"Clearly something must be done. Why not try common sense?
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These people hate us. Can’t stand us. They are killing each other left and right in horrible ways. Beheading children, torturing and raping women, using weapons of mass destruction that kill only after inflicting the worst kind of suffering. Some days I feel like – kill em all, let God sort em out. But then I remember I’m not supposed to be the judge. But then they come here and drive jets into our buildings and kill thousands. And why – to make a statement. To inflict terror. To celebrate our horror. On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, I wonder. Maybe it is indeed time for WWIII and all horror it will bring. Perhaps it’s time we stood together again and took our enemies to the brink of annihilation. Maybe it’s time to turn all that sand into glass with skeletons x-rayed onto it. Common sense and decency tells me no, it’s not that time. Not yet. But my gut and my heart tell me that unless we do something, these despicable cowards will continue to rape and torture and terrorize not just their own, but everyone else.
The worst is yet to come, and if Obama uses this as an excuse to distract from the issues he faces, then the worst will be even worse. The world is in a dark place and it’s only going to get darker. I wonder. Is now the time, or later? It’s coming, either way.
Sorry Ray.
MJ , I understand. Fact is, I could not agree more, you are definitely not alone with your frustration, anger –or outlook.
Personally, I “optimistically” wish for, –and write for hope and solutions that are reasonable, — I do wish common sense would surface universally– even though I do KNOW it’s very unlikely to happen, –and ordinary individuals like us will have absolutely no say in the matter.
Yes, this is a very, very dark time–there is little doubt the worst IS yet to come, —and if not on this crisis, the next one. How about Iran’s sworn destruction of Israel, –and N. Korea’s nukes?
Universally, aggression, lunatic terrorism, and hate emanating from tribal, archaic, bitter cultures is extremely difficult to understand, –virtually impossible for the western mind to comprehend, –much less justify or accept.
Fanaticism and lunacy knows no boundaries–and to these people, tribal retribution, genocidal murder, mayhem, rape, honor-killings, beheading, mass atrocities –are all ‘normal’. To the fanatics, all life is worthless. To their societies, children and women are worthless collateral damage. From our viewpoint and western upbringing, it is totally foreign, unbelievably horrible, inexcusable, and frankly it looks like they suffer from devolution, worms in their hot-headed brains or collective insanity at best. Their willful self-annihilation is incomprehensible.
Most North Americans, myself included, like you, have experienced justifiable rage at the unbelievable atrocities committed over and over again, and –no kidding— like you, — I, too, after 9/11 — darkly wondered if total destruction of these ugly cultures, these evil, so-called “people” that act worse than animals is the only answer.
The root of frustration really lies in the eternal ‘optimism’ and learned civility of the western mind –by default, our societal conditioning, we try to use humanity, civility, logic and common sense as rationale. Fact is, in dealing with these people, there is no rationale, no logic they accept.
To ordinary people like us, in general, mayhem, terrorism, murder and destruction should be unnecessary,—- just as in those archaic minds, their teachings of tribal retribution, genocide, suicide bombers, beheading, fanaticism, terrorism and fear of the modern world are all happy necessities; self-sacrifice gets you a ticket to 72 virgins, so let’s all kill the infidels or die trying,…. etc.etc..
Therein lies the problem.
As a result, they collectively hate every other culture and religion–and prove it with new atrocities every day.
Sadly, mindless barbaric terrorism is perceived to be the single modern benchmark of their culture & religion, rightfully or not.
What we ourselves do about Syrian use of chemical weapons — is a benchmark of our own civilization. and, yes, an expression of our own will to survive.
Bottom line? You’re probably right. Perhaps in the long run, or maybe even in the short term, it really does become them or us. Assad promises retaliation; but violence and war is all they understand.
Maybe it is time, but the nagging question persists; would more death and mayhem, even pushing the button and turning the middle east into a glass parking lot –make us any better than them? Perhaps in reality we must become the barbarians. Then will they collectively laugh, –having been successful at converting us to barbarianism?
That’s part of the human conundrum isn’t it? I’m guessing we’ll be finding out sooner than later, like it or not.
Btw, MJ, no ‘sorry’ is necessary, there’s nothing to be sorry about. The whole world is edgy, and questioning. Thank you much for your comments. The discussion continues. ~R
Unfortunately, common sense went out the window so long ago… Your notion of the boy who called wolf choking really is so true… another unfortunate and truly ugly fact. I don’t believe chemical warfare is ever necessity and all of this ‘saving face’ needs to be prioritized. Let’s concentrate on the what really matters: there are people starving and being abused every moment of every day, people. Why add chemical weapons into the mix? The boy who called wolf needs to dial a new phone number.
Well said, Christyb. Common sense seems to have evaporated a long time ago, but being optimists, we can’t help expressing some wishful thinking based on humanitarian grounds, can we? One thing is for sure, IF we willingly give up the last shred of hope for decency and peace, –we don’t have to worry about fighting wars of ideology– we are beaten already. “Saving face” would be the least of our problems. Thank you for commenting, Christyb.
