Category Archives: Children’s Literature

Review: Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol

©2014 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee  

Nadine Sellers reviews  Morgidoo's Christmas Carol  

Guess what? Another review of Morgidoo's Christmas Carol turned up.  Wonderful! Some book  reviews are like  magic. The stuff wishful authors dream of and hope for, —a  review by a critical reader who really gets the story, tunes in to the intent and vision  of the author, and is able to translate that interpretation into beautiful words.  This review by Nadine Sellers easily meets that difficult challenge. You'll see what I mean. [caption id="attachment_2358" align="aligncenter" width="584"]Morgidoo's Christmas Carol   cover Artwork in Print Morgidoo's Christmas Carol          Cover by Rocking Horse Publishing[/caption]

A review of Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol

 by Nadine Sellers

The title itself evokes hints of fun that ring the inner bells of seasonal cheer. “Morgidoo, Morgidoo!” Soon family pets will be named after the book, and traditions will reach new smiles. Boys and bells will shout and ding across the land in unison.

No sooner has the eye reached across the end of the first paragraph that the classic rhythm has begun to sink into the storytelling voice. It combines a visible and palpable feel and should be read aloud. It is a postcard of Christmas past in a landscape of need and continuity which draws the reader behind picturesque descriptions.

One can imagine silent and beatific children listening to someone reading it in a library, a living-room, anywhere warm and inviting. Even a park bench may become a theater of rituals with whetted expectations as adults savor the rich traditions of these timeless words.

Artful holiday scenes illustrate this well crafted original. The book’s cover design is a delicate glossy rendition of the main character in this saga; a great silver bell adorned with a quiet red bow. The background photographed over sheer lacy soft gray hues, a suitable décor to grace any holiday table. Morgidoo remains the central being in this sad and sweet tale, of course!

The town of Twixley, and representatives of communal extensions is beset by all ills and wellness within sounding distance of the bell. The village of Blister and snowscapes of imaginary land prompt emotions and memories as people move along their season’s gains and losses, across centuries. George Blister, a timid old bell ringer, and youthful Morgidoo, offer a steady moral compass as they search for the source of sound and warmth.

When negativity and speed have corroded the foundation of social perception, a return ticket to the slow lane is welcome. Thanks to author R.A. Kukkee, the view is cheerful, the sound is true, and these characters prance about the page with enthusiasm enough to convince the reader that bells, like the Great Silver Bell, herald renewed hope.


Have you read Morgidoo's Christmas Carol? It truly is a family  classic for all ages, a book to be read for the enjoyment of the quest, the search, and just the tiniest bit of magic and imagination...

Is that Incoming I hear?

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