how to sing in rainbow colours."  You know the song, 'I'd like to teach the world to sing'... but in the dramatic, twisted Trudeau sock puppet parade version?

True to form, the confused Trudeau has been carrying his message with rainbow-coloured coals to other world leaders Newcastle.  For example, to Chancellor Angela Merkel  of Germany, who at one time, perhaps,  may have been the last chance for sanity and  democracy in Europe but no longer. She is now appearing confused and long overdue for a nice old 'chancellor-lady'  retirement after destroying Germany with her delusional immigration policy.

And as for the new child-President Macron of France, he, like Trudeau—already being similarly confused,  believes he is too intelligent to be understood by ordinary French folks. Alas.   Do tell.  Just imagine. Macron and cheese. The New World Order(ed) diet of  Islamic France. With champagne.  Scratch that. No alcohol or fun allowed.

Trudeau  drawing fire on Canada obsessively may have even caught the attention of President Donald Trump at the G20  (19 + 1 and a bit ) summit recently. As if a stabbing terrorist attack from Canada wasn't enoughDo tell again.  Worth repeating, a terrorist attack from Canada.   A Muslim knife thrust repeatedly into innocent victims; and Trudeau's rainbow-stained  thumb thrust up the nose of  Trump and  Canada-US relations. Wow, meeting with the US Governors behind the back of the President glows brilliantly...the backwash is predictable as the governors discover they, too, have been duped.

That was almost as unpalatable as Trudeau's obsession with his sock fetish,  his bright pink socks, Eid Mubarek socks , the promotion of  open borders and incidental, anger-inciting and contradictory fashion statements like the self-serving  M103 'Islamophobia'  evil, and paying terrorists $10.5M apologies.  Wow.

Those were 'almost'  as laughable as Trudea's insistence upon dramatically wearing Indian turbans, Muslim hats,  First Nations feathered headdresses ... and  white cowboy hats— promoting world poverty, donating Canadian millions to the corrupt Clinton foundation, and trying to impress Albertans. 

Alberta, of all places,  became invisible or floated up to la-la land, nowhere to be seen on Canada Day,  For Trudeau, it was  far, far away... Happy 150th to the New Republic of Alberta.  Trudeau has yet to sent Alberta a $10.5M  apology like he paid Omar Khadr,  but that's understandable, Albertans are not Muslim, Islamic co-conspirators,  or  convicted terrorists.

Trudeau heads for Calgary. If he can find it.  How about a signed, grinning cardboard cut-out  selfie of Justin in a knockoff white cowboy hat instead of  a few pale-face words, Mr. Forked Tongue? And that hat....white, how inclusive, and innocent.  "There, that ought to make Albertans happy and keep Alberta entertained for another couple of weeks."  Albertans will be impressed with THAT bull...chute,  or is it shyte?   Oops,  that was one for Scotland.

International Flack is Back

International  headshakes were not long in forthcoming either, considering the failure to achieve unanimity on the Paris climate accord, trade and other issues at the G20.  Confusion reigns.  Perhaps President Trump was jet-lagged or rattled. He typically tweets exciting crap that's even true sometimes but misspoke as he recently described  Justin Trudeau as doing a fantastic job.  Well, you can't blame the old boy... It is true in context, after all;  Trudeau's world-class achievement, establishing the life-saving importance of  his influential sock fetish raises the international bar of something... political how-dee-doo.   It has even inspired President Macron in France to be similarly flamboyant and sock-boy foolish. To hell with traditional European anything;  the new social gastronomie for the poor of France shall be  Macron and cheese  instead of 'let them eat cake.'

There 'ya go.  19 + 1 and a bit.

Back to the G20....as for the lone hold-out Donald,  the problem of standing alone in Europe at the G20 and the embarrassment of praising Trudeau  was resolved by getting Ivanka, his attractive daughter,  to distract and sit in.

Undercurrents akin to aloof jealousy reigned at the summit. Social mores were stiffly observed. Justin attempted to convince everyone that international cooperation and  globalism is better by showing everyone his socks.

We might contemplate that Angela Merkel the Chancellor  was  deviously attempting to persuade the Donald  to join the majority, helpfully  keeping Justin  separated from the beautiful fashionista  Ivanka by judiciously wedging herself between them as  any hired, scowling chaperone might do.

"I —just ah...ah... was just going to show her my socks" Justin explained, grinning foolishly.   

''Who needs socks? Ivanka, she doesn't need socks!"  Angela the Chancellor was heard to whisper, displaying a mischievous smile."How about showing me instead?"

Certainly the German chancellor hasn't displayed hers yet. As a woman in her self-altered, already-problematic Germany, she may never be allowed to do so.  Nevertheless, Angela displays heart. Perhaps for different reasons,  like  the ulterior and evil  Islamic motives of Justin.  At least she honestly wants to save women and girls. Even Ivanka—  from Justin.   We may deduce that Donald Trump should be eternally grateful . Keep an eye on her. There may be hope for Europe yet...

Like  Trudeau drawing fire on Canada, international echos may  prove to be contagious.  Rock star wannabes, drama teachers and grinning, deceiving ideologues and lying sock puppets should never be ignored.   Why?   Disarming, quaint, and childish distractions like Kim Jong clapping at the success of his toys,  Trudeau drawing fire on Canada with ga-ga selfies and red herring sock fetishes— may ultimately prove to  be dangerous. 

After all, like innocent, grinning babies, with bad hair, they both may appear arrogantly "cute and innocent" —but sooner or later, will grow teeth. They will also  have to be changed.


Is that Incoming I hear?

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