©2014 Raymond Alexander Kukkee

Winter Sunrise ©2013 by r.a. kukkee
The Climate-Change Conundrum
I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me we have been fed more than enough lies, deception and denials about climate change. We're interested, open-minded, and we try to keep up and stay informed to enable reasonable conclusions. We weigh facts,excuses,
lies, crap and creative discussions. One thing is clear. Extreme weather change is obvious, but acid reflux continues to flow unabated from political and corporate lobbyists and
climate-change liars and deniers. Common sense evaporates.
"Let's pretend political ideology is responsible for bad weather"
Dreamland suburbia. Neighbourhoods shredded by tornadoes, homes flooded to the rooftops. Disasters. Nations shattered, seemingly irreparably by extreme 'events', earthquakes, Mother Nature's best. She is clearly becoming increasingly testy with our blatant stupidity and foolishness, yet politicians, lobbyists, liars and deniers brazenly continue to explain away reckless agendas of exploitation and destruction.
There must be a more intelligent explanation for disasters than political orientation and partisan ego, but ask "average Joe' who somehow confirms
the agenda of the "other" political party or ideology is responsible for the destruction, mayhem, or environmental disaster. We jest .
Perhaps not.
"Is it really global warming?" You ask naively. "
Oh, no,"
smartass wise lobbyists, climate-change liars and deniers offer; profusely, deviously, incredulously, "
that's not warming, 'they' have done studies, it's proven". Profiteering corporations "do studies" to promote, 'prove the safety of ' and enable their agenda, but let's not go
not today.
Today we're watching
everyone play games. Alas, even political liars and corporate CEO's will have to breathe deeply in in choking smog and bring themselves up to speed with reality. That's worth repeating
, 'bring themselves up to speed with reality.' Gasping for air does that.
Deluded Liars and Deniers
Politicians, lobbyists, liars and deniers, apparently, do not require food in la-la-land. Devastation and floods are encouraged to miss homes of partisan liars and deniers.
A tradition. Flood waters part where there's a BMW, and "tornadoes go round and round" the house of The Three Little Pigs. Cute. In la-la land, that is. No kidding. Get real.
The Coffee Shop
But let's not inject climate panic into favourite coffee-shops. Behind the counter the apocalypse is
only "tree-hugger coffee-talk" — tornadoes in coffee mugs, you get the drift. Real issues are disguised like a grandé latté with plastic foam on top, expensive ideological whitewash camouflaged with
pre-purchased political decisions gleaned from official
corporate reports.
We the 'ordinary', passively entertained, get real coffee,
double-double. We are supposed to
believe LL&D rhetoric, and unbelievably, we are encouraged to
want to
believe it. Logic suggests we pick and choose. We`re encouraged to disbelieve "scientific fact or base-line scientific data that our leaders have
stupidly and arrogantly dismissed like a stale doughnut. We
, the Timmy's crowd, after all, know stale doughnuts.
The Harper government ignores historical, scientific baseline data at their convenience, eliminating meaningful comparative data. They gut environmental legislation. Never mind that. The government wants YOU to believe "shiny new, modern scientific data" gathered from operating sites by corporation should be used to enable, unnoticed, "wise puppet policy" recommended by endless corporate reports printed on shiny paper. Uh, huh..quite a cool show, isn't it?
Loyal readers and thinkers may ask why would average Canadian coffee-drinkers concern themselves? After all, " hamburger jobs" are created and the economy is "under control".
Yes, we are controlled by 'the wise', manipulators, the political, the 'corporateaucracy', the elite, the rich, the profiteers, the exploiters. The
corporateaucracy controls everything including pulling the strings of their political puppets.
We, the ordinary, are —on a 'need to know' basis. We get it. Gag the scientists, the real ones —and offer lies from partisan politicians, paid lobbyists, liars and deniers instead.
"Oh, yes," we whisper at Timmy's. " the elite and rich know, that makes them qualified to run everything to a state of disaster."
Really? No.
There is no alternative world to live in after "the wise" destroy this one.
Yes. Average global temperatures swing wildly, and centuries-old glaciers are melting; the Arctic is melting, unprecedented weather events proliferate, carbon dioxide levels are higher than they have been in 800,000 years. All are proven, scientific fact, yet are labeled partisan rhetoric, Houdini magic science, and scare tactics.
Coffee-shop people need oxygen to breathe, clean water to drink, and food to eat, do we not? —or is that just another scare tactic
to be ignored at the clever advice of devious lunatics?
Liars and Deniers Persist
No matter; partisan or not, every human being on earth is playing catch up with reality which approaches quickly. We're told to vote for a profiteering corporateaucracy.
Stubborn egotistic leaders insist we must be satisfied with hamburger jobs and silently allow international corporations trillions upon trillions in profits as they exploit finite resources, destroying the environment we need to survive.
"Cars in China now produce oxygen?" "Contaminated, condemned oil lands now produce food?" "Oil spills are good for the economy"? The liars and deniers keep at it.
We laugh raucously. Lobbyists, c
limate-change liars and deniers passionately dismiss
humanity itself. They are the partisan ''wise".
Something is amiss in the coffee-shop. We can do better. Yes, that we agree on, we need a refill.
What do YOU think? Have you had enough of the reckless corporate agenda, destruction of the environment for profit, political puppets, and climate-change liars and deniers?
Is that Incoming I hear?
©2014 all rights reserved

Post Views: 239
although eventful weather has made the headlines worldwide, let me first offer my gratitude for a beautiful week..now, the schizophrenic public has lent their right ear to loud deniers and the left ear to lame laws.– a significant middle crust has absorbed the obvious facts about human role in the spoiling of air-water-and land..
anyone who owns a conscience will respond to appeals for the return to sensible use of all the above; aim for self-sufficiency–lose the energy hogs–scale down home and appliance size, eat locally, grow locally, and buy locally.
just a few steps to rein in the self control. mindful living can be so satisfying and yes, energizing, why run through life in a hurry to waste it all? will one more trip to the corner store in a huge pick-up truck make a person happy? will new apps and gadgets mold a smart mind? character is drowning in fear and speed to destruction..it is so easy to savor the small changes necessary to opt for less..one at a time.
have a clear day and a restful night..the sun will energize the rest of us and the wind will empower us as well. ns
hi Nadine, you are SO right on with your comments. I’m guessing there are people who realize what is going on and try to make better choices. As for the rest of them..there is such foolishness going on now–it’s almost like willful stupidity, those making the worst possible choices on purpose. That significant crust in between is dough to be molded. Hopefully it will be shaped properly before it is baked hard as a rock. “Why waste it all? is the most relevant question this century.
To the rest of us, my friend, you offered a significant point offering hope: ” the sun will energize the rest of us, and the wind will empower us”
Thank you for commenting, I do hope your wonderful writing is proceeding as it must. ~R
Well, those people in the coffee shops would be best to start really discussing seriously what they can do to help the climate, and to make sure the politicians are doing their jobs to help the environment. The seasons getting more and more extreme and I, for one, am scared for the generations to come. Thanks for your unique voice that rises above to educate others. Keep writing, Ray!
Yes, Christyb, thank you, but I’m afraid it will take more than just a few rising voices–the greed and corruption and lack of ethics are so ingrained in an insatiable trend. As we face more severe and catastrophic events those that have ignored the obvious will come to realize the error of their ways–perhaps the hard way. It may be too late, -but that’s the way it is with humanity. We can continue to hope the pen is mightier than the sword and keep on writing to encourage Thank you,Christyb “:) ~R