Writing Life: New Challenges

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Fires of Waterland in Print

Fires of Waterland in Print

  Life is a learning curve. It should be simple, but what fun would that be?  Just  to raise the blood pressure,  make the heart pump harder, sprinkle  the nerves of steel with itching powder and make  life interesting, at times it gets to be a substantially steep learning curve.  We may wail and cringe at the onerous tasks presented to us, but reality calls; life consists of new challenges every day. The writing life is not an exception. One may be able to run, but not hide. Lady Luck teaches us well;  at times, surprisingly with a slap, a sting or a lulu of a comeuppance.  Variable outcomes. The dreaded. The unexpected. You know how it works; great illusions become greater disillusions, hmmffnn.... miss the bus so you can get hit by the train instead. It's always better fishing in the lake farthest away.  Go for a  dream vacation, jump off of that dream water slide  into emerald, bejeweled tropical waters. Yes, the  dream vacation, the ultimate destiny, the dream stream down below, but wait...those are real sharks. Or the ship strikes rocks and falls over a la Costa Concordia. One never knows. Learn to fly, or  swim faster, paddle back up that creek harder, run faster, go, go, and go, or sustain minor life-threatening injuries. It's all a little like writing, isn't it? Write more, write better, write faster, take on new challenges. It is what it is. We write and dream,  dream and write. Short stories, articles, one-liners, commercials, screenplays, novellas, novels, plays, and even poetry. Poetry!   Dreams in prose;  rhythm, rhyme, iambic pentameters to soothe the soul.  Maybe  the joke's on you, it could be a Shakespearean sonnet or a simple limerick. A written trick. A slight of words.  New challenges. A fistful of invisible syllables....maybe a one-time three-liner. Haiku. Make it even more complicated, go for Tanka.  Have you ever tried Tanka?  As an aside, there's an upcoming competition at Mandy'sPages.  Amanda's setting it up, complete with instructions. How to write a five-liner. Tanka is a quintain, it's good to work the writing brain. . See? That rhymed. See how simple poetry  is?   We guess not shall undoubtedly find out otherwise. It's pretty easy to get side-tracked isn't it?  The writing life. Writing more, better, and faster. Creating. There we go. Wow.  A book.   Published. Elation. The Fires of WaterlandThe pages don't even fall out.  Yes, that's  an achievement.  Book signing, publicity, and voila, -- as another local author related to me. "Now you're a book salesman" He smiles knowingly. He's been there, done that.   It's the writing life. New challenges. I'll try Tanka too. It doesn't even have to rhyme. What good fortune. It has to stimulate the senses instead.  Images, even smells. Go figure. New challenges.  I'm up to it. How about you? #   Is that Incoming I hear? +  FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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