Powerful, Raymond. I do not even begin to understand or know what is right and needed here. If I believed in God I would pray. Prayer is not in my vocabulary. Will I get up and do what is required of me? Who is to say what is required of me? Who can make a difference at the table, here? Should we be silent, wait and see? Is there time for that? I doubt it. The time for that has LONG passed. I am angry at my impotence. I shake my fist at who?… what? At the truth that I have no say in what is to come? That is the scariest thing I can think of, right now. And it’s here.
Thank you for encouraging rage. I think.
Thank you for commenting, Janet.
In life, right and wrong is a collection of relative values to some, black and white to others, –and perhaps the slightest comment can make a huge difference in outcome,– just as the smallest detail in formula substantially alters the outcome of fractal art .
This horrific international stalemate is clearly beyond the control of the common individual, but IMHO, should we remain silent? Are we obligated to remain silent? I think not. Silence suggests approval or apathy–neither of which is acceptable in a civilized society.
Surely total destruction, more death, more refugees, more fear and more profit for war machines are not ideal answers –even though ideological anger, fear, and frustration encourages and both actions and consequences.
I don’t pretend to know if anyone can make an easily defined difference, and sadly, burning our minds with ‘rage’ is not likely to achieve the quantum changes needed.
Is the status quo acceptable? No. I have always said “the declaration of war is the ultimate admission of human failure to reason”. That being said, some evil-driven ‘human beings’ using the guise of ideology to drive fanatic agendas cannot be reasoned with, –so little choice appears to remain, no matter what ‘we the world citizens’ think or say. Yes, that realization is indeed a distressing prospect isn’t it? Thanks again for commenting, Janet. ~R
I was brought here by Christy via Twitter. She shared your article with me. I’m not exactly sure why. However, as I read through the beginning, I realized it might not be of value to leave a comment. I wasn’t even half way done reading it and found myself hard pressed to read further. The entire issue with Syria isn’t a US problem, yet Obama is making it one, for some treasonous reason. The sheep who believe Obama and every other governmental agency, with regards to Syria are uninformed.
Now, how informed you are about this situation will stem from what knowledge you’ve gained with past dealings of the US gov and political foreign affairs. Like for example: the CIA is the agency that created Al-Qaeda to begin with. It was a specific group of operatives from the US and other Major nations. In a simple covert task of hassling any and all enemies of said countries.
Now, Gov wants the general public to approve a strike on Syria’s Assad, arming of freedom fighters/rebels(Al-Qaeda groups and factions), who were the ones who screwed up a chemical weapon and it went off. Talented, yet Obama uses to attempt to rip Syria’s Assad out of office. It sounds like the White House and the CIA are on the same page it appears. If they put troops in Syria, those troops will be fighting along side Al-Qaeda groups and factions. Since, when does the US government saddle up along side, known terrorists groups and factions, IF the official story of 9/11 is true?
What the people of America should be asking is- who is pulling Obama’s strings?
@Ray Choiniere, welcome to IncomingBytes. Yes, that certainly would be a leading question worthy of an answer: “-who is pulling Obama’s strings?” We certainly agree, the Syrian problem is not an American problem, but, as many times in the past, somehow world events magically ‘become’ an American problem. Why? It’s always “made” to be an American problem to set the stage for the hidden agenda. Operatives everywhere. Manipulation of tin-pot dictatorships and unstable governments…opportunism,…Oil..”American interests”. .. you name it.
Problem is, the covert actions of the past have been backfiring regularly, –and Al-Quaeda is a perfect example.
The whole point is, yes, there are ‘sheep that believe’, but many Americans rightly now question if any of the government agencies offer believable or reliable information. The world has little faith in the red herring ‘public’ ‘agenda’. Little wonder there is no support.
I’m not convinced anyone can presume to know who “accidentally or otherwise” used chemical weapons to create international fervour, precipitate a regime change in Syria,–or what– but if history is any lesson, nothing should surprise.
US boots potentially fighting alongside Al-Quaeda? Deception results in strange bedfellows at times, does it not? Just retribution? Maybe it’s bad Karma. Thanks for dropping in and commenting. ~R
First Raymond, what another lovely site you have here at Incoming..
Second, I couldn’t agree with you more on the ‘Common Sense’ .. And totally agreed with your statement of ” We the ordinary people have no way of knowing the TRUTH ,..” and I think they would ALL be hard pressed to pick through all the Lies they have told and find the Real Truth of anything they allow us mere mortals to know..
Glad you directed me here 🙂 Sue
Hi Sue Dreamwalker, it’s good to see you again! Welcome to Incomingbytes.com , I’m glad you found us. Yes, the web of lies grows endlessly bigger–and more complex and problematic as time goes on. It seems we bite our own tails at times.
We the people have likely heard very little actual truth that can be genuinely relied upon to make logical decisions, so when times become even more difficult, –what shall be the basis of the choices we make? Thank you for commenting “:) ~R