A-Z Challenge: H is for Hazard

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Model of General Lee

-Model of General Lee

  H is for Hazard. Beware.  That sounds dangerous, doesn't it?  Down right hazardous.  Have you negotiated and overcome a difficulty today? Have you saved your skin from unmitigated danger,  or have you tripped over a hazard, fallen in a snowbank,  filled your shoes with icy water, surrendered and  succumbed? Have you crashed into a self-made hazard,  made a quantum error in lifestyle, a mistake, for example, shunning  healthy vegetables, and instead, ate nothing but sweets and   processed, nutrient-free food?  Have you finally tripped over your tongue, a devious hazard in itself, whilst attempting to be suave, dignified and elegant?  Slipped on a banana-skin while trying to impress the future mother-in-law, inadvertently creating a new potential  hazard in your life? Have you driven into the neighbor's garbage can?

What is a hazard?

A hazard is merely an unexpected and perhaps dangerous impediment, object, set of circumstances, or event. Plan for the unexpected. Be aware. Keep the eyes open. Plan escape routes and plan for contingencies. Jump fences, ditches and old cop cars.  Boldly defeat and avoid hazards.   Like the good old boys in the television series, the Dukes of Hazzard.   Oops, no pun intended.. An extra Z' --that's one of the hazards of life isn't it?  A writer can certainly trip over an extra 'z'That's why H is for hazard. Hey, that could be fun. Let's see if we can fool old Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane and jump a few hazards of our own. . Is that Incoming I hear?   Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

About Raymond Alexander Kukkee

A published author and freelance writing professional, Raymond lives and writes in Northwestern Ontario.
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10 Responses to A-Z Challenge: H is for Hazard

  1. Ida Chiavaro says:

    Just tried icy water in shoes for the first time last week, I took them off and ran back to the house, I thought I was being clever, barefoot in the snow… ouch

  2. I think we often form our own hazards in our minds, because we have fear of taking risks and failing. I hope to keep moving forward and push any hazards out of the way! I like that you talk about Dukes of Hazard – I remember that show!!

    • I believe you’re right, Christyb, we do create our own roadblocks and hazards -often in the mind. Funny, the Dukes of Hazzard were great at solving obstacles and hazards placed in their way in that old show,,, justice and the spirit to win survives every hazard…”:)

  3. buddhakat says:

    Good H post, Raymond… yes, I lucked out today… I went out wearing the self same shoes that last year caused me to slip and slide plunk down on cement on my tailbone…
    I can still feel it!!
    No slipping and sliding today, but I guess it’s just not time for open toed shoes, just yet…
    and I hate the ones we create for ourselves without even realizing it – creating self-sabotage 101…


  4. Red Dwyer says:

    My #1 hazard is all the hazards my children have no idea are hazards. Oh, and the occasional fire.

  5. Ouch, Janet, one must take care this time of year, there is often ice under the snow–I guess we find out the hard way at times. Stay safe, spring will come sooner or later if we survive that long…. “:)

  6. Sherry Ellis says:

    You have to watch out for those hazards! I’m doing the A-Z challenge on my gardening blog. Nice to connect with you here!

